Algeria, Germany Discuss Anti-Terrorism Means in Sahel Region

Jasper Wieck, Political Director and Foreign and Security Policy Advisor to the German Defense Ministry hold talks with security officials in Algeria (Algerian Defense Ministry)
Jasper Wieck, Political Director and Foreign and Security Policy Advisor to the German Defense Ministry hold talks with security officials in Algeria (Algerian Defense Ministry)

Algeria, Germany Discuss Anti-Terrorism Means in Sahel Region

Jasper Wieck, Political Director and Foreign and Security Policy Advisor to the German Defense Ministry hold talks with security officials in Algeria (Algerian Defense Ministry)
Jasper Wieck, Political Director and Foreign and Security Policy Advisor to the German Defense Ministry hold talks with security officials in Algeria (Algerian Defense Ministry)

A high-ranking German ministerial delegation discusses in Algiers the threats of terrorism and violent extremism in the Sahel region in light of significant security developments in Mali and Niger.
Headed by Jasper Wieck, Political Director and Foreign and Security Policy Advisor to the German Defense Ministry, the delegation left Algeria on Thursday after a meeting with the African Center for the Study and Research on Terrorism (ACSRT).
On its social media account, ACSRT posted photos of the meeting held between its director Idriss Mounir Lalalli, Wieck, and members of the two delegations.
It noted that members of the African Union-affiliated Center discussed with the German mission the recent threats posed by violent extremism and terrorism in Africa, especially in the Sahel region, and the measures taken by the AU to counter them.
Earlier this week, the German official held high-level meetings at the Algerian defense and foreign ministries. According to Algerian diplomatic sources, the delegation discussed security and defense issues in the region, particularly in light of the escalation of conflict in Mali and the entry of the pro-Russian Wagner militia on the front line in the north between the military regime and the Azawad opposition groups.
Also, Wieck held talks at the Defense Ministry with General Saïd Chanegriha, chief of People's National Army Staff.
The General reiterated his army’s will to consolidate military cooperation with the German partner and to include it in a new dynamic capable of achieving the objectives set out by the two parties, according to a statement issued by the Defense Ministry.
“I would like to emphasize that the German federation remains a quality partner for Algeria with which we strive to strengthen our bilateral relations. To this end, we reiterate our firm desire to further consolidate our military cooperation and to place it in a new dynamic capable of achieving the objectives set out by our two institutions,” Chanegriha said.
According to the ministry statement, the two parties also discussed the security challenges prevailing in the world, particularly in the Mediterranean Basin and on the African continent, and exchanged views on current issues.
In Algiers, Wieck later met with the Secretary General of the Foreign Ministry, Lounes Magramane.
The talks highlighted the excellent political relations between the countries and their common willingness to boost multifaceted bilateral cooperation.
According to the Foreign Ministry, the two officials also discussed international and regional issues of common interest, particularly the situation in the Sahel region.
Magramane focused on the efforts made by Algeria to preserve peace and stability in the region. He also listed the priorities Algeria will defend during its term as a non-member of the UN Security Council.

Barzani in Baghdad for ‘Decisive Settlement’ after ‘Exceptional Welcome'

Baghdad shows great interest in Barzani’s visit (government media)
Baghdad shows great interest in Barzani’s visit (government media)

Barzani in Baghdad for ‘Decisive Settlement’ after ‘Exceptional Welcome'

Baghdad shows great interest in Barzani’s visit (government media)
Baghdad shows great interest in Barzani’s visit (government media)

The Iraqi government and the Coordination Framework parties welcomed the head of the Kurdistan Democratic Party, Masoud Barzani, with an exceptional reception, as shown in photos published by official websites.
Barzani arrived in Baghdad, ending a 6-year rupture imposed by the deep disputes between Erbil and the federal government, over a wide range of fundamental matters.
At the beginning of his visit, Barzani met with Prime Minister Mohammad al-Sudani, before holding talks with a large number of officials and leaders of political parties and blocs.
“My visit to Baghdad aims to strengthen the efforts made by the Prime Minister which led to a real breakthrough between the federal government and the region,” he said during his meeting with Sudani and other Iraqi officials.
He pointed to “constructive” dialogue and “identical views” regarding internal and regional issues.
For his part, Sudani emphasized the importance of Barzani’s visit to Baghdad.
“We held a constructive and purposeful dialogue on various internal issues and regional developments,” he stated.
Barzani also met with the head of the Judicial Council. A press statement said the two officials “discussed important legal and judicial files related to developing the work of the judiciary in the Kurdistan region.”
Later on Wednesday, the Iraqi prime minister threw a banquet in honor of Barzani, a government statement said. Footage published by government media showed the presence of prominent leaders in the Coordination Framework, including Nouri al-Maliki and Ammar al-Hakim.
For its part, the Coordination Framework welcomed Barzani’s visit. Coalition member Ayed Al-Hilali said that the leader of the Kurdistan Democratic Party came to Baghdad carrying “many solutions,” local media reported.
“Barzani’s visit at this time is very important for resolving the outstanding problems between Baghdad and Erbil... and for bringing viewpoints closer on many disputed issues,” he remarked.
Relations between Baghdad and Erbil have witnessed relative improvement since May, when the Federal Court overturned a previous ruling to abolish the “quota” for minorities in the regional parliament elections and paved the way for the return of the Kurdistan Democratic Party to the electoral race.
Meanwhile, the media advisor to the leader of the Democratic Party, Kifah Mahmoud, stressed that the relationship between Erbil and Baghdad was never interrupted, as mutual visits between the two sides took place throughout this period.
However, he told Asharq Al-Awsat: “The relationship was marred by serious complications that reached their peak after Baghdad used the armed forces in the political conflict with the region, as happened in the invasion of Kirkuk and the rest of the disputed areas in 2017.”
Mahmoud agreed that Barzani’s visit would constitute a “decisive settlement” by the Kurdish leader with the political officials in Baghdad, and would pave the way for addressing outstanding problems regarding the Nineveh Provincial Council, regional elections and security conditions.