Egypt’s New Government Seeks Parliament Confidence with Four-Pillar Plan

The Egyptian Prime Minister delivers the government statement before the Parliament in the new administrative capital (Cabinet)
The Egyptian Prime Minister delivers the government statement before the Parliament in the new administrative capital (Cabinet)

Egypt’s New Government Seeks Parliament Confidence with Four-Pillar Plan

The Egyptian Prime Minister delivers the government statement before the Parliament in the new administrative capital (Cabinet)
The Egyptian Prime Minister delivers the government statement before the Parliament in the new administrative capital (Cabinet)

Egypt’s new government introduced its three-year plan titled “Together We Build a Sustainable Future” before parliament on Monday, aiming to secure legislative confidence.

Prime Minister Mustafa Madbouly committed to resolving the country’s electricity crisis and safeguarding Egypt’s Nile water share.

Following a month of consultations, President Abdel Fattah el-Sisi’s administration completed its ministerial formation, merging ministries, appointing new officials, and restructuring key portfolios in Defense, Foreign Affairs, and Justice.

Madbouly presented the government’s agenda for 2024/2025 amd 2026/2027, focusing on four priorities: ensuring national security, advancing foreign policy, enhancing human development, and fostering a competitive economy to attract investments. The plan also emphasizes achieving political stability and national unity.

The prime minister underscored Egypt’s comprehensive approach to national security, including border stability, military capabilities, and securing critical assets like the Red Sea and Suez Canal.

Egypt also aims to strengthen its international and regional influence while protecting essential areas like water and energy security.

Madbouly reaffirmed Egypt’s commitment to preserving its Nile water rights through enhanced cooperation with Nile Basin and African nations.

The premier addressed long standing challenges, including a decade-long water conflict with Ethiopia over the Grand Ethiopian Renaissance Dam (GERD). Cairo fears the dam could diminish its share of the Nile’s waters.

Madbouly emphasized the government’s focus on addressing citizens’ concerns and improving local governance to foster positive community engagement.

Regarding the electricity crisis, Madbouly pledged firm action to resolve it within the first half of his administration's program. He noted efforts to stabilize markets and reduce inflation in recent months.

Egypt faces electricity shortages, leading to scheduled power cuts lasting up to three hours, alongside successive waves of price hikes and currency depreciation.

Yemen De-Escalation Agreement Goes into Effect

The Houthi-held central bank in Sanaa. (Reuters)
The Houthi-held central bank in Sanaa. (Reuters)

Yemen De-Escalation Agreement Goes into Effect

The Houthi-held central bank in Sanaa. (Reuters)
The Houthi-held central bank in Sanaa. (Reuters)

The de-escalation agreement between the legitimate Yemeni government and Iran-backed Houthi militias went into effect with the central bank in the interim capital Aden restoring SWIFT services to six banks in Houthi-held Sanaa.

Flights were also resumed between Sanaa and Amman. Three will be operated per day.

United Nations Special Envoy for Yemen Hans Grundberg announced the agreement on Tuesday, hoping the deal would pave the way for comprehensive talks on the economy and humanitarian situation.

Yemenia Airways said flights from Sanaa to Amman began operation on Thursday. Before the escalation, it was only operating one flight to the Jordanian capital.

Once logistic preparations are complete, flights will be operated to Egypt and India.

Yemenia spokesman Hatem al-Shaabi confirmed the launch of the Amman flights in line with the de-escalation agreement.

He stressed that the airline is keen on providing its services to all Yemenis.

It is awaiting the operating permits to launch flights from Sanaa to each of Cairo and Mumbai, he went on to say.

Tickets are available at all agencies and to all people throughout Yemen, he stated.

The United Arab Emirates welcomed on Thursday the de-escalation agreement, saying it was a positive step towards reaching a political solution in Yemen that meets the aspirations of its people.

The UAE Foreign Ministry hailed the UN and Grundberg on their efforts to reach a lasting comprehensive solution to the crisis in Yemen that would in turn bolster regional peace and stability.

In the de-escalation agreement, the parties agreed to “cancel all the recent decisions and procedures against banks by both sides and refrain in the future from any similar decisions or procedures,” said a UN statement on Tuesday.

They agreed on “resuming Yemenia Airways’ flights between Sanaa and Jordan and increasing the number of flights to three daily flights, and operating flights to Cairo and India daily or as needed.”

Meetings will be convened to address the administrative, technical, and financial challenges faced by the company, added the statement.

The parties also agreed on “initiating the convening of meetings to discuss all economic and humanitarian issues based on the roadmap.”

The parties requested the support of the UN in implementing their commitments.