Syria: Sweida Tensions Rise After Assassination of Armed Faction Leader

Syria: Sweida Tensions Rise After Assassination of Armed Faction Leader

Syria: Sweida Tensions Rise After Assassination of Armed Faction Leader

Syria: Sweida Tensions Rise After Assassination of Armed Faction Leader

Residents of Sweida province in southern Syria were shocked on Wednesday morning by the assassination of Merhej al-Jarmani, leader of the local “Liwa al-Jabal” armed faction.

He was found dead in his home, shot by unknown assailants, triggering widespread anger in the community.

Local media reported that al-Jarmani was killed by a single bullet fired at close range. Details of the killing are still unclear. According to the local news network, al-Jarmani’s wife discovered him dead with a gunshot wound to the head.

Sweida has seen weekly peaceful anti-regime protests that intensified in February when authorities resumed security settlements for those wanted for military service.

Protests in Sweida province, the heartland of the country’s Druze minority, also follow President Bashar Assad’s government ending fuel subsidies last month.

Al-Jarmani, a key figure in these protests and a participant in the “defense of the mountain” battles, reportedly detained dozens of security officers last month after a young woman from Sweida was arrested in Damascus.

Locals credit al-Jarmani with helping to repel extremist groups that have attacked Sweida since 2014 and confronting government-backed groups. A local news outlet reported that no one heard gunshots when al-Jarmani was killed, suggesting a silencer was used.

“Suwayda 24,” the local news network, noted that pro-government supporters had been inciting against al-Jarmani on social media recently.

Al-Jarmani’s death and his Thursday burial in Umm al-Zaytun have shocked the protest movement in Sweida. Protesters have called him the “martyr of dignity” and held vigils in his honor.

Local sources in Sweida told Asharq Al-Awsat that al-Jarmani played a significant role in the protests, with his faction protecting the demonstrators.

Although the details of the assassination remain unclear, the protesters suspect “government security agencies” were involved.

The sources warned that if these accusations are confirmed, it could be a dangerous development.

Libyan Mediation Succeeds in Halting Tripoli Clashes

Trans-Mediterranean Migration Forum in Tripoli, Libya (Asharq Al-Awsat)
Trans-Mediterranean Migration Forum in Tripoli, Libya (Asharq Al-Awsat)

Libyan Mediation Succeeds in Halting Tripoli Clashes

Trans-Mediterranean Migration Forum in Tripoli, Libya (Asharq Al-Awsat)
Trans-Mediterranean Migration Forum in Tripoli, Libya (Asharq Al-Awsat)

Local mediation efforts successfully stopped sudden heavy fighting in Tajoura, a coastal suburb east of Libya's capital, just hours before the “Trans-Mediterranean Migration Forum” began.

The Forum, launched by Libya’s interim Prime Minister Abdul Hamid Dbeibah on Wednesday in Tripoli, saw a brief scuffle between the Stabilization Support Agency and guards of Chadian President Mahamat Idriss Deby.

The incident, caught on local media, showed a disagreement between security personnel securing the forum and Deby’s guards. This led to a short interruption in the live broadcast. Security sources said Deby’s guards refused to hand over their personal weapons to Libyan security at Mitiga Airport upon arrival.

Footage showed a brief physical altercation between Dbeibah’s and Deby’s guards, but it was quickly resolved.

The Forum aims to formulate a unified vision that enhances cooperation and coordination between the countries concerned, in order to develop the foundations of European-African sustainable economic and trade relations, said Dbeibah.

Dbeibah also called for reallocating the funds currently used to manage irregular migration flows toward financing development projects in African countries, according to the official Libyan News Agency LANA.

“Let us implement real projects that lead to the stability of the people of these countries in their regions,” he said.

Italian Prime Minister Giorgia Meloni said that her country considers resolving the migration issue a priority, noting that large numbers of irregular migrants require intensifying efforts with the countries in the region.

In another development, a spokesperson for the Tajoura Revolutionaries Gathering told Asharq Al-Awsat that Dbeibah did not mediate the clashes in Tajoura on Tuesday night.

The fighting was between the Sabriya al-Rathimi Brigade and the al-Buqra Brigade, led by Bashir al-Buqra, reportedly due to fatwas from the dismissed Grand Mufti Sadiq al-Ghariani.

The spokesperson, who asked to remain anonymous, said the conflict was resolved by Mohammed al-Maamari, commander of the Fatah Makkah Brigade Tajoura, Abdel Rahim bin Salem, commander of the Tajoura Lions Brigade, and the Tajoura Council of Elders and Sheikhs.

The Tajoura Revolutionaries Gathering announced that the sheikhs and elders successfully mediated the dispute.