Reports Suggest Türkiye Plans Military Operation to Halt SDF Elections in Syria

Turkish artillery targeted Kurdish People’s Protection Units (YPG) elements who attempted to fire on the Euphrates Shield area in northern Syria (File photo - Turkish Ministry of Defense).
Turkish artillery targeted Kurdish People’s Protection Units (YPG) elements who attempted to fire on the Euphrates Shield area in northern Syria (File photo - Turkish Ministry of Defense).

Reports Suggest Türkiye Plans Military Operation to Halt SDF Elections in Syria

Turkish artillery targeted Kurdish People’s Protection Units (YPG) elements who attempted to fire on the Euphrates Shield area in northern Syria (File photo - Turkish Ministry of Defense).
Turkish artillery targeted Kurdish People’s Protection Units (YPG) elements who attempted to fire on the Euphrates Shield area in northern Syria (File photo - Turkish Ministry of Defense).

Turkish military sources suggest they might launch a military operation against the Syrian Democratic Forces (SDF) in Syria this summer.

The goal? To block local elections planned for next week, pushed back by the Autonomous Administration of North and East Syria (AANES) to August.

At the same time, the Turkish opposition keeps pushing for an investigation into a Turkish military leader’s alleged involvement in smuggling Syrians across the border in his official vehicle.

The big question: Were any of those smuggled members of the Kurdish People’s Protection Units (YPG), a key part of the SDF, which Türkiye sees as a terrorist group linked to the Kurdistan Workers' Party (PKK)?

According to Abdulqadir Selvi, a writer for the Turkish daily “Hürriyet,” Türkiye could face a tense summer in Syria.

If Türkiye can't coordinate with regional players to delay elections in areas controlled by the SDF until August, military action might be considered.

Selvi says Türkiye is ready for both possibilities. He mentioned that the PKK plans to hold local elections with US support in August in the Syrian areas it controls.

Although the US opposed the original June 11 elections, it didn’t call them “illegitimate.”

The Kurdish-led AANES postponed the local elections scheduled for June 11 to August.

The polls aim to choose municipal leaders and council members across 1,792 centers in seven cantons under its influence in northern and northeastern Syria.

The AANES announced the postponement in response to requests from political parties and alliances involved in the electoral process.

They emphasized the need for a democratic election and cited the tight campaign schedule as the reason. Four parties and alliances have called for the delay.

Iraq’s PMF Shaken by Leadership Changes

Abu Zeinab al-Lami (X)
Abu Zeinab al-Lami (X)

Iraq’s PMF Shaken by Leadership Changes

Abu Zeinab al-Lami (X)
Abu Zeinab al-Lami (X)

The Popular Mobilization Forces (PMF) have ousted Abu Zeinab al-Lami from his role as head of their security unit, a move that highlights his influential standing within the organization.

“The head of the PMF has removed Abu Zeinab al-Lami from his role as head of security and discipline directorate,” sources said Thursday.

“Ali al-Zaidi, deputy director of PMF security, has been appointed temporarily in his place,” they added.

Later Thursday, sources suggested the PMF rescinded al-Lami’s dismissal, which he reportedly contested.

Sources familiar with al-Lami’s role reveal that he made significant decisions without consulting PMF leader Falih al-Fayyadh or Prime Minister Mohammed Shia al-Sudani.

Despite the ongoing uncertainty, al-Lami’s dismissal has caused a major shake-up within the PMF, exposing internal and external loyalty conflicts among its factions, influenced heavily by Iran’s supreme leader.

Reports suggest al-Sudani issued the dismissal, but informed sources suggest it was orchestrated by Asa’ib Ahl al-Haq, with the prime minister’s approval.

Sources speaking to Asharq Al-Awsat state that the dismissal stems from deep divisions between Kata’ib Hezbollah and Asa’ib Ahl al-Haq, with the latter aiming to take full control of the PMF.

Asa’ib Ahl al-Haq reportedly seeks to remove PMF leader Falih al-Fayyadh and is angered by al-Lami’s alleged role in attacks on American restaurants in Baghdad.

Last May, three KFC restaurants, owned by American food chains, were bombed in protest against US support for Israel during its Gaza conflict with Palestinians.

Hussein Falah, also known as al-Lami, rose to prominence during Iraq’s October 2019 protests, where sources accused him of leading a sniper unit targeting demonstrators.

For several years, al-Lami has overseen security within the PMF, responsible for disciplining leaders who defy orders.

Apart from his PMF role, al-Lami is a senior figure in Kata’ib Hezbollah, designated a US terrorist organization. Washington has sanctioned him for alleged involvement in the October protests.

A Reuters report from late 2019 described al-Lami as “highly influential and widely feared,” with direct communication links to the late Iranian Revolutionary Guard Corps leader Qassem Soleimani.