Eyad Abu Shakra

Reaganite America… Is Struggling With the Post-Trumpian Era

Those with better insights about former US President Donald Trump’s personal considerations, as well the Republican Party factions on the rise, can determine whether the Republicans are at an “ideological” crossroads... or not. Many, including myself, who do not claim to have privileged information…

All of Us Are Entitled to an Opinion About the Race to the White House

If the President of the United States were not a leader who has an impact on all our lives, the physical and mental health of President Joe Biden would not have drawn all the attention it has received, nor would we have heard all this noise or comments. This reminds me of 1982, when Israeli…

British Elections... The Facts Behind The Figures

Thanks to improvements in statistics and polling, the electoral outcome aligned with projections. The British Labor Party won the elections handily yesterday, ending 14 consecutive years of Conservative Party rule. The outcome of the early elections called for by Rishi Sunak, the outgoing Prime…

To Our Teachers in the West: What’s the Next Lesson You Want to Give Us?

One of the finest comments I read about the presidential debate between US President Joe Biden and former President Donald Trump was a tweet that said: "Watching Trump and Biden is like following the final years of the Roman Empire!" This is an eloquent tweet. Indeed, the United States rose to…

Amid Looming War, Lebanon Lacks Optimism over Int’l, US Warnings

News from Lebanon indicates a daily shift towards a more grim and pessimistic outlook. Despite claiming to oppose this trend, many parties seem to be sliding further into worsening conditions, like sleepwalkers heading towards disaster. UN Secretary-General Antonio Guterres warned days ago that …

Concerning the Situation in Lebanon… ‘It’s Demography, Stupid’

In general, it is easy to use a "demographic bomb" to destroy fragile entities like Lebanon. Despite having been around for over 100 years now, the country lacks a national consensus and coherent identity to this day. Lebanon has no ceilings or walls to protect it from regional storms and upheaval…

Celebrating the 80th Anniversary of Nazism’s ‘Departure’ but it’s Coming Back! 

Last week, a significant number of world leaders, mostly European, and with them US President Joe Biden, came together on the northern coast of France to celebrate the 80th anniversary of the historic Normandy landings. As history books have taught us, these landings marked the beginning of the end…

Trumpism Is Stronger Than Judicial Verdicts and Democratic Norms

It is said that in 1897, the great American satirical writer, Mark Twain, famously remarked that "the reports of my death have been greatly exaggerated," after reading his own obituary in a newspaper. This applies to Donald Trump today, after the former - and possibly future - US President, was…

Who Has Priority in Lebanon... a President or a Republic?

Amid the persistent confusion in the Lebanese political situation, some local parties continue to suggest that deciding on a president is the desired solution. However, electing the president does not mean much and the republic is eroding and dissolving day after day. Undoubtedly, the election…

The Limits of the Biden-Netanyahu ‘Dispute’... Above the Rubble of Rafah

I am still uncertain about the implications of US President Joe Biden’s decision to suspend “advanced weapons” to Israel in response to the defiance of Benjamin Netanyahu and his “war cabinet,” who have ignored Washington’s “requests” that they refrain from invading the city of Rafah. Frankly, I am…