European Statement Backs Yemen’s Gov’t, Avoids Mentioning Houthi Attacks

A handout photo shows the British-registered cargo vessel, Rubymar, sinking after being damaged in a missile attack by the Houthis in the Red Sea off the coast of Yemen, 26 February 2024. EPA
A handout photo shows the British-registered cargo vessel, Rubymar, sinking after being damaged in a missile attack by the Houthis in the Red Sea off the coast of Yemen, 26 February 2024. EPA

European Statement Backs Yemen’s Gov’t, Avoids Mentioning Houthi Attacks

A handout photo shows the British-registered cargo vessel, Rubymar, sinking after being damaged in a missile attack by the Houthis in the Red Sea off the coast of Yemen, 26 February 2024. EPA
A handout photo shows the British-registered cargo vessel, Rubymar, sinking after being damaged in a missile attack by the Houthis in the Red Sea off the coast of Yemen, 26 February 2024. EPA

European Union ambassadors to Yemen have ignored the escalation of Houthi militias and their attacks on vessels in the Red Sea. But they reiterated support for the Yemeni government and called for continued constructive engagement with UN-led peace efforts.

EU Ambassador to Yemen Gabriel Munuera Viñals, Ambassador of France Catherine Corm-Kammoun, Dutch Ambassador Jeannette Seppen and the German Ambassador, Hubert Jäger, concluded a joint visit to the interim capital of Aden, a statement said Wednesday.

The Ambassadors met with Presidential Leadership Council VP Aidarous al-Zubaidi and reiterated support for the PLC and the Yemeni government, said the statement.

“They encouraged concerted efforts to address the economic challenges and improve service delivery under extremely difficult conditions,” it said, adding that “they called for continued constructive engagement with UN-led peace efforts, which offer the best way forward for a better future for Yemen.”

“The Ambassadors encouraged continued work to stabilize the economy, strengthen public revenues and improve expenditure management, and deliver basic services. They underscored the importance of ensuring respect for fundamental rights and a conducive operating environment for humanitarian and development actors helping Yemenis.”

The statement did not mention attacks by Iran-backed Houthi militias in the Red Sea.

US Central Command said Tuesday that in the past 24 hours, Houthis launched two anti-ship ballistic missiles (ASBM) from Houthi-controlled areas of Yemen into the Red Sea. There were no injuries or damage reported by US, coalition, or commercial ships.

“This continued malign and reckless behavior by the Iranian backed Houthis threatens regional stability and endangers the lives of mariners across the Red Sea and Gulf of Aden,” it said in a statement.

The militias have attacked ships off Yemen’s coast for months, saying they are acting in solidarity with Palestinians fighting Israel in Gaza.

Erdogan to Restore Relations with Syria to ‘How They Were in the Past’

A handout picture released by the official Syrian Arab News Agency (SANA) shows Syrian President Bashar Assad receiving Russia's Special Envoy for Syria Alexander Lavrentiev in the capital Damascus (SANA/AFP)
A handout picture released by the official Syrian Arab News Agency (SANA) shows Syrian President Bashar Assad receiving Russia's Special Envoy for Syria Alexander Lavrentiev in the capital Damascus (SANA/AFP)

Erdogan to Restore Relations with Syria to ‘How They Were in the Past’

A handout picture released by the official Syrian Arab News Agency (SANA) shows Syrian President Bashar Assad receiving Russia's Special Envoy for Syria Alexander Lavrentiev in the capital Damascus (SANA/AFP)
A handout picture released by the official Syrian Arab News Agency (SANA) shows Syrian President Bashar Assad receiving Russia's Special Envoy for Syria Alexander Lavrentiev in the capital Damascus (SANA/AFP)

Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan said on Sunday he will extend an invitation to Syrian President Bashar Assad “any time,” renewing his readiness to restore relations with Damascus to the same level as in the past.

“We will extend our invitation (to Assad); with this invitation, we want to restore Türkiye-Syria relations to how they were in the past. Our invitation may be extended at any time,” Erdogan said.

“We have now arrived at a point where if Bashar Assad takes a step towards improving relations with Türkiye, we will also show that approach towards him,” Erdogan said. “Yesterday, we were not enemies with Syria. We met with Assad as a family.”

The President also noted his preference for “a face-to-face meeting with Assad” in Ankara, in line with Russian President Vladimir Putin's requests. He told journalists on a flight from Berlin, where he watched Türkiye play the Netherlands in the quarter-final of the European Championship's soccer tournament, “Our invitation may be extended at any time.”

Erdogan added that “Putin and the Iraqi prime minister have an approach for talks to be in Türkiye. We are talking about mediation everywhere, why not with our neighbor?”

Last month, the Turkish President did not rule out a possible meeting with Assad to revive relations.

His comments on Sunday came in response to Assad's statements during his meeting with the Russian President’s special envoy, Alexander Lavrentiev. Assad affirmed that Syria is open to all initiatives regarding Syrian-Turkish relations as long as they are based on respect for the sovereignty of the Syrian state over all its territory and the fight against all forms of terrorism and its organizations.

Russia-brokered normalization talks between Ankara and Damascus, which started in 2021 at different levels, have been stalled since June 2023 due to the Syrian government's insistence that Türkiye agrees to pull out thousands of troops from the opposition-held northwest of Syria.

The recent Turkish rapprochement towards Assad is due to several factors, most notably Ankara’s fears of local elections in the Kurdish Autonomous Administration areas of northeastern Syria next August. Türkiye considers the elections as a step towards establishing a Kurdish state on its borders. It seeks Moscow and Damascus’ support to prevent holding the elections.

According to observers, Ankara also seeks to normalize relations with Damascus to repatriate millions of Syrian refugees amid a steep economic downturn. Ankara wants to forge an agreement with the government of Damascus to reopen cross-border trade routes to Syria and other countries of the region.

At the same time, observers believe that the Assad government cannot meet the two requirements. Damascus is unable to secure the border or to accommodate more than 3 million refugees returning from Türkiye due to the deteriorating economic situation and the collapse of infrastructure. Also, the Syrian government is still incapable to secure trade routes, even if Türkiye is willing to withdraw its forces from the north of the country.

Protests in North Syria

Commenting on the recent spate of attacks on Syrian refugees in Kayseri, central Türkiye, and attacks on Turkish garrisons and interests in the Ankara-controlled area of Syria, Erdogan has vowed to reveal which hands triggered the clashes in north Syria.

Turkish security sources said on Sunday they detained a person named Ali Mohammed Hajj-Hassan Hamadah, accused of allegedly desecrating the Turkish flag during a protest in the northern Syrian city of Azaz. Sources said the man later expressed regret for his actions and apologized to the Turkish people.

On Saturday, the Turkish intelligence detained several people accused of allegedly desecrating the Turkish flag and taking part in last week’s anti-Turkish protests in the north of Syria.

The country’s National Intelligence Organization (MIT) said it detained a 17-year-old teenager, who allegedly tore down the Turkish flag in the northwestern al-Bab town.

The teen was recorded in front of a Turkish flag expressing his regret for his actions and kissing the flag.