Amir Taheri

Amir Taheri
Amir Taheri was the executive editor-in-chief of the daily Kayhan in Iran from 1972 to 1979. He has worked at or written for innumerable publications, published eleven books, and has been a columnist for Asharq Al-Awsat since 1987

Germany’s Five Shaky Pillars

“Make Germany Great Again!” It was with this slogan that Friedrich Merz emerged as the main victor in last Sunday’s general election in Germany. Sounds familiar? To be exact, the man who is set to become Germany’s next Chancellor borrowed the phrase made popular by Donald Trump in the United…

Iran: To Talk or Not to Talk, That is the Question

With the Trump administration sending conflicting signals about its intentions on dealing with Iran, the Iranian leadership is once again divided on how to respond. One faction is trying to paint a grim picture in which the US will give Israel enough support to inflict a heavy defeat on Iran to…

Iran: Gravy Train to Africa

Imagine that you have between $3 to $5 billion to spend on seeking and securing clients for your product in a variety of markets, Not bad, eh? But what happens when events beyond your ken suddenly close those markets to you? One solution is to try and develop new products capable of making…

Iran: Fear and Braggadocio

After weeks of speculation about "Supreme Guide" Ali Khamenei's strategy for dealing with the new Trump administration in Washington, it seems that he has opted for a cocktail of tantalizing pledges and boastful threats. Tehran circles sum the posture up with a simple formula advanced by Foreign…

Is a ‘Trump in Tehran’ Operetta Possible?

"Trump in Tehran!" This is the name of an operetta imagined by some American advocates of Realpolitik calling themselves Council on Foreign Relations rather than the sobriquet that G.K. Chesterton would have suggested: The Club of Queer Trades. The “Real” part of the English-German cliché is…

Trump and the West European Malaise

Four years ago, when Donald J Trump failed to win a second term as President of the United States many in the globalist elites initially assumed that they had seen the back of him. A few saw him as a mischievous spirit like the Ridgeway Ghost of Wisconsin destined to fade away in time. Last…

Is Global South Going South?

Always anxious to portray the Islamic Republic in a world leadership position, the official media in Tehran have been trumpeting a 3-day visit by President Masoud Pezeshkian to Doshanbeh and Moscow as a “significant strengthening of the global south.” You might wonder what “global south” is all…

Iran: Fitting Pieces of the Wrong-existent Puzzle

As they prepare to leave office, some members of the Biden administration are penning op-eds and making speeches to advise the incoming Trump team on a range of issues. The gist of their message is simple: Do what we tried to do but failed! One such issue is the perennial headache that Tehran has…

The New Middle East: The Elephant in the Room

As the new year begins, think tanks and policy circles start buzzing with ideas about “the future” of Lebanon, Syria, Palestine, Yemen, in short, the Middle East. Some futurologists prefer to talk of a “new Middle East” made possible by the “liberation” of Syria, the near annihilation of Hamas and…

2024: The Pendulum Swings in a New Direction

As 2024 draws to a close, one thing is certain across the globe: the pendulum of history is swinging away from the direction it had taken since the 1990s. For almost three decades, it had swung towards what one might call soft left in its latest epiphanies as globalism, political correctness and…