Head of US Aid Agency Says Israel Has Pledged to Improve Safety for Humanitarian Workers in Gaza

US Agency for International Development Administrator Samantha Power speaks during a meeting with US Army officers and members of the Israeli Army at the Site 61 Israeli military base near Ashdod, Israel, Thursday, July 11, 2024. (AP)
US Agency for International Development Administrator Samantha Power speaks during a meeting with US Army officers and members of the Israeli Army at the Site 61 Israeli military base near Ashdod, Israel, Thursday, July 11, 2024. (AP)

Head of US Aid Agency Says Israel Has Pledged to Improve Safety for Humanitarian Workers in Gaza

US Agency for International Development Administrator Samantha Power speaks during a meeting with US Army officers and members of the Israeli Army at the Site 61 Israeli military base near Ashdod, Israel, Thursday, July 11, 2024. (AP)
US Agency for International Development Administrator Samantha Power speaks during a meeting with US Army officers and members of the Israeli Army at the Site 61 Israeli military base near Ashdod, Israel, Thursday, July 11, 2024. (AP)

The head of the US agency overseeing American humanitarian assistance worldwide on Thursday said she has received Israeli pledges to allow aid workers to move more quickly and safely throughout the war-battered Gaza Strip.

In an interview with The Associated Press, Samantha Power, administrator of the US Agency for International Development, said that Israel has also taken new steps to increase the flow of aid through its port of Ashdod, just north of Gaza. The move could give donors a new option for delivering aid as the US shutters its troubled maritime pier off Gaza’s coast.

Nine months into the war in Gaza, the announcement marked a small victory for international efforts to increase aid deliveries to the territory's desperate civilians.

The Israeli offensive launched in response to Hamas’ Oct. 7 attack has plunged Gaza into a humanitarian crisis. Over 80% of the territory’s 2.3 million people have been displaced, with most now living in squalid tent camps. International experts say hundreds of thousands of people are on the brink of famine.

“We have not seen the kind of humanitarian system to this point that has allowed humanitarians to move efficiently and safely to the degree that we need,” Power said. “This week and through this visit, we have secured an agreement.”

“My whole career has been working in and around conflict areas,” said Power, a former war correspondent and US ambassador to the United Nations. “I have never seen a more difficult conflict environment for humanitarians to work in.”

The UN says that since May, the amount of aid reaching it to distribute in Gaza has fallen to some of the lowest levels of the war. Israel says it places no limits on the entry of aid into Gaza. But tons of supplies have piled up on the Gaza side of Israeli-controlled border crossings because the UN says it is unable to collect them for distribution.

Israel blames the bottleneck on UN logistical failures. But UN and other aid officials deny that, saying that permit requirements from the military limit access to the site and that Israeli military operations against Hamas make it too dangerous to move around. Also, criminal gangs inside Gaza have looted aid trucks, adding another challenge for aid workers.

Power said her talks with the Israelis focused heavily on improving the system by which humanitarian groups and the military coordinate safe passage.

Throughout the war, humanitarian groups have complained the system was not working. In one instance early this year, the Israeli military struck an aid convoy of World Central Kitchen, killing seven workers from the international charity. Israel called the incident a tragedy and punished five officers.

Power said that for deliveries by the pier, a system was set up where the Israeli and US militaries and the UN could communicate more closely and immediately over the location of humanitarian workers.

She said the Israeli government had now agreed to extend that system across Gaza.

“Having a system lined up where those aid workers can convey their coordinates, their movements to the (Israeli army), and know that they are going to be safe in making those deliveries, that has not been an assurance that they have had throughout this conflict,” she said.

There was no immediate comment from the Israeli military or COGAT, the military body in charge of coordinating aid into Gaza. Power said it would take time to implement the changes, but that the US is pushing for improvements “not a month from now, but a week from now.”

Power spoke after touring the Ashdod port, which sits about 30 kilometers (20 miles) from Gaza.

She said Israel is increasing its scanning capacity at the port to inspect goods bound for Gaza, which can then be delivered by truck through nearby Israeli crossings. As the US prepares to shut down the temporary maritime pier, she said she expected Ashdod to play a bigger role in aid deliveries.

“I think there will be a maritime part of the humanitarian solution over time that will get bigger and bigger,” she said. “It will probably flow through this port.”

During the visit, Power also announced that the US pledged $100 million in new assistance to the Palestinians. USAID said the money would assist the UN’s World Food Program and help deliver “lifesaving humanitarian aid across Gaza.” Altogether, the US has donated $774 million to the Palestinians since the war began last October.

Power said the only way to dramatically improve conditions in Gaza would be through a ceasefire.

She blamed Hamas for holding up a deal, and urged the group to accept the latest proposals being floated by international mediators.

“Hamas must accept the terms of the ceasefire, and then we will be in a position to flood the zone with humanitarian support on a scale that is just not possible when you have fighting,” she said.

Egypt Calls on Int’l Donors to Fulfill Pledges to Support Sudan, Refugee-Hosting Countries

Egyptian Foreign Minister Badr Abdelatty meets with his Sudanese counterpart Hussein Awad in Cairo, 23 July, 2024. (Egyptian Foreign Ministry)
Egyptian Foreign Minister Badr Abdelatty meets with his Sudanese counterpart Hussein Awad in Cairo, 23 July, 2024. (Egyptian Foreign Ministry)

Egypt Calls on Int’l Donors to Fulfill Pledges to Support Sudan, Refugee-Hosting Countries

Egyptian Foreign Minister Badr Abdelatty meets with his Sudanese counterpart Hussein Awad in Cairo, 23 July, 2024. (Egyptian Foreign Ministry)
Egyptian Foreign Minister Badr Abdelatty meets with his Sudanese counterpart Hussein Awad in Cairo, 23 July, 2024. (Egyptian Foreign Ministry)

Egypt on Tuesday called on international donors to swiftly fulfill their pledges to support Sudan, and its neighboring refugee-hosting countries after millions of Sudanese have been displaced due to the conflict between the army and the Rapid Support Forces.

“Egypt is in ongoing talks with donor countries and humanitarian organizations to urge them to share the burden with Sudan’s caretaker government and neighboring countries,” Egyptian Foreign Minister Badr Abdelatty said during a meeting with his Sudanese counterpart Hussein Awad in Cairo.

Since the conflict erupted in Sudan in mid-April 2023, some 10 million have been displaced within the country or have fled into neighboring countries, making it the largest displacement crisis globally, according to UN statistics.

Abdelatty reiterated Egypt's unwavering support for the stability and safety of Sudan and its people, stressing Cairo's commitment to helping the Sudanese people overcome political, security, and humanitarian challenges caused by the ongoing war.

Early this month, Egypt hosted the Sudanese Political and Civil Forces Conference aimed at ending the war in the country.

According to the Egyptian FM, the Conference affirmed the need to maintain state institutions, deliver aid to Sudan and its neighbors, and ensure Sudanese control over the political process.

A Foreign Ministry statement said during their meeting in Cairo on Tuesday, Abdelatty and Awad reviewed the latest progress of the ongoing Egyptian development projects in Sudan, such as the electrical interconnection project and the reconstruction and development of Wadi Halfa Port.

Abdelatty pledged Egypt's continued commitment to completing these projects, the statement noted.

He called on international donors to quickly fulfill their pledges made at the conferences in Geneva and Paris to support Sudan, its neighboring refugee-hosting countries, and the UN humanitarian response plan.

Abdelatty said Egypt is in ongoing talks with donor countries and humanitarian organizations to urge them to share the burden with Sudan’s caretaker government and neighboring countries.

Egypt has received more than half a million of Sudanese fleeing the war, in addition to more than 5 million Sudanese who already reside in Egyptian cities, according to Egyptian government estimates.

For his part, the Sudanese minister thanked Egypt for the facilities and services provided to Sudanese citizens since the crisis began, including health and educational services, according to the Egyptian statement.

He also praised Egypt’s initiatives aimed at resolving the Sudanese crisis.

Abdelatty and Awad touched on several regional issues such as the situation in the Horn of Africa, the Gaza Strip crisis, the Red Sea security, the situation in Libya, and the Sahel–Saharan region.

They also discussed the dispute caused by the Grand Ethiopian Renaissance Dam (GERD), reaffirming the unified stance of both countries on water security.