UN Hosts Talks in Tripoli to Resolve Libya’s Central Bank Crisis

Libyan Ministry of Interior personnel stand guard in front of the Central Bank of Libya in Tripoli, Libya, August 27, 2024. (Reuters)
Libyan Ministry of Interior personnel stand guard in front of the Central Bank of Libya in Tripoli, Libya, August 27, 2024. (Reuters)

UN Hosts Talks in Tripoli to Resolve Libya’s Central Bank Crisis

Libyan Ministry of Interior personnel stand guard in front of the Central Bank of Libya in Tripoli, Libya, August 27, 2024. (Reuters)
Libyan Ministry of Interior personnel stand guard in front of the Central Bank of Libya in Tripoli, Libya, August 27, 2024. (Reuters)

The United Nations Support Mission in Libya (UNSMIL) said it held talks in Tripoli on Monday to help resolve a central bank crisis that sparked a blockade of oil production and threatens the worst crisis in years for the major energy exporter.

The standoff was triggered when Western factions moved last month to oust veteran governor Sadiq al-Kabir and replace him with a rival board, leading Eastern factions to shut down all oil production.

In its statement, UNSMIL said the consultations were concluded with “significant” understanding and the two sides agreed to submit a draft agreement to their respective chambers for review, with the goal of finalizing and signing the agreement on Tuesday.

Oil prices edged higher on Monday, recovering some losses from late last week, as Libyan oil exports remained halted and concerns about higher OPEC+ production from October eased.

Representatives from Libya's House of Representatives and High Council of State on one side and the Presidential Council on the other participated in the talks hosted by UNSMIL which lasted from morning until late into the night, the statement said.

The Central Bank of Libya (CBL) is the sole legal repository for Libyan oil revenues and it pays state salaries across the country. If those functions are compromised by the current crisis, Libyans will soon feel the pinch.

If the struggle for control is prolonged, all state salaries, transfers between banks and letters of credit needed for imports will become impossible, freezing up the economy and Libya's international trade.

Eastern factions, including the House of Representatives (HoR) parliament led by Speaker Aguila Saleh and the Libyan National Army (LNA) under commander Khalifa Haftar, oppose the Tripoli-based Presidency Council's bid to oust CBL governor al-Kabir.

The eastern side's oil blockade will gradually starve the CBL of new funds, as well as reducing condensate available for power plants, meaning long electricity blackouts may soon return.

As a result of the oilfields closures, the state-owned National Oil Corporation (NOC) said total production had plunged to just over 591,000 bpd by Aug. 28 from nearly 959,000 bpd on Aug. 26, amounting to losses of over $120 million over the three days. Production was at about 1.28 million bpd on July 20, NOC said.

The crisis threatens to end a four-year period of relative peace in the OPEC member that for a decade has been split between eastern and western factions.

As the state crumbled between rival factions, the CBL and National Oil Corporation (NOC), the state energy producer, were held off limits, ensuring some governmental functions continued.

Clashes Renew Between Sudanese Army, RSF in Khartoum

A Sudanese army unit on a street in the capital Khartoum (archive - AFP)
A Sudanese army unit on a street in the capital Khartoum (archive - AFP)

Clashes Renew Between Sudanese Army, RSF in Khartoum

A Sudanese army unit on a street in the capital Khartoum (archive - AFP)
A Sudanese army unit on a street in the capital Khartoum (archive - AFP)

Fierce fighting between the Sudanese army and the Rapid Support Forces (RSF) has resumed in Khartoum after weeks of calm. The renewed clashes took place near the “Hattab” military base in northern Khartoum Bahri, part of the greater Khartoum area.

Witnesses told Asharq Al-Awsat that both heavy and light weapons were used in the battle near the army’s base. Residents said the RSF launched a surprise attack early Monday from several directions.

Army media reported that the military repelled the RSF attack, forcing them to retreat and destroying several of their vehicles.

The frontlines in northern Khartoum Bahri have remained mostly quiet for over a month, aside from occasional skirmishes with light weapons.

The heaviest fighting has been concentrated in Omdurman, which is also a part of the greater Khartoum metropolitan area, and where the RSF have been carrying out almost daily artillery strikes.

RSF-affiliated social media pages shared videos claiming they have taken control of the Hattab military base in Khartoum Bahri. According to these videos, the RSF forces pushed into the base after fierce resistance from the army, capturing or killing several soldiers.

The clashes followed reports that the RSF had been massing troops in the East Nile area, preparing for an attack on the heavily fortified army base.

In Omdurman, sporadic clashes and operations between the Sudanese army and the RSF continued in residential areas. The RSF controls most of Khartoum and Khartoum Bahri, while the army holds much of Omdurman.

The army’s air force launched heavy strikes on RSF-controlled areas, particularly in El Fasher and Mellit in North Darfur.

Social media posts show the damage in Mellit, where the RSF is based and from where they attack El Fasher, which is held by the army.

Residents told Asharq Al-Awsat that the airstrikes hit civilian areas, killing and injuring several people and causing significant damage to homes and businesses.

They noted that the strikes targeted the city's market, leading to many casualties and widespread destruction.