World News Insights: Opinion Articles

Iranian President-elect Masoud Pezeshkian seems to have a more harmonious relationship with the ruling establishment than his reformist and moderate predecessors, even better than former President Sheikh Hassan Rouhani and his team, who came under a lot of pressures, especially in foreign policy. …

Mustafa Fahs

Barring another surprise “event” the coming US presidential showdown is likely to be a duel between former President Donald Trump and Vice-President Kamala Harris. That duel, if it goes through, will include a number of new features. Harris is only the second woman to reach the last round in a US…

Amir Taheri

Nothing illustrates the crisis that Hezbollah finds itself in better than the series of speeches that its secretary-general gave during Ashoura. His voice became so long that his vocal cords were impacted. Nasrallah, who had in the past threatened suffering, destruction, and doom if the Israeli…

Huda al-Husseini

On August 26, 1789, exactly 42 days after the day Bastille had been stormed, which was considered the day the French Revolution won, the Constituent Assembly in Paris issued what came to be known as the Declaration of the Rights of Man and of the Citizen. Inspired by the values of the Enlightenment…

Hazem Saghieh

If American movies and series are associated with thrills and excitement, American presidential elections are no less thrilling and exciting. The difference between the two is that the thrills of the former are fictional, created by the suspense of stories. The thrills of American elections, on the…

Jumah Boukleb

The 20th Central Committee of the Communist Party of China convened its third plenary session in Beijing from July 15 to 18, 2024. The plenary session made systematic planning and arrangements for further comprehensively deepening reform and drew a new grand blueprint of Chinese modernization…

Chang Hua

The implications of the recent drone strike on Tel Aviv that the Houthi militia in Yemen claimed responsibility for go far beyond the immediate material damage it caused. Justifying this first-of-its-kind attack on Tel Aviv as the result of a human error in assessing the threat level of the Houthi…

Nadim Koteich

Those with better insights about former US President Donald Trump’s personal considerations, as well the Republican Party factions on the rise, can determine whether the Republicans are at an “ideological” crossroads... or not. Many, including myself, who do not claim to have privileged information…

Eyad Abu Shakra

All of this is happening for the first time. Israel has been waging a multi-front war for ten months, a war it does not have the capacity to decide. Lebanese Hezbollah has been waging a "support war" for ten months, and it claims this war will only end once the Israeli assault on Gaza stops. A…

Ghassan Charbel

The scene before us is extremely fluid. From Washington to Gaza, and from Tehran to Ukraine, we find signs that, unless everyone wakes up to the gravity of these ongoing shifts, a dangerous moment of madness is imminent. Take the divisions in the United States and the Democratic Party, for example…

Tariq Al-Homayed

Complex questions occupy the minds of the Sudanese. Those are not only related to when the war will stop, but also to how it will end, through which kind of agreements, and to the fate of the two warring sides. Will they return as if nothing had happened, sharing power, wealth and influence...? …

Faisal Mohamed Saleh

According to the Iranian constitution, the transition period is to last fifty days, and this stipulation was applied to the letter. There was no delay; fifty days after President Ebrahim Raisi's passing, Masoud Pezeshkian was elected Iran’s new president. Meanwhile, Lebanon has not elected a new…

Mustafa Fahs