Algeria: Israel Backing Morocco Over Western Sahara a 'Flagrant Violation' of International Law

Prime Minister Ayman bin Abdul Rahman - AAWSAT AR
Prime Minister Ayman bin Abdul Rahman - AAWSAT AR

Algeria: Israel Backing Morocco Over Western Sahara a 'Flagrant Violation' of International Law

Prime Minister Ayman bin Abdul Rahman - AAWSAT AR
Prime Minister Ayman bin Abdul Rahman - AAWSAT AR

Algeria on Thursday denounced Israel's backing of Morocco's "claimed sovereignty" over the disputed Western Sahara region as a "flagrant violation" of international law.

On Monday, the royal cabinet in Rabat said Israel had decided to "recognize Morocco's sovereignty" over the mineral-rich desert region, citing a letter from Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu.

The decision "constitutes a flagrant violation of international law, UN Security Council decisions and General Assembly resolutions on the Western Sahara question", the foreign ministry in Algiers said in a statement.

It "shows agreement between the occupiers' policies and their complicity in violating international law", and encroaches upon the "legitimate right of the Palestinian people to establish their independent state with Jerusalem as its capital and of the Sahrawi people to self-determination".

The dispute dates back to 1975, when colonial ruler Spain withdrew from the territory, sparking a 15-year war between Morocco and the Polisario which seeks the territory's independence.

Rabat controls nearly 80 percent of Western Sahara and sees the entire region, home to abundant phosphates and fisheries, as its sovereign territory.

The Polisario continues to demand a UN-supervised referendum on self-determination, which was agreed in a 1991 ceasefire accord but has still not taken place.

On Wednesday, the Polisario slammed Israel's decision as "null and void" and said it would "only reinforce the determination of the Sahrawi people to pursue their national struggle on several fronts".

IOM: More Than 10 Million People Displaced by Sudan War

Families sit beneath clotheslines as they await meals provided through a charity initiative at a displacement camp in Gedaref city in the east of war-torn Sudan on July 13, 2024. (Photo by AFP)
Families sit beneath clotheslines as they await meals provided through a charity initiative at a displacement camp in Gedaref city in the east of war-torn Sudan on July 13, 2024. (Photo by AFP)

IOM: More Than 10 Million People Displaced by Sudan War

Families sit beneath clotheslines as they await meals provided through a charity initiative at a displacement camp in Gedaref city in the east of war-torn Sudan on July 13, 2024. (Photo by AFP)
Families sit beneath clotheslines as they await meals provided through a charity initiative at a displacement camp in Gedaref city in the east of war-torn Sudan on July 13, 2024. (Photo by AFP)

More than 10 million Sudanese, or 20% of the population, have been driven from their homes since the war there began, the International Organization for Migration (IOM) said on Tuesday, as the world's largest displacement crisis continues to worsen.
The number is the latest dire figure out of the east African country, devastated by a conflict that began in April 2023. The war has left half the population of about 50 million facing a hunger crisis and in need of humanitarian aid, the most of any country.
More than 2.2 million people have fled to other countries since the war began, while almost 7.8 million sought refuge inside the country, the IOM said in a bimonthly report. An additional 2.8 million people were already displaced by previous conflicts in the country.
"All refugees I met said the reason why they fled Sudan was hunger," said World Health Organization country director Dr. Shible Sahbani to reporters after visiting refugees from Darfur, the source of half of the displaced population, in Chad.
"A woman who just reached Adré reported that all food they used to produce locally in Darfur was taken by the fighters," he added.
Many displaced are now in Gedaref state, which hosts 668,000 people who face heavy rains with limited shelter, and where RSF units have staged incursions.