Ghassan Charbel

Ghassan Charbel
Editor-in-Chief of Asharq Al-Awsat newspaper

‘Planes, Planes, Planes’ 

It was a pleasant night in Beirut. The seaside cafes were full late into the night. The city has a habit of concealing its wounds and disappointments, to challenges death and the rubble, and to convince the visitor that bright days are ahead despite the challenges. We used to count the losses and…

Iran, the ‘Painful Scenes’ and Decisive Moment 

The veteran politician said the latest American strikes against Houthi positions may be the last from the Donald Trump administration to Iran before the decisive moment arrives for its nuclear program. He said the region may be headed towards a major crisis should the Iranian supreme leader fail in…

A Just Syria Is Best for All of its Segments

Anyone in Beirut observing the developments unfolding in Syria will be gripped by fear. It is very dangerous to try to turn back the hands of time. The collapse of Bashar al-Assad's regime was a major shock that surprised his allies and opponents alike. In Syria, some refuse to believe that the…

The Tsar’s Night

He rubbed his eyes, as if doubting what he saw. The scene was unbelievable—stunning, unexpected. Luck had never been this generous to him. He asked the guard for a big amount of ice and a bottle worthy of an unprecedented celebration. The guard hesitated—his master was not one to drink. He was an…

Lebanon and a Lifetime of Assassinations 

A journalist can occasionally be plagued by a certain subject during their career. It seems I have been cursed with the issue of assassinations. I was very close to danger during one assassination and was on the other line of the phone when one figure was assassinated. Add to that that…

The American Fog and Iranian Year 

The diplomat is familiar with Washington and its hallways where decisions are made. He used to visit at the beginning of presidential terms and return with as many answers and expectations as possible to report to his superiors. This time, however, he found himself confronted with a difficult…

America and Sizes after the Earthquake

This is America. The world’s most powerful economy. The master of sea and skies. The land of prestigious universities, inventors, innovators and pioneers of the technological and digital revolution. It is capable of striking any target in the global village. It can listen to what you are whispering…

Sharaa and the Saudi Date

Syrian interim President Ahmed al-Sharaa's choice of Saudi Arabia as the destination of his first foreign visit aimed to deliver blunt messages inside Syria and beyond. This isn’t only about Saudi Arabia being an economic and political heavyweight on the Arab, Islamic and international levels, but…

Beirut and a Visitor Called ‘Hope’ 

Lebanon boasts a reputation in the Arab world that its years of deep crises have not erased. An Arab politician and friend telephoned me a few days ago to express his delight with how Lebanon is making its way back to its sons and supporters after long painful years. My friend had in recent years…

Trump is Back, Please Fasten Your Seatbelts

This day is unlike any other. It will leave its mark on America and the world. Neither the country nor the man at its center is ordinary. The scene is dramatic, violent, dazzling, and impactful. As America celebrates the inauguration of Donald Trump, the world must remain glued to its screens. No…