EU Demands Investigation into Death of Libyan Activist

Activist Siraj Dughman (Social media)
Activist Siraj Dughman (Social media)

EU Demands Investigation into Death of Libyan Activist

Activist Siraj Dughman (Social media)
Activist Siraj Dughman (Social media)

The delegation of the European Union (EU) and the diplomatic missions of the EU Member States in Libya expressed in a joint statement on Monday their grave concern after activist Siraj Dughman was reported dead in a Benghazi prison.

"We are gravely concerned about the circumstances of his death and strongly urge a comprehensive, transparent, and independent investigation of the incident." The statement reads.

The statement noted that Dughman’s arrest, similar to those of numerous other civil society representatives and activists, citizens and foreigners, was not followed by any subsequent formal charges or court proceedings.

"The arbitrary arrests or detentions are starkly at odds with Libya’s own legal framework. We call for the immediate release of all individuals arbitrarily detained and reassert the importance of adherence to due process and the rule of law across Libya. We stand with the United Nations Support Mission in Libya (UNSMIL) in calling for the cessation of abductions, enforced disappearances, and arbitrary arrests or detentions throughout the country."

It also indicated that the EU and its Member States remained committed to supporting Libya on its journey toward stability and national reconciliation, emphasizing the necessity of legal and procedural reforms to prevent further injustices and pave the way toward a Libya in which all people can enjoy their rights.

Political activist Dughman was arrested more than six months ago along with former member of the Transitional Council Fathi Al-Baja, and the political activist Tariq Al-Bashari, without referring them to prosecution or charging them with any crimes, before the authorities in Benghazi announced his death in his prison cell in mid-April. The Internal Security Agency in Benghazi said that Dughman had died while trying to escape from the bathroom in his prison. However, activists said the incident seemed like a killing, adding that the circumstances of his death were unnatural.

Lebanon Joins Middle East Green Initiative

 Prime Minister Najib Mikati sits between Agriculture Minister Abbas Hajj Hassan and Environment Minister Nasser Yassin during the announcement (Office of the Prime Minister)
 Prime Minister Najib Mikati sits between Agriculture Minister Abbas Hajj Hassan and Environment Minister Nasser Yassin during the announcement (Office of the Prime Minister)

Lebanon Joins Middle East Green Initiative

 Prime Minister Najib Mikati sits between Agriculture Minister Abbas Hajj Hassan and Environment Minister Nasser Yassin during the announcement (Office of the Prime Minister)
 Prime Minister Najib Mikati sits between Agriculture Minister Abbas Hajj Hassan and Environment Minister Nasser Yassin during the announcement (Office of the Prime Minister)

Lebanon’s caretaker Prime Minister announced that the country has joined the Middle East Green Initiative, launched by Saudi Crown Prince Mohammed bin Salman to mitigate the impact of climate change on the region.

“This is an essential step for Lebanon, especially since our southern villages and towns have been exposed to significant environmental and agricultural damage due to Israeli attacks, which requires cooperation with all of Lebanon's friends,” a statement released by the Lebanese Council of Ministers quoted Mikati as saying.

Agriculture Minister Abbas Hajj Hassan welcomed Lebanon’s participation in the initiative, confirming that a high committee has been established to ensure the project’s sustainability and facilitate relevant cooperation.

He noted that the timing of the announcement “comes in light of the continued Israeli attacks on Lebanon, and this matter must be drawn to attention, especially since Israel is destroying very large areas, whether agricultural lands, fruit trees or forests.”

Environment Minister Nasser Yassin said that the Middle East Green Initiative has very important goals to plant 40 billion trees across the region and protect the Gulf and the Middle East from climate change, stop land degradation and desertification and find the means to adapt to future challenges.

The Lebanese Ministry of Agriculture estimates that more than 2.8 million square meters of forest and agricultural land were completely burned, while about 6.7 million square meters of agricultural and forest land were partially damaged as a result of Israel’s attacks and its use of internationally-banned incendiary munitions.