Yemen’s Presidential Council Calls for Comprehensive Strategy to Deter the Houthis

Chairman of the Yemeni Presidential Leadership Council, Rashad Al-Alimi, met in Riyadh with the US Ambassador. (Saba)
Chairman of the Yemeni Presidential Leadership Council, Rashad Al-Alimi, met in Riyadh with the US Ambassador. (Saba)

Yemen’s Presidential Council Calls for Comprehensive Strategy to Deter the Houthis

Chairman of the Yemeni Presidential Leadership Council, Rashad Al-Alimi, met in Riyadh with the US Ambassador. (Saba)
Chairman of the Yemeni Presidential Leadership Council, Rashad Al-Alimi, met in Riyadh with the US Ambassador. (Saba)

In light of mounting Houthi threats, the Yemeni Presidential Leadership Council stressed that deterring the pro-Iranian group requires a comprehensive local, regional and international strategy.
For his part, US Ambassador to Yemen Steven Fagin affirmed Washington’s support for the Yemeni government to strengthen its legal powers. This came during separate meetings and communications he held with the Chairman of the Yemeni Presidential Leadership Council, Rashad Al-Alimi, and members of the Council, Aidaroos Al-Zubaidi, Tariq Saleh, and Othman Majli.
The official media reported that Al-Alimi met in Riyadh with the US Ambassador, and emphasized the need to support the government’s efforts to deter any threat to the state legitimacy, impose control over the entire Yemeni territory, and secure international shipping lines and vital national infrastructure.
According to the agency, the Yemeni official called on the donor community to fulfill its pledges to the humanitarian response plan through the Central Bank of Yemen, accelerate procedures for transferring the headquarters of international organizations and their local partners to the temporary capital, Aden, and strictly adhere to the legal status of the United Nations member state.
Al-Zubaidi, during a video call with Fagin on Wednesday, expressed the readiness of the Presidential Leadership Council to engage in any regional and international efforts aimed at putting an end to the terrorism practiced by the Houthi militias in Yemen and the region, whether by peace or war, while stressing that eliminating the Houthi threat requires cooperation between regional and foreign countries.
Saba quoted the US Ambassador as affirming the US government’s “support for all the measures taken by the Yemeni Presidential Leadership Council to strengthen the state’s authority.”
He also stressed that his country was following with great concern the growing Houthi escalation in the international shipping lanes in the Red Sea, Bab al-Mandab and the Gulf of Aden, and is working side by side with local, regional and international partners to put an end to these threats, according to Saba.
Also, the US embassy’s account on X platform stated that Fagin discussed with member of the Presidential Leadership Council, Tariq Saleh, the continued US support to the Yemeni government, including strengthening cooperation with the Yemeni Coast Guard to enhance maritime security.


Libyan Mediation Succeeds in Halting Tripoli Clashes

Trans-Mediterranean Migration Forum in Tripoli, Libya (Asharq Al-Awsat)
Trans-Mediterranean Migration Forum in Tripoli, Libya (Asharq Al-Awsat)

Libyan Mediation Succeeds in Halting Tripoli Clashes

Trans-Mediterranean Migration Forum in Tripoli, Libya (Asharq Al-Awsat)
Trans-Mediterranean Migration Forum in Tripoli, Libya (Asharq Al-Awsat)

Local mediation efforts successfully stopped sudden heavy fighting in Tajoura, a coastal suburb east of Libya's capital, just hours before the “Trans-Mediterranean Migration Forum” began.

The Forum, launched by Libya’s interim Prime Minister Abdul Hamid Dbeibah on Wednesday in Tripoli, saw a brief scuffle between the Stabilization Support Agency and guards of Chadian President Mahamat Idriss Deby.

The incident, caught on local media, showed a disagreement between security personnel securing the forum and Deby’s guards. This led to a short interruption in the live broadcast. Security sources said Deby’s guards refused to hand over their personal weapons to Libyan security at Mitiga Airport upon arrival.

Footage showed a brief physical altercation between Dbeibah’s and Deby’s guards, but it was quickly resolved.

The Forum aims to formulate a unified vision that enhances cooperation and coordination between the countries concerned, in order to develop the foundations of European-African sustainable economic and trade relations, said Dbeibah.

Dbeibah also called for reallocating the funds currently used to manage irregular migration flows toward financing development projects in African countries, according to the official Libyan News Agency LANA.

“Let us implement real projects that lead to the stability of the people of these countries in their regions,” he said.

Italian Prime Minister Giorgia Meloni said that her country considers resolving the migration issue a priority, noting that large numbers of irregular migrants require intensifying efforts with the countries in the region.

In another development, a spokesperson for the Tajoura Revolutionaries Gathering told Asharq Al-Awsat that Dbeibah did not mediate the clashes in Tajoura on Tuesday night.

The fighting was between the Sabriya al-Rathimi Brigade and the al-Buqra Brigade, led by Bashir al-Buqra, reportedly due to fatwas from the dismissed Grand Mufti Sadiq al-Ghariani.

The spokesperson, who asked to remain anonymous, said the conflict was resolved by Mohammed al-Maamari, commander of the Fatah Makkah Brigade Tajoura, Abdel Rahim bin Salem, commander of the Tajoura Lions Brigade, and the Tajoura Council of Elders and Sheikhs.

The Tajoura Revolutionaries Gathering announced that the sheikhs and elders successfully mediated the dispute.