Thousands Flee as Battle for Sudan's Wad Madani Opens up New Front

A Chadian army officer reacts as Chadian cart owners transport belongings of Sudanese people who fled the conflict in Sudan's Darfur region, while crossing the border between Sudan and Chad, in Adre, Chad August 4, 2023. (Reuters)
A Chadian army officer reacts as Chadian cart owners transport belongings of Sudanese people who fled the conflict in Sudan's Darfur region, while crossing the border between Sudan and Chad, in Adre, Chad August 4, 2023. (Reuters)

Thousands Flee as Battle for Sudan's Wad Madani Opens up New Front

A Chadian army officer reacts as Chadian cart owners transport belongings of Sudanese people who fled the conflict in Sudan's Darfur region, while crossing the border between Sudan and Chad, in Adre, Chad August 4, 2023. (Reuters)
A Chadian army officer reacts as Chadian cart owners transport belongings of Sudanese people who fled the conflict in Sudan's Darfur region, while crossing the border between Sudan and Chad, in Adre, Chad August 4, 2023. (Reuters)

Sudan's paramilitary Rapid Support Forces battled the army outside the central city of Wad Madani on Saturday, pressing an attack that has opened a new front in the eight-month-old war and forced thousands to flee, witnesses said.

Crowds of people - many of whom had taken refuge in the city from violence in the capital Khartoum - could be seen packing up belongings and leaving on foot in video posted on social media.

"The war has followed us to Madani so I am looking for a bus so me and my family can flee," 45-year-old Ahmed Salih told Reuters by phone.

"We are living in hell and there is no one to help us." He said he planned to head south to Sennar.

Sudan's army, which has held the city since the start of the conflict, launched air strikes on RSF forces to the east of the city, the capital of Gezira state, as it tried to push back the assault that started on Friday, witnesses said.

The RSF responded with artillery and RSF reinforcements were seen moving in the direction of the fighting, the witnesses added.

RSF soldiers have also been seen in villages to the north and west of the city in recent days and weeks, residents said.

The United Nations said 14,000 people had fled the area so far, and a few thousand had already reached other cities. Half a million people had sought refuge in Gezira, mainly from Khartoum.

The Sudanese Doctors Union warned in a statement that hospitals in the area, which had become a humanitarian and medical hub, were emptying out and could be forced to shut.

It also said that more than 340 children and staff relocated from the Maygoma orphanage in Khartoum were in need of urgent help relocating.

The US State Department called on the RSF to cease its advance in Gezira State immediately and to refrain from attacking Wad Medani. It also urged the Sudanese Armed Forces (SAF) to avoid clashes with the RSF and other actions endangering civilians.

It said there were "troubling reports" indicating that elite RSF units had travelled to reinforce attacks in the direction of Wad Medani, threatening civilians "in a manner inconsistent with RSF’s stated claims that it is fighting to protect Sudan’s people." The State Department statement said a continued RSF advance risked mass civilian casualties and significant disruption of humanitarian assistance efforts.

In a statement, the US ambassador to the UN, Linda Thomas-Greenfield, said that "perpetrators of terror will be held accountable."

The fighting has raised fears for other army-held cities in southern and eastern Sudan where tens of thousands of people have been sheltering.

The army and RSF last week cast doubt on an East African mediation initiative aimed at ending a war that has triggered the largest internal displacement in the world and warnings of famine-like conditions.

In Khartoum and cities in Darfur that the RSF has already taken, residents have reported rapes, looting and arbitrary killing and detention. The group is also accused of ethnic killings in West Darfur.

The RSF has denied those accusations and said anyone in its forces found to be involved in such crimes would be held accountable.

On another front, activists reported fresh clashes after weeks of relative calm around the city of El Fasher, the capital of North Darfur state.

RSF forces surrounding that city had earlier stopped their advance there after other armed groups said they would get involved.

Residents also reported heavy strikes by the army in Nyala, South Darfur, and in Bahri, one of the cities that make up the wider national capital with Khartoum.

While the army has not made a statement on the fighting in Wad Madani, Sudan's foreign ministry branded the RSF as terrorists for a "declared attack on a number of safe villages and neighbourhoods [in the] east of Gezira state which are devoid of military targets".

The war between the RSF and the Sudanese army broke out in April after disputes over a transition to democracy and integration of the two forces.

Libya Preparing to Restart Oil Output as Central Bank Crisis Eases

A view of the Central Bank of Libya in Tripoli, Libya, August 26, 2024. (Reuters)
A view of the Central Bank of Libya in Tripoli, Libya, August 26, 2024. (Reuters)

Libya Preparing to Restart Oil Output as Central Bank Crisis Eases

A view of the Central Bank of Libya in Tripoli, Libya, August 26, 2024. (Reuters)
A view of the Central Bank of Libya in Tripoli, Libya, August 26, 2024. (Reuters)

Libya was preparing to restart oil production that has been shut since late of August after an agreement on a new head of the central bank was reached, two oilfield engineers told Reuters on Tuesday.

"We are now waiting for orders from the Corporation (the state oil firm) to resume production at its normal levels after a month-long stoppage," said an engineer from the Jalu 59 oilfield.

An engineer from the El-Feel oilfield said they took advantage of the almost one-month closure to carry out maintenance.

National production and export operations were stopped in August when the parallel government in eastern Libya declared the closure of oil facilities in a protest of the ousting of veteran Central Bank of Libya (CBL) governor Sadiq Kabir by the Presidential Council in Tripoli.

A new CBL governor, Naji Mohamed Issa Belgasem, and his deputy, Mari Muftah Rahil Barrasi were approved on Monday by the two legislative bodies; the east-based House of Representatives in Benghazi and High State Council in Tripoli.

Belgasem and Barrasi took an oath before parliament on Tuesday during a televised session.

Libya's National Oil Corporation said on Aug. 28 that oil production had dropped by more than half of typical levels. It has not made public any new production figures since then.

Libya's oil output has been disrupted repeatedly in the chaotic decade since the country divided in 2014 between two administrations in its east and west following the NATO-backed uprising that toppled Moammar al-Gaddafi in 2011.