Geagea: ‘Resistance Axis’ Dragging Lebanon to Futile War

Lebanese Forces leader Samir Geagea speaks during Sunday's commemoration. (LF)
Lebanese Forces leader Samir Geagea speaks during Sunday's commemoration. (LF)

Geagea: ‘Resistance Axis’ Dragging Lebanon to Futile War

Lebanese Forces leader Samir Geagea speaks during Sunday's commemoration. (LF)
Lebanese Forces leader Samir Geagea speaks during Sunday's commemoration. (LF)

Lebanese Forces leader Samir Geagea said on Sunday that discussions after the end of the war on Gaza and the war between Israel and Hezbollah in southern Lebanon must “review everything, except for Lebanon’s borders and its unity.”

Speaking on a commemoration of Lebanese Forces martyrs, he slammed Hezbollah and the Resistance Axis of which it is a part of for “dragging Lebanon in an open futile war.”

The war has been imposed on the Lebanese people and it must stop, he demanded.

He also accused Iran-backed Hezbollah of “exploiting the Palestinian cause to strengthen its interests in Lebanon and the region”.

“The Lebanese people don’t want a war and the government has had no say in it,” he went on to say.

Geagea called on Hezbollah to show some “courage and end the war. This demands a commitment to United Nations Security Council resolution 1701, the deployment of the Lebanese army in the South and limiting the decision to go to war to the state alone.”

“However, if the party insists on pursuing the war, then it alone must suffer the consequences before God, the nation, people and history,” he declared.

Furthermore, he urged the Lebanese government to call on Hezbollah to stop the war.

Turning to the vacuum in the presidency in Lebanon, Geagea criticized parliament Speaker Nabih Berri, saying: “He must act according to his constitutional role, not his political one as an ally to a party [Hezbollah] that has ambitions beyond the presidency and Lebanon.”

He added that the “the road to the presidential palace in Baabda does not pass through Haret Hreik,” an area in Beirut’s southern suburbs - a Hezbollah stronghold.

The road to the presidency also doesn’t pass through Ain al-Tineh - Berri’s residence – and does not follow its conditions. Rather, the presidency must pass through parliament and through the ballot box, stressed Geagea.

Moreover, he reiterated the opposition’s call for holding an open parliamentary session to elect a president.

Priority must be given to electing a president, he demanded, saying this issue is not up to compromise. Berri must call for an open parliamentary session for the election in line with the constitution.

Sudanese Security Forces Use Live Ammunition to Break Up Kassala Protests

Protesters surround security headquarters in Kassala, Sudan (Social Media)
Protesters surround security headquarters in Kassala, Sudan (Social Media)

Sudanese Security Forces Use Live Ammunition to Break Up Kassala Protests

Protesters surround security headquarters in Kassala, Sudan (Social Media)
Protesters surround security headquarters in Kassala, Sudan (Social Media)

Witnesses say Sudanese security forces fired live ammunition to break up a protest in Kassala, eastern Sudan, against the death of a young man who was reportedly tortured in detention.
On Sunday, protesters surrounded the security office, demanding that those responsible be brought to justice immediately.
The victim, Amin Mohamed Noor, came from a major ethnic group in eastern Sudan, a region long plagued by tribal conflicts.
Videos shared on social media show crowds of protesters running from the sound of gunfire.
Witnesses told Asharq Al-Awsat that hundreds of protesters in Kassala blocked roads and entrances to the Public Prosecution and National Security offices early Sunday morning.
The protesters called for those responsible for the torture and death of Noor to be brought to justice and for the head of the National Security and Intelligence Service to be removed.
Sources reported that both plainclothes and uniformed security forces used live ammunition to break up the crowds around security sites.
It’s not yet clear if there were any casualties or injuries among the protesters. A local group confirmed that Noor was arrested by the National Security and Intelligence Service and died from torture. An autopsy report showed extensive bruising on his body.
The head of the National Security and Intelligence Service in Kassala Brig. Ridwan told the Bani Amer tribal leader that the detained young man had died from breathing problems.
Ridwan also claimed the victim had links to the “Rapid Support Forces.”
However, an autopsy report showed the death was caused by torture, contradicting Ridwan’s statement.
Protesters announced they would close the city’s main market and would not accept the victim’s body until the accused were arrested and brought to justice. They also demanded Ridwan’s removal and full accountability for the incident.
The Kassala Resistance Committees said the security service was fully responsible for the human rights violation leading to the detainee’s death.
Sudan’s Forces of Freedom and Change condemned the security forces’ actions, calling for an immediate and fair trial for those responsible, free from political interference.