Airstrike Kills 3 Palestinians in Southern Gaza as Israel Presses Offensive under New Scrutiny

 Palestinians arrive in the southern Gaza town of Rafah after fleeing an Israeli ground and air offensive in the nearby city of Khan Younis on Friday, Jan. 26, 2024. (AP)
Palestinians arrive in the southern Gaza town of Rafah after fleeing an Israeli ground and air offensive in the nearby city of Khan Younis on Friday, Jan. 26, 2024. (AP)

Airstrike Kills 3 Palestinians in Southern Gaza as Israel Presses Offensive under New Scrutiny

 Palestinians arrive in the southern Gaza town of Rafah after fleeing an Israeli ground and air offensive in the nearby city of Khan Younis on Friday, Jan. 26, 2024. (AP)
Palestinians arrive in the southern Gaza town of Rafah after fleeing an Israeli ground and air offensive in the nearby city of Khan Younis on Friday, Jan. 26, 2024. (AP)

Witnesses said three Palestinians were killed Saturday in an airstrike that Israel's military said was targeting a Hamas commander in southern Gaza, less than a day after the International Court of Justice ordered Israel to do all it could to prevent death, destruction and any acts of genocide in the besieged territory.

Israel's military will be under increasing scrutiny now that the top United Nations court has asked Israel for a compliance report in a month. The court's binding ruling stopped short of ordering a ceasefire, but its orders were in part a rebuke of Israel's conduct in its nearly four-month war against Gaza's Hamas rulers.

The UN agency for Palestinian refugees, the main organization aiding Gaza’s population amid the humanitarian disaster, saw more countries suspend its funding following allegations that a number of Gaza staff members participated in the Oct. 7 Hamas attack that sparked the war. Britain, Italy and Finland joined the United States, Australia and Canada in placing aid to the agency, known by its acronym UNRWA, on hold.

The Israel-Hamas war has killed more than 26,000 Palestinians, according to local health officials, destroyed vast swaths of Gaza and displaced nearly 85% of the territory's population of 2.3 million people. The Hamas attack in southern Israel killed about 1,200 people, mostly civilians, and about 250 hostages were taken.

At least 174 Palestinians were killed over the past day, the Health Ministry in Gaza said. The ministry does not distinguish between combatants and civilians in its tolls, but has said about two-thirds are women and children.

Israel holds Hamas responsible for civilian casualties, saying the militants embed themselves in the local population. Israel says its air and ground offensive in Gaza has killed more than 9,000 militants.

The Israeli military said it had conducted several "targeted raids on terror targets" in the southern city of Khan Younis and that the airstrike in the city of Rafah targeted a Hamas commander.

Bilal al-Siksik said his wife, a son and a daughter were killed in the early morning strike, which came as they slept. He said Friday's ruling from the UN court meant little since it did not stop the war.

"No one can speak in front of them (Israel). America with all its greatness and strength can do nothing," he said, standing beside the rubble and twisted metal of his home.

Rafah and the surrounding areas are crammed with more than 1 million people after Israel’s military ordered civilians to seek refuge there from the fighting. Designated evacuation areas have repeatedly come under airstrikes, with Israel saying it would go after militants as needed.

The World Health Organization and the medical charity MSF issued urgent warnings about the largest health facility in Khan Younis, Nasser Hospital, saying remaining staff could barely function with supplies running out and intense fighting nearby.

WHO footage showed people in the crowded facility being treated on blood-smeared floors as frantic loved ones shouted and jostled. Cats scavenged on a mound of medical waste.

"Our patients or the cases we receive are suffering severe burns and pain, and they are in desperate need of painkillers," Dr. Muhammad Harara said. "We are lacking everything, and these are the only painkillers left we have. If you want to count them, they are only for maybe five or four patients."

Gaza residents expressed dismay that the UN court did not order an immediate end to the fighting. The case brought by South Africa alleged Israel is committing genocide against the Palestinian territory’s people, a charge Israel vehemently denies. The interim orders did not address the genocide allegations, and a final ruling is expected to take years.

In addition to ruling that Israel must refrain from harming or killing Palestinian civilians while doing all it can to prevent genocide, the court ordered Israel to urgently get basic aid to Gaza.

The UN and partners have said aid entering the territory remains well below the daily average of 500 trucks before the war, and that access to central and northern Gaza has been decreasing because of "excessive delays" at checkpoints and heightened military activity.

UNRWA did not immediately comment on how operations would be affected by key countries suspending funding, or on details of the allegations against its staffers. The agency, which says it relies almost entirely on countries' contributions, has sheltered hundreds of thousands of people during the war and helped to provide medical care.

In Muwasi, a narrow coastal strip once designated by Israel as a safe zone but also struck in recent days, displaced Palestinians tiptoed on sandaled feet through garbage-lined puddles in damp and chilly weather. Women shook sand from blankets. Walls of sheets and tarps billowed in the wind. A mother wept after rain leaked in and soaked mattresses and blankets.

"This is our life. We have nothing and we left (our homes) with nothing," said Bassam Bolbol, whose family ended up in Muwasi after leaving Khan Younis and finding no shelter in Rafah.

Frustration with the uncertainty grows. As thousands of Gazans fled the fighting in Khan Younis toward Muwasi, Israel shared video showing a crowd appearing to call for bringing down Hamas.

The United States, Israel’s closest ally, has increasingly called for restraint and for more humanitarian aid to be allowed into Gaza while supporting the offensive.

US President Joe Biden spoke with his Egyptian and Qatari counterparts Friday ahead of a trip by his CIA director that is intended to seek progress toward a deal to secure the release of more of the dozens of hostages who remain captive in Gaza in exchange for a pause in the fighting.

More than 100 hostages were released in a swap for Palestinian prisoners during a week-long ceasefire in November. An unspecified number of the remaining 136 hostages are believed to be dead.

CIA Director Bill Burns will meet in Europe with the head of the intelligence agencies of Israel and Egypt and with the prime minister of Qatar, according to three people familiar with the matter who insisted on anonymity to discuss the sensitive talks.

Hamas has said it will only release the hostages in exchange for an end to the war and the release of large numbers of Palestinian prisoners held by Israel.

Uncertainty Surrounds Fate of Burhan-Hemedti Meeting in Kampala

General Abdel Fattah al-Burhan, leader of the Sudanese army, and Rapid Support Forces chief Mohamed Hamdan Dagalo (File Photo)
General Abdel Fattah al-Burhan, leader of the Sudanese army, and Rapid Support Forces chief Mohamed Hamdan Dagalo (File Photo)

Uncertainty Surrounds Fate of Burhan-Hemedti Meeting in Kampala

General Abdel Fattah al-Burhan, leader of the Sudanese army, and Rapid Support Forces chief Mohamed Hamdan Dagalo (File Photo)
General Abdel Fattah al-Burhan, leader of the Sudanese army, and Rapid Support Forces chief Mohamed Hamdan Dagalo (File Photo)

Sudanese politicians expect an imminent meeting between the Sudanese army and the Rapid Support Forces (RSF) in Kampala in response to an African Union (AU) Peace and Security Council decision and an invitation from a committee led by Ugandan President Yoweri Museveni and African regional leaders.

The meeting aims to unite General Abdel Fattah al-Burhan of the army and General Mohamed Hamdan Dagalo, known as “Hemedti,” of the RSF.

There’s been silence from army leaders despite the announcement over a week ago, suggesting a division within the army between those wanting to end the war and those preferring its continuation, reportedly with support from militant Islamist factions.

The AU Peace and Security Council decision on June 21 established a committee chaired by Ugandan President Yoweri Museveni to facilitate direct communication between Sudanese army leaders and the RSF.

Despite over a week passing since the AU’s decision, the Sudanese army and interim government have not responded, maintaining their usual silence in such situations.

Political analyst and lawyer Hatem Elias told Asharq Al-Awsat that “there appears to be a divergence between political and military decisions within the army, influenced significantly by Islamist factions.”

“Accepting Museveni’s invitation could potentially lead to a confrontation with these factions,” warned Elias.

Elias suggested that the silence might be due to “concerns within the army leadership about a risky clash with Islamist elements.”

Moreover, the army rejects AU initiatives, citing Sudan’s suspended membership.

Museveni’s initiative isn't the first African attempt to reconcile Sudan’s army and the RSF.

On December 11, 2023, the Intergovernmental Authority on Development (IGAD) announced a planned meeting between Burhan and Hemedti, which was later postponed.

The army, on December 27 of that year, stated Djibouti, IGAD’s chair, notified them of the delay just a day before the meeting. Since then, the army has accused the RSF leader of stalling and ignoring calls to halt Sudan’s destruction.

The army rejects similar arrangements and insists on continuing fighting until the RSF is disbanded. Meanwhile, the RSF leader advocates for peace talks and readiness to engage in discussions to end hostilities.