Israel Complains to UN about Hezbollah Maneuvers

Israeli soldiers leave after an operation near the West Bank village of Bilin, near Ramallah October 22, 2013. (Reuters)
Israeli soldiers leave after an operation near the West Bank village of Bilin, near Ramallah October 22, 2013. (Reuters)

Israel Complains to UN about Hezbollah Maneuvers

Israeli soldiers leave after an operation near the West Bank village of Bilin, near Ramallah October 22, 2013. (Reuters)
Israeli soldiers leave after an operation near the West Bank village of Bilin, near Ramallah October 22, 2013. (Reuters)

Israel submitted an official complaint against Hezbollah to the UN Security Council regarding the recent military maneuvers conducted by the party .

Meanwhile, the Israeli Army launched an exceptionally large multifront military drill across the country to face any threat by Iran or its proxies in Lebanon, Syria and the Gaza Strip.

In the complaint also addressed to Secretary General Antonio Gueterres, the Permanent Representative of Israel to the UN, Gilad Erdan, said on Thursday that 700 Hezbollah fighters participated in the Lebanese party’s maneuvers that used live ammunition and were openly held in southern Lebanon near the border with Israel.

“The maneuvers dealt with anti-Israel scenarios, including infiltration into Israeli territory and the kidnapping of Israeli soldiers or citizens,” the Israeli diplomat said.

In the complaint, Erdan considered these maneuvers a flagrant violation of Security Council Resolutions 1701 and 1559.

Israel demands the Lebanese government to impose state sovereignty over its territory, and prevent Hezbollah from turning Lebanon into a terrorist base, he said.

The Israeli diplomat then called on the Security Council to strongly condemn Iran and Hezbollah for their role in destabilizing the region, and said that “Israel will take all necessary measures to protect its citizens and its sovereignty.”

On Monday, Israel began a multifront air, sea, land and cyber drill that includes simulated Israeli strikes inside Iran as well as a surprise Israeli attack on Hezbollah and its power centers.

CENTCOM commander Gen. Michael Kurilla, along with the Israeli Army Chief of Staff, Lt. Gen. Herzi Halevi, attended the first three days of the two-week long Israeli drill.

Israeli troops from the standing and reserve army, from nearly all units, would participate in the exercise — dubbed Firm Hand.

The forces will practice handling challenges and sudden events, simultaneously on multiple fronts including in Lebanon, Syria, the Gaza Strip and the West Bank.

An Israeli Army spokesperson said the forces involve the Israel Air Force, Navy, ground force, and units active on the electromagnetic spectrum and in the cyber arena.

But he said the exercise will focus on the northern borders, led by Northern Command’s 91st “Galilee” Division, responsible for defending against Hezbollah from Lebanon, and the 36th Ga’ash (Golan) Armored Division, which is responsible for the Syrian border.

The first week of the drill tests these divisions’ ability to deal with attacks from the northern front, he said.


Italy Plans to Return Ambassador to Syria to Reflect New Diplomatic Developments, Minister Says

Italy's Foreign Minister Antonio Tajani speaks while meeting with members of the G7, on July 11, 2024, during the NATO summit in Washington. (AP)
Italy's Foreign Minister Antonio Tajani speaks while meeting with members of the G7, on July 11, 2024, during the NATO summit in Washington. (AP)

Italy Plans to Return Ambassador to Syria to Reflect New Diplomatic Developments, Minister Says

Italy's Foreign Minister Antonio Tajani speaks while meeting with members of the G7, on July 11, 2024, during the NATO summit in Washington. (AP)
Italy's Foreign Minister Antonio Tajani speaks while meeting with members of the G7, on July 11, 2024, during the NATO summit in Washington. (AP)

Italy plans to send an ambassador back to Syria after a decade-long absence, the country’s foreign minister said, in a diplomatic move that could spark divisions among European Union allies.

Foreign Minister Antonio Tajani, speaking in front of relevant parliamentary committees Thursday, announced Rome’s intention to re-establish diplomatic ties with Syria to prevent Russia from monopolizing diplomatic efforts in the Middle Eastern country.

Moscow is considered a key supporter of Syrian President Bashar Assad, who has remained in power despite widespread Western isolation and civilian casualties since the start of Syria’s civil war in March 2011.

Peaceful protests against the Assad government — part of the so-called “Arab Spring” popular uprisings that spread across some of the Middle East — were met by a brutal crackdown, and the uprising quickly spiraled into a full-blown civil war.

The conflict was further complicated by the intervention of foreign forces on all sides and a rising militancy, first by al-Qaida-linked groups and then the ISIS group until its defeat on the battlefield in 2019.

The war, which has killed nearly half a million people and displaced half the country’s pre-war population of 23 million, is now largely frozen, despite ongoing low-level fighting.

The country is effectively carved up into areas controlled by the Damascus-based government of Assad, various opposition groups and Syrian Kurdish forces.

In the early days of the conflict, many Western and Arab countries cut off relations with Syria, including Italy, which has since managed Syria-related diplomacy through its embassy in Beirut.

However, since Assad has regained control over most of the territory, neighboring Arab countries have gradually restored relations, with the most symbolically significant move coming last year when Syria was re-admitted to the Arab League.

Tajani said Thursday the EU’s policy in Syria should be adapted to the “development of the situation,” adding that Italy has received support from Austria, Croatia, Greece, the Czech Republic, Slovenia, Cyprus and Slovakia.

However, the US and allied countries in Europe have largely continued to hold firm in their stance against Assad’s government, due to concerns over human rights violations.