Ethiopia Again Rejects AL’s Intervention in GERD Crisis

Handshake between Egyptian President Abdel Fattah al-Sisi and Ethiopian Prime Minister Abiy Ahmed at the summit of the New Global Finance Pact held in Paris (Egyptian eXtra News Channel)
Handshake between Egyptian President Abdel Fattah al-Sisi and Ethiopian Prime Minister Abiy Ahmed at the summit of the New Global Finance Pact held in Paris (Egyptian eXtra News Channel)

Ethiopia Again Rejects AL’s Intervention in GERD Crisis

Handshake between Egyptian President Abdel Fattah al-Sisi and Ethiopian Prime Minister Abiy Ahmed at the summit of the New Global Finance Pact held in Paris (Egyptian eXtra News Channel)
Handshake between Egyptian President Abdel Fattah al-Sisi and Ethiopian Prime Minister Abiy Ahmed at the summit of the New Global Finance Pact held in Paris (Egyptian eXtra News Channel)

Ethiopian Foreign Minister Demeke Mekonnen renewed his country’s rejection of any Arab League intervention in the Grand Ethiopian Renaissance Dam (GERD) crisis between Ethiopia and the downstream countries, Egypt and Sudan.

The position comes as Addis Ababa prepares to launch the fourth controversial filling of its mega-dam reservoir on the Blue Nile during the rainy season in July and August.

Meanwhile, an unexpected handshake and exchange of smiles between Egyptian President Abdel Fattah al-Sisi and Ethiopian Prime Minister Abiy Ahmed was witnessed Thursday at the summit of the New Global Financing Pact held in Paris.

This encounter took place despite the ongoing crisis between the two countries regarding the GERD dam.

On Thursday, Mekonnen rejected what he described as “unconstructive and unjustified interference” of the Arab League in the Renaissance dam file. The details of filling the dam were agreed among the experts of the three countries, he said, and that Ethiopia worked to address the concerns of Egypt and Sudan.

His comments echoed a similar position delivered by Addis Ababa in response to the Jeddah Declaration, in which the Arab League stated its support for the water safety of downstream countries.

Last month, the Declaration called for refraining from any unilateral steps that harm Egypt and Sudan's water interests.

In response, the Ethiopian Foreign Ministry criticized the statement of the Arab summit saying it was part of Egypt’s efforts to put pressure on Addis Ababa and is an insult to the African Union and member states.

Egypt responded, at that time, by affirming its position calling for “reaching a firm agreement regarding filling and operating the Ethiopian dam.”

Last month, Egyptian Foreign Minister Sameh Shoukry said Egypt depended throughout its history on the Nile river, and 65 percent of Egyptians work in the agricultural sector.

He also said that the African Union had undoubtedly neither succeeded in making Addis Ababa change its position nor had it recourse to similar experiences of transboundary rivers.

Meanwhile, former assistant to Egyptian Foreign Minister, Ambassador Rakha Ahmed Hassan, said the recent Ethiopian statements echo Addis Ababa’s continued intransigence.

He told Asharq Al-Awsat that the statements confirm that Ethiopia has no intention or desire to reach an agreement with Egypt and Sudan.

Ethiopia is thwarting the Declaration of Principles signed in March 2015, as Addis Ababa did not provide any socio-economic and environmental impact studies of the dam on downstream countries, he said.

Dr Samir Ghattas, head of Middle East Forum for Strategic Studies agreed with Ahmed Hassan. He said the recent Ethiopian statements reveal that Addis Ababa rejects binding international arbitration as a dispute settlement modality for any GERD deal.

Ghattas told Asharq Al-Awsat that Ethiopia also rejects a technical agreement on the filling of the GERD's reservoir.

“Ethiopia is using the current circumstances which placed Egypt alone in the negotiation path as Sudan is busy with the ongoing war,” he said, adding that Addis Ababa also benefits from the presence of the African Union headquarters on its soil, and therefore continues to reject all negotiations.

“There must be a method other than complaining. We have three decisive months, during which Ethiopia will implement the fourth filling of the dam,” Ghattas warned, adding that negotiations have reached a dead end.

He then affirmed that Egypt has no choice but to return to the Security Council and seek the support of the Arab countries and the European Union for the position of the two downstream countries.

Israeli Drone Strike along Lebanon-Syria Border Kills Syrian Businessman Close to the Govt

 Vehicles drive along a road, on the day of the parliamentary elections, in Damascus, Syria July 15, 2024. (Reuters)
Vehicles drive along a road, on the day of the parliamentary elections, in Damascus, Syria July 15, 2024. (Reuters)

Israeli Drone Strike along Lebanon-Syria Border Kills Syrian Businessman Close to the Govt

 Vehicles drive along a road, on the day of the parliamentary elections, in Damascus, Syria July 15, 2024. (Reuters)
Vehicles drive along a road, on the day of the parliamentary elections, in Damascus, Syria July 15, 2024. (Reuters)

An Israeli drone strike on a car Monday near the Lebanon-Syria border killed a prominent Syrian businessman who was sanctioned by the United States and had close ties to the government of Syrian President Bashar Assad, according to pro-government media and an official from an Iran-backed group.

Mohammed Baraa Katerji was killed when a drone strike hit his car near the area of Saboura, a few kilometers or miles inside Syria after apparently crossing from Lebanon. Israel's air force has carried out hundreds of airstrikes in recent years, mainly targeting members of Iran-backed groups and Syria's military. But it has been rare to hit personalities from within the government.

The strike also came as Israel and Lebanon's Iran-backed Hezbollah party have been exchanging fire on an almost daily basis since early October, after the start of the Israel-Hamas war.

An official from an Iran-backed group said that Katerji was killed instantly while in his SUV on the highway linking Lebanon with Syria. The official spoke on condition of anonymity because he wasn't authorized to speak to the media.

The pro-government Al-Watan daily quoted unnamed “sources” as saying that Katerji, 48, was killed in a “Zionist drone strike on his car.” It gave no further details.

Rami Abdurrahman, who heads the Britain-based opposition war monitor Syrian Observatory for Human Rights, said that Katerji was killed while in a car with Lebanese license plates, adding that he was apparently targeted because he used to fund the “Syrian resistance” against Israel in the Golan Heights, as well as his links to Iran-backed groups in Syria.

Israel, which has vowed to stop Iranian entrenchment in its northern neighbor, has carried out hundreds of strikes on targets in government-controlled parts of Syria in recent years, but it rarely acknowledges them.

The US Department of the Treasury’s Office of Foreign Assets Control, or OFAC, sanctioned Katerji in 2018 as Assad’s middleman to trade oil with the ISIS group and for facilitating weapons shipments from Iraq to Syria.

The US Treasury declined Associated Press requests for comment. The sanctions imposed on Katerji were authorized under an Obama-era executive order issued in 2011 that prohibits certain transactions with Syria. A search of the OFAC database indicates that the sanctions were still in effect against Katerji and his firm at the time of his death.

OFAC said in 2018 that Katerji was responsible for import and export activities in Syria and assisted with transporting weapons and ammunition under the pretext of importing and exporting food items. These shipments were overseen by the US designated Syrian General Intelligence Directorate, according to OFAC.

It added that the Syria-based Katerji Company is a trucking company that has also shipped weapons from Iraq to Syria. Additionally, in a 2016 trade deal between the government of Syria and ISIS, the Katerji Company was identified as the exclusive agent for providing supplies to ISIS-controlled areas, including oil and other commodities.

Katerji and his brother, Hussam — widely referred to in Syria as the “Katerji brothers” — got involved in oil business a few years after the country’s conflict began in March 2011. Hussam Katerji is a former member of Syria's parliament.