Damascus Condemns Deadly Majdal Shams Strike, Holds Israel Responsible

A man stands near a damaged gate around a football pitch after a reported strike from Lebanon fell in Majdal Shams village in the Israeli-occupied Golan area on July 28, 2024. (AFP)
A man stands near a damaged gate around a football pitch after a reported strike from Lebanon fell in Majdal Shams village in the Israeli-occupied Golan area on July 28, 2024. (AFP)

Damascus Condemns Deadly Majdal Shams Strike, Holds Israel Responsible

A man stands near a damaged gate around a football pitch after a reported strike from Lebanon fell in Majdal Shams village in the Israeli-occupied Golan area on July 28, 2024. (AFP)
A man stands near a damaged gate around a football pitch after a reported strike from Lebanon fell in Majdal Shams village in the Israeli-occupied Golan area on July 28, 2024. (AFP)

Damascus accused on Sunday Israel of “creating excuses to expand its aggression” in the region, holding it “fully” responsible for the recent escalation after the attack on the Majdal Shams area in the Israeli-occupied Golan Heights.

A rocket strike that killed 12 teenagers and children in the Golan Heights on Saturday has added to concerns that Israel and the Iran-backed Hezbollah could engage in a full-scale war.

Israel's security cabinet on Sunday authorized the government to respond to the strike. Hezbollah vehemently denied any responsibility for the attack, the deadliest in Israel or Israeli-annexed territory since Hamas' Oct. 7 assault sparked the war in Gaza, which has since spread to several fronts.

In a statement on Sunday, the Syrian Foreign Ministry condemned the attack in the predominantly-Druze region.

“Our people in the occupied Syrian Golan, who for decades have rejected Israeli proposals to abandon their Syrian Arab identity, will not be fooled by the lies of the occupation and false accusations against the Lebanese national resistance that it was behind the Majdal Shams attack,” said the statement.

“That is because our people in the Syrian Golan have and still remain an authentic part of the resistance against the occupation, its policies and aggression,” it went on to say.

It stressed that Israel’s accusations that Hezbollah was behind the strike were part of attempts to escalate the situation in the region. It instead accused Israel of being behind the attack.

Earlier, the spiritual leadership of the Druze in Syria condemned the attack, calling on the international community to uncover the criminals behind it.

The perpetrators are “clear to everyone” it said in a statement without elaborating.

The statement was signed by Sheikh Hikmat al-Hajri, one of the leading Druze figures in Syria’s Sweida that has been a hub for anti-government protests.

Protestors took to the streets in Sweida to voice their solidarity with the people of Majdal Shams.

Israel occupied the Golan in 1967. Majdal Shams is home to around 12,000 people, according to 2022 figures.

Israel has offered the residents of the area the Israeli citizenship, but the majority have refused it. As of 2018, only 20 percent of the population have obtained the citizenship.

Israel does not recognize the Syrian identity of the remainder of the population. The Damascus government considers them Syrian, while the people have maintained their ties with Syria and its people.

Hezbollah’s Tunnels: Safe Haven Against Israeli Ground Assault

Smoke rises following an Israeli airstrike in southern Lebanon. Reuters
Smoke rises following an Israeli airstrike in southern Lebanon. Reuters

Hezbollah’s Tunnels: Safe Haven Against Israeli Ground Assault

Smoke rises following an Israeli airstrike in southern Lebanon. Reuters
Smoke rises following an Israeli airstrike in southern Lebanon. Reuters

Israel has voiced fresh concerns about Hezbollah’s tunnel network in southern Lebanon, seeing it as a major advantage for the group amid growing threats of a broader conflict along the Lebanese-Israeli border.

These concerns are supported by security reports, including one from the French newspaper “Libération” earlier this year.

The report claims that Hezbollah’s tunnels are more advanced than those of Hamas in Gaza, stretching for hundreds of kilometers with branches reaching into Israel and possibly Syria.

Experts warn that this network could pose significant challenges for the Israeli military if it decides to invade southern Lebanon.

Military expert Brigadier General Dr. Hassan Jouni says Hezbollah's tunnels are crucial for countering Israeli attacks.

“These tunnels offer a safe way to move and are a key part of Hezbollah’s strategy,” Jouni told Asharq Al-Awsat.

He added that the tunnels help balance the fight against Israel’s air superiority, making combat more about underground movements.

Jouni, former head of the Lebanese Army Command and Staff College, emphasized that the tunnels are a major strength for Hezbollah. They enable the group to move fighters, weapons, and missiles secretly, allowing for unexpected maneuvers in battle.

The Alma Research and Education Center, dedicated to researching the security challenges on Israel’s northern borders, reported that since the 2006 Lebanon War, Hezbollah, with assistance from North Korean and Iranian experts, has developed a regional tunnel network in Lebanon that surpasses Hamas’ metro in Gaza.

The center notes that southern Lebanon’s terrain—characterized by rocky hills and valleys—differs significantly from Gaza’s, making the task of digging tunnels up to 10 kilometers deep into Israeli territory particularly challenging.

The center suggests that the Israeli estimates struggle to accept the possibility that Hezbollah could have successfully excavated such extensive tunnels through this rugged terrain.

According to Alma, achieving this would be an extraordinary feat, potentially considered a major military embarrassment rather than a mere failure for Israel.

Israel targets sites it believes are military, missile, or weapon storage areas in its confrontations with Hezbollah but struggles to map or fully understand the group’s tunnel network.

Jouni points out that Hezbollah has built its tunnels with advanced techniques, benefiting from favorable conditions and possibly using technology from North Korea.

Jouni suggests that these tunnels enhance Hezbollah’s ability to conduct guerilla warfare and might even be used for military operations, potentially reaching into the occupied Palestinian territories.

Unlike Hamas, Hezbollah hasn’t publicized its tunnel network despite increasing Israeli threats and the risk of a ground invasion. This secrecy suggests Israel may lack detailed information about the tunnels and fears potential surprises.

Dr. Riadh Kahwaji, a Middle East security and defense analyst and director of the Institute for Near East and Gulf Military Analysis (INEGMA), says Hezbollah’s extensive tunnels allow safe underground movement while Israel, with its strong air superiority, can only monitor surface activity.

Kahwaji explains that, similar to Gaza, where tunnels serve various functions, Hezbollah’s network is even larger and more complex.