Lebanon: Prison Sentence Against Dima Sadek Denounced

Journalist Dima Sadek
Journalist Dima Sadek

Lebanon: Prison Sentence Against Dima Sadek Denounced

Journalist Dima Sadek
Journalist Dima Sadek

A prison sentence issued against prominent journalist Dima Sadek had drawn condemnation in Lebanon.

Sadek was sentenced to a year in prison by a Beirut judge, after the head of the Free Patriotic Movement, MP Gebran Bassil, accused her of defamation and slander. The journalist, who plans to appeal, was also ordered to pay a fine of LBP110 million.

Bassil filed his lawsuit in 2020 after Sadek described FPM supporters as “Nazi-like” and racist after an attack, in the coastal town of Jounieh, on two men from the northern city of Tripoli.

The news of the verdict was widely denounced on social media.

Parliament’s Media and Communications Committee called on the judiciary to “seek justice and integrity without favoritism or politicization.”

The Syndicate of Lebanese Press Editors issued a statement, expressing its absolute rejection of the deprivation of freedom of any journalist, who committed a publishing violation, whether in print, audio or electronic means.

The head of the syndicate, Joseph Al-Qusaifi, told Asharq Al-Awsat: “The Court of Appeal must look at this issue from a different angle, so that it has two options: either dismiss the case or refer it to the Penal Code.”

For his part, lawyer, human rights activist and former deputy, Ghassan Mokheiber, considered that what happened with Sadek was a “precedent.”

“It is a precedent, yes, because even with crimes of slander and defamation, the courts issued financial fines, even if the law permitted imprisonment,” he said,

“There is a long and ongoing dispute over the competence of the ordinary criminal courts and the publications court. There is also a controversy on how to apply rulings related to writings through social media and all opinion crimes,” he added.

International Call Made for Sudanese Army, RSF to Hold Indirect Negotiations

Sudanese people fled Sennar towards the city of Gadarif (AFP)
Sudanese people fled Sennar towards the city of Gadarif (AFP)

International Call Made for Sudanese Army, RSF to Hold Indirect Negotiations

Sudanese people fled Sennar towards the city of Gadarif (AFP)
Sudanese people fled Sennar towards the city of Gadarif (AFP)

Sudan’s Rapid Support Forces (RSF) announced its initial consent to an invitation by the United Nations to hold indirect talks with the Sudanese army over the humanitarian situation in the country.

The negotiations are expected to take place next week in Geneva, but the army made no statement on the matter.

A member of the RSF negotiating team told Asharq Al-Awsat that the forces welcomed the invitation of UN Special Envoy Ramtane Lamamra to hold a series of indirect discussions over the humanitarian conditions in the country.

The official, who spoke on condition of anonymity, stressed that the RSF “accepted, in principle, any call that aims to alleviate the sufferings of the Sudanese people,” without taking into account statements made by Army Commander Abdel Fattah al-Burhan about his rejection to talks that would lead to ending the war.

Speaking on Tuesday in a military air base, Al-Burhan said that his army would not succumb to any blackmail through negotiations that put its authority and will at stake and do not meet the people’s aspirations.

Last week, the UN called on the Sudanese army and the RSF to hold indirect talks, to review the means to facilitate the access of aid to the war-stricken population and protect civilians.

Lamamra addressed a letter to Burhan, on June 26, in which he proposed sending a high-raking delegation to Geneva on July 10 to start discussions with the RSF, under UN auspices.

His step comes in line with UN Security Council Resolution 2736, which “calls on the parties to the conflict to allow and facilitate the rapid, safe, unhindered and sustained passage of humanitarian relief for civilians in need.”