Nadim Koteich

The Houthis in Tel Aviv

The implications of the recent drone strike on Tel Aviv that the Houthi militia in Yemen claimed responsibility for go far beyond the immediate material damage it caused. Justifying this first-of-its-kind attack on Tel Aviv as the result of a human error in assessing the threat level of the Houthi…

The Message of the Funeral

The condolences that the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia and the United Arab Emirates extended to Iran following the death of its president, Ebrahim Raisi have not gone unnoticed. The attendance of both countries’ foreign ministers at the funeral, following the helicopter crash that killed Raisi, reflects…

Are Netanyahu and Hamas Perpetuating and Deepening the Conflict?

Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu’s war in Gaza lacks a clear long-term political plan. That is evident from his recent suggestion that Arab countries help a Palestinian civilian government run Gaza after the war. Outside the framework of perpetuating the conflict without ending it…

Khaled Meshaal… Is Neither The First Nor The Last

Instead of seeking more blood in Gaza and giving up on his pursuit of an illusional victory by raising the number of Palestinian casualties, Khaled Meshaal, the head of the Hamas's office in the diaspora, wants to expand the scope of war and death. In a video recording, Meshaal addressed his …

Two Middle Easts: Famine and Artificial Intelligence

We have always been faced with, at the very least, two Middle Easts. While political and social disparities in the region are longstanding, they are particularly astonishing today, and the growing chasm between the opposite sides of the binary marks a turning point. It now feels like we are living…

Palestine’s Friends… and Its Enemies?

This question is asked with every wave of violence between Israelis and Palestinians. And here it is now, imposing itself on Palestinians and Arabs once again in light of the war that has been raging in Gaza since October 7, 2023, the most destructive in the history of this conflict. Humanitarian…

Is War Between Lebanon and Israel Inevitable?

The chasm separating Israel and Hezbollah’s assessments regarding the future of warfare in the region is widening in an alarming manner. Hezbollah has tied the cessation of hostilities in South Lebanon to a ceasefire in Gaza, reflecting the "unity of arenas" approach that the axis of Iran and…

Netanyahu’s Thinking

Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu's strategic plan for post-war Gaza did not break with expectations. Put briefly, the plan is essentially to impose Israeli military control over Gaza indefinitely and hand governance to the families and clans of the Strip, as well as figures with no ties to…

Why Did Putin Praise Biden?

Breaking with the rhetoric we are accustomed to hearing from him, Russian President Vladimir Putin surprisingly said that he prefers US President Joe Biden over former President Donald Trump. He said that his American counterpart is more predictable than Trump, and that Biden follows an old-school…

American Retaliation That Serves Iran

If the Americans had been following Iran’s advice on how to respond to the attacks of "Hezbollah in Iraq" on the US "Tower 22" base that killed three soldiers in Jordan, its response would not have suited the Iranians any better. While targeting Iranian proxies in Syria and Iraq in the way the US…