Egypt Warns about Regional Repercussions of Israeli Military Operations in Rafah

Egyptian Foreign Minister Sameh Shoukry and European Union High Representative for Foreign Affairs and Security Policy Josep Borrell hold talks in the Belgian capital, Brussels (Egyptian Foreign Ministry)
Egyptian Foreign Minister Sameh Shoukry and European Union High Representative for Foreign Affairs and Security Policy Josep Borrell hold talks in the Belgian capital, Brussels (Egyptian Foreign Ministry)

Egypt Warns about Regional Repercussions of Israeli Military Operations in Rafah

Egyptian Foreign Minister Sameh Shoukry and European Union High Representative for Foreign Affairs and Security Policy Josep Borrell hold talks in the Belgian capital, Brussels (Egyptian Foreign Ministry)
Egyptian Foreign Minister Sameh Shoukry and European Union High Representative for Foreign Affairs and Security Policy Josep Borrell hold talks in the Belgian capital, Brussels (Egyptian Foreign Ministry)

Egypt on Sunday reiterated its concerns about the devastating humanitarian impact of the Israeli military operations in Rafah on over 1.4 million Palestinians and the broader implications for regional peace and stability.

Cairo, therefore, called on Israel to fulfil its responsibilities as the occupying power by removing barriers to aid entry by opening all land crossings between Israel and Gaza and ensuring secure conditions for international relief efforts in Gaza.

The Egyptian warnings came during a meeting held Sunday between Foreign Minister Sameh Shoukry and European Union High Representative for Foreign Affairs and Security Policy Josep Borrell in the Belgian capital, Brussels, to discuss the escalating crisis in Gaza.

On Sunday, the Israeli army continued its bombardment of Gaza and Rafah despite an order from the International Court of Justice (ICJ) last Friday to immediately halt Israel’s operations in this southern Gaza Strip town.

The UN's top court based in the Dutch city of The Hague also ordered Israel to “maintain the Rafah crossing open for humanitarian assistance.” The crossing has been closed since the Israeli army launched its ground assault on the city early this month.

During their meeting in Brussels, Shoukry and Borrell stressed the urgent need for a ceasefire in Gaza as well as a cessation of the Israeli military operations in the Palestinian city of Rafah, according to Foreign Ministry spokesperson Ahmed Abu Zeid.

They also emphasized the importance of ensuring unhindered and safe access to humanitarian aid and relief supplies throughout Gaza to address the urgent needs of its residents.

Egypt's top diplomat and the EU official then asserted the necessity for Israel to protect and respect humanitarian workers and refrain from targeting the facilities of international relief agencies.

Both sides further stressed that Israel should facilitate the movement of relief teams in the Gaza Strip per international humanitarian law.

Shoukry and Borrell discussed the dire humanitarian, security, and political aspects of the crisis in the Gaza Strip, Abu Zeid said.

Furthermore, they explored ways to mitigate the consequences of the crisis in Gaza and advance a political path to implement the two-state solution, thus resolving the crisis comprehensively, according to the FM’s spokesperson.

Shoukry then highlighted the crucial role sought from influential international parties, including the European Union, in supporting the ongoing efforts to halt the Israeli war on Gaza and prevent further loss of Palestinian lives.

The Minister expressed his appreciation for the significant efforts of the EU top official in alleviating the humanitarian crisis and its repercussions.

He also reiterated concerns about the devastating humanitarian impact of the Israeli military operations in Rafah and called on Israel to fulfil its responsibilities as the occupying power by removing barriers to aid entry by opening all land crossings between Israel and Gaza and ensuring secure conditions for international relief efforts in Gaza.

Last week, Egypt's state-run Al-Qahera News channel quoted a high-level Egyptian source as denying Israeli media reports saying Cairo and Tel Aviv are coordinating on Israel’s military operation in the Palestinian Rafah city.

The source stressed that “Egypt had warned Israel of the repercussions of escalation in the Gaza Strip, and refused any coordination with Tel Aviv on the Rafah crossing.”

In this regard, Shoukry on Sunday said: “Egypt rejects Israel's insistence on controlling all of Gaza's crossings as a tool to tighten the siege and starve the Palestinian people in Gaza, creating an uninhabitable reality in the strip.”

He also affirmed Egypt's categorical rejection of any attempts to displace Palestinians from their lands or liquidate the Palestinian cause.

Ben-Gvir Calls For Execution of Palestinian Hostages with ‘Shot to the Head’

A leaked photograph of the Sde Teiman  detention facility shows a blindfolded man with his arms above his head (AP)
A leaked photograph of the Sde Teiman detention facility shows a blindfolded man with his arms above his head (AP)

Ben-Gvir Calls For Execution of Palestinian Hostages with ‘Shot to the Head’

A leaked photograph of the Sde Teiman  detention facility shows a blindfolded man with his arms above his head (AP)
A leaked photograph of the Sde Teiman detention facility shows a blindfolded man with his arms above his head (AP)

Israeli Minister of National Security, Itamar Ben-Gvir, called on Sunday for the execution of Palestinian prisoners in Israeli jails by shooting them in the head.
In a video statement, Ben-Gvir insisted that Palestinian prisoners should be killed with a ‘shot to the head’.
He urged the passing of the bill in the Israeli Knesset for executing prisoners, promising to provide minimal food to keep them alive until the law is enacted.
The Israeli Knesset's General Assembly approved the preliminary reading of the bill in early March 2023, which imposes the death penalty on Palestinian prisoners.
The proposed law, requiring two more readings in the Knesset to become effective, mandates courts to impose the death penalty on those “committing a murder offense motivated by racism and intending to harm the State of Israel.”
Fighting Any Palestinian Presence
Since October 7, 2023 when Israel waged a war on the Gaza Strip, Palestinian prisoners have been living in horrific conditions. Many died under torture or due to difficult living conditions.
According to the head of the Prisoners' Club, Abdullah Al-Zaghari, “The statements of fascist and extremist Minister Ben Gvir represent a system that practices genocide against the Palestinian people, and only speaks in the language of killing and fighting any Palestinian presence in any form.”
He noted that Ben Gvir's statements went beyond the stage of threat.
Since Israel waged its war on Gaza, “the occupation prison administration, which falls under Ben-Gvir’s authority, has actually executed Palestinian prisoners and detainees,” Al-Zaghari said.
The Israeli occupation forces have arrested more than 9,450 citizens from the West Bank, including occupied Jerusalem, since last October 7, along with thousands of citizens from Gaza, and hundreds of Palestinians from the territory occupied in 1948.
According to the Palestinian Prisoners Affairs Commission and the Palestinian Prisoners' Club, there has been a simultaneous and unprecedented escalation of torture against detainees.
They also mentioned unprecedented crimes against detainees, most notably torture, starvation, medical neglect, forced disappearance, in addition to the tragic and cruel conditions of detention, mass isolation, and torture, apart from the tragic and cruel conditions of detention, mass isolation, and torture.
Unprecedented Arrests
The Palestinian Prisoners Affairs Commission and the Palestinian Prisoners' Club said the detainees include those arrested from their houses, on checkpoints, those who surrendered under pressure and those arrested as hostages.
They added that the detention campaigns carried out since October 7 are accompanied by escalated crimes and violations such as humiliation, brutal beatings, threats against detainees and their families, besides vandalism and destruction in detainees’ houses, confiscating vehicles, gold and money, in addition to the destruction of infrastructure.
The Commission and the Prisoners’ Club also confirmed that 18 Palestinian detainees have died in Israeli prisons and detention camps since Israel waged its war on the Gaza Strip.
Earlier, a CNN investigation revealed grave violations committed by Israel against Palestinians in the secret detention center located in the Negev Desert.
The American news channel said it spoke to three Israeli whistleblowers who worked at the Sde Teiman desert camp, which holds Palestinians detained during Israel’s invasion of Gaza. All spoke out at risk of legal repercussions and reprisals from groups supportive of Israel’s hardline policies in Gaza.
They paint a picture of a facility where doctors sometimes amputated prisoners’ limbs due to injuries sustained from constant handcuffing; of medical procedures sometimes performed by underqualified medics earning it a reputation for being “a paradise for interns”; and where the air is filled with the smell of neglected wounds left to rot.
According to the accounts, the facility some 18 miles from the Gaza frontier is split into two parts: enclosures where around 70 Palestinian detainees from Gaza are placed under extreme physical restraint, and a field hospital where wounded detainees are strapped to their beds, wearing diapers and fed through straws.
“They stripped them down of anything that resembles human beings,” said one whistleblower, who worked as a medic at the facility’s field hospital.
After an outcry, Israeli Chief of Staff Lt. Gen. Herzi Halevi said the military launched a probe into the allegations of mistreatment at detention facilities that fell under the responsibility of the Israeli army.
Last week, the Haaretz newspaper said Israel's High Court of Justice ordered the state to provide details of the conditions under which Gazan prisoners are held in the Sde Teiman detention center in southern Israel, despite the state's declaration that it intends to empty the facility.