UN Experts: Israeli Ground Operations in Jenin May Constitute War Crime

Palestinian woman walks on damaged road in Jenin refugee camp in West Bank, Wednesday, July 5 2023 - AP
Palestinian woman walks on damaged road in Jenin refugee camp in West Bank, Wednesday, July 5 2023 - AP

UN Experts: Israeli Ground Operations in Jenin May Constitute War Crime

Palestinian woman walks on damaged road in Jenin refugee camp in West Bank, Wednesday, July 5 2023 - AP
Palestinian woman walks on damaged road in Jenin refugee camp in West Bank, Wednesday, July 5 2023 - AP

UN experts said that Israeli air strikes and ground operations in the occupied West Bank targeting the Jenin Refugee camp may constitute a war crime.

“Israeli forces’ operations in the occupied West Bank, killing and seriously injuring the occupied population, destroying their homes and infrastructure, and arbitrarily displacing thousands, amount to egregious violations of international law and standards on the use of force and may constitute a war crime,” the experts said, OHCHR reported.

“The attacks were the fiercest in the West Bank since the destruction of the Jenin camp in 2002,” the UN experts noted.

They highlighted multiple reports about ambulances being prevented from accessing Jenin Refugee Camp to evacuate the wounded, hampering their access to medical assistance.

Around 4,000 Palestinians reportedly fled the Jenin Refugee Camp overnight on Monday and Tuesday after the deadly air strikes.

“It is heart-breaking to see thousands of Palestinian refugees originally displaced since 1947-1949, forced to march out of the camp in abject fear at the dead of night,” the experts said.

Denouncing so-called “counter terrorism” operations by Israeli forces, the experts said the attacks found no justification under international law.

“The attacks constitute collective punishment of the Palestinian population, who have been labelled a “collective security threat” in the eyes of Israeli authorities,” they said.

They also expressed grave concern about military weaponry and tactics deployed by Israel’s occupation forces at least twice over the last two weeks against Jenin’s population.

“The Palestinians in the occupied Palestinian territory are protected persons under international law, guaranteed of all human rights including the presumption of innocence,” the experts said.

“They cannot be treated as a collective security threat by the occupying Power, all the more while it advances the annexation of occupied Palestinian land, and displacement and dispossession of its Palestinian residents.”

The experts said Israel’s operations in Jenin were amplifications of the structural violence that has permeated the occupied Palestinian territory for decades.

“The impunity that Israel has enjoyed for its acts of violence over decades, only fuel and intensify the recurring cycle of violence,” they said, according to OHCHR.

The UN experts called for Israel to be held accountable under international law for its illegal occupation and violent acts to perpetuate it.

“For this relentless violence to end, Israel’s illegal occupation must end. It cannot be corrected or improved in the margins, because it is wrong to the core,” they said.

Russia Asks Iranian Militias to Leave Vicinity of Syria’s Deir Ezzor Military Airport

The “National Defense” militia evacuates its headquarters in al-Mayadeen. (Deir Ezzor 24)
The “National Defense” militia evacuates its headquarters in al-Mayadeen. (Deir Ezzor 24)

Russia Asks Iranian Militias to Leave Vicinity of Syria’s Deir Ezzor Military Airport

The “National Defense” militia evacuates its headquarters in al-Mayadeen. (Deir Ezzor 24)
The “National Defense” militia evacuates its headquarters in al-Mayadeen. (Deir Ezzor 24)

Russia has asked the Iranian Revolutionary Guards Corps (IRGC) to demand from its militias to leave their headquarters that are located in the vicinity of the Deir Ezzor military airport, as well as other areas in Deir Ezzor city in Syria’s east.

The representative of Russian forces deployed in Syria met with an IRGC representative in Deir Ezzor on Friday to make the demand, said local media sources.

According to the Deir Ezzor 24 outlet, the Russian general called on the IRGC to empty all Iranian positions located near the airport and other significant buildings nearby.

Days earlier, Damascus, with Russian backing, had reined in the activities of the Iran- and Hezbollah-aligned militias to avoid any Israeli strikes.

Local sources in Deir Ezzor told Asharq Al-Awsat that Damascus’ orders have shaken the “trust” between the Iranian and Lebanese militia leaders with the Syrian members of these militias. The leaderships have since ordered raids on homes of members believed to have leaked security information to foes.

Israel has been striking Hezbollah positions throughout Lebanon during its war against the country and Damascus fears Tel Aviv could expand its campaign to Syrian territories. Israel already carries out attacks against Iranian locations in Syria in an attempt to prevent Tehran’s entrenchment.

Separately, the sources said relations have grown strained between Hezbollah’s Lebanese members and Syrian government forces. They revealed that quarrels have broken out between Hezbollah members, tasked with transferring displaced Lebanese families to Iraq through Deir Ezzor, with government forces manning checkpoints.

The Hezbollah members believe that Damascus has “let them down” amid a growing hostility towards Iran among even civilians who support Iran.

People who have habitually supported Iran have grown fed up with its presence and the institutions it set up with the aim of creating a supportive cultural and educational foundation for it in Deir Ezzor.

Moreover, over 20 members of a pro-IRGC militia in the Alboukamal region fled towards regions held by the Syrian Democratic Forces, said the Nahr Media network on Friday.

They fled because they feared being targeted in an Israeli strike, it explained.

In Alboukamal, the network said the so-called “Iranian security office” raided an Iranian militia building, arresting one of its members on charges of leaking information to “hostile parties.”