LNA Denies Haftar Seeking to Allow Russia to Set up Military Base in Libya

LNA commander Khalifa Haftar is seen with Russian Deputy Defense Minister Yunus-bek Yevkurov during the former’s visit to Russia in September. (AFP)
LNA commander Khalifa Haftar is seen with Russian Deputy Defense Minister Yunus-bek Yevkurov during the former’s visit to Russia in September. (AFP)

LNA Denies Haftar Seeking to Allow Russia to Set up Military Base in Libya

LNA commander Khalifa Haftar is seen with Russian Deputy Defense Minister Yunus-bek Yevkurov during the former’s visit to Russia in September. (AFP)
LNA commander Khalifa Haftar is seen with Russian Deputy Defense Minister Yunus-bek Yevkurov during the former’s visit to Russia in September. (AFP)

An informed source in the Libyan National Army (LNA), commanded by Khalifa Haftar, denied to Asharq Al-Awsat that the military was planning on reaching an agreement with Russia to allow it to set up a military base in the country.

Bloomberg had reported that Russia was seeking to strike a defense agreement between Russian President Vladimir Putin and Haftar when the latter visited Moscow in September.

It quoted sources as saying that Haftar "was looking for air-defense systems to protect him against rival forces in Tripoli, who have been backed by Türkiye's military."

"He also wants training for his air force pilots and special forces," they said. "In return, a handful of air bases currently occupied by Wagner paramilitaries will be upgraded to host Russian forces."

"Russian warships may also get permanent docking rights at a Libyan port, most likely Tobruk, located just a few hundred kilometers across the Mediterranean from Greece and Italy, according to other people with knowledge of the talks," reported Bloomberg.

A week before his talks with Putin, Haftar met with commander of US forces in Africa General Michael Langley and current US special envoy to Libya Richard Norland. They pressed him to remove foreign forces from Libya.

A military source close to Haftar told Asharq Al-Awsat that the army was "playing its role in protecting Libya from foreign occupation."

Speaking on condition of anonymity, it stressed that the military cooperation agreements with Russia don’t include granting it any facilitations to set up military bases.

"Such misleading reports are aimed at diverting attention from foreign military presence in the country," it added, referring to Turkish and American forces at the Mitiga base in Tripoli and in the al-Watiya base, as well as Italian and British forces at the Misrata air base.

Haftar did not comment on the reports during his meeting on Monday with a delegation of elders and tribal leaders at his headquarters in the eastern city of Benghazi.

French Court Upholds Warrant for Syria’s Assad over Chemical Weapons

Syrian activist and member of the Syrian Center for Media and Freedom Expression (SCM) Mazen Darwish (C) flanked by his lawyers speaks to members of the media after the Paris Court of Appeal's decision to confirm that a head of state, and in this case, Syrian President Bashar al-Assad, can be prosecuted for crimes, in Paris, France, 26 June 2024. (EPA)
Syrian activist and member of the Syrian Center for Media and Freedom Expression (SCM) Mazen Darwish (C) flanked by his lawyers speaks to members of the media after the Paris Court of Appeal's decision to confirm that a head of state, and in this case, Syrian President Bashar al-Assad, can be prosecuted for crimes, in Paris, France, 26 June 2024. (EPA)

French Court Upholds Warrant for Syria’s Assad over Chemical Weapons

Syrian activist and member of the Syrian Center for Media and Freedom Expression (SCM) Mazen Darwish (C) flanked by his lawyers speaks to members of the media after the Paris Court of Appeal's decision to confirm that a head of state, and in this case, Syrian President Bashar al-Assad, can be prosecuted for crimes, in Paris, France, 26 June 2024. (EPA)
Syrian activist and member of the Syrian Center for Media and Freedom Expression (SCM) Mazen Darwish (C) flanked by his lawyers speaks to members of the media after the Paris Court of Appeal's decision to confirm that a head of state, and in this case, Syrian President Bashar al-Assad, can be prosecuted for crimes, in Paris, France, 26 June 2024. (EPA)

An arrest warrant issued for Syrian President Bashar al-Assad over the use of banned chemical weapons against civilians was upheld by a Paris court on Wednesday, one of the lawyers who lodged the initial case said.

The warrant issued by French judges in November 2023 refers to charges of complicity in crimes against humanity and complicity in war crimes, followed a French investigation into chemical attacks in Douma and the district of Eastern Ghouta in August 2013, attacks which killed more than 1,000 people.

Prosecutors, who would be responsible for asking the police to enact the warrant, had challenged its validity, arguing that, as a sitting head of state, Assad was immune from trial and prosecution in France.

"Today is a very special day and this is a historic victory, not only for the Syrian victims, but for all the victims around the world," said Mazen Darwish, head of the Syrian Center for Media & Freedom of the Press.

"The court’s decision confirms what we have always said – that when the issue concerns crimes against humanity, war crimes, and the use of chemical weapons, immunity should never be relied upon."

Assad's government has denied using chemical weapons against its opponents in the civil war, which broke out in March 2011. Syrian authorities did not immediately reply to a request for comment on Wednesday's Court of Appeal ruling.

Arrest warrants for sitting heads of state are rare because they generally have immunity from prosecution.

However, international law has exceptions to that immunity when a head of state is accused of war crimes and crimes against humanity or genocide. France is among the countries that allows the filing of crimes against humanity cases in its courts.

"This decision makes clear that international rules on immunity cannot be synonymous with impunity, particularly for the most serious international crimes," Steve Kostas, senior legal officer at Open Society Justice initiative, said in reaction to the verdict.