Clashes Renew Between Sudanese Army, RSF in Khartoum

A Sudanese army unit on a street in the capital Khartoum (archive - AFP)
A Sudanese army unit on a street in the capital Khartoum (archive - AFP)

Clashes Renew Between Sudanese Army, RSF in Khartoum

A Sudanese army unit on a street in the capital Khartoum (archive - AFP)
A Sudanese army unit on a street in the capital Khartoum (archive - AFP)

Fierce fighting between the Sudanese army and the Rapid Support Forces (RSF) has resumed in Khartoum after weeks of calm. The renewed clashes took place near the “Hattab” military base in northern Khartoum Bahri, part of the greater Khartoum area.

Witnesses told Asharq Al-Awsat that both heavy and light weapons were used in the battle near the army’s base. Residents said the RSF launched a surprise attack early Monday from several directions.

Army media reported that the military repelled the RSF attack, forcing them to retreat and destroying several of their vehicles.

The frontlines in northern Khartoum Bahri have remained mostly quiet for over a month, aside from occasional skirmishes with light weapons.

The heaviest fighting has been concentrated in Omdurman, which is also a part of the greater Khartoum metropolitan area, and where the RSF have been carrying out almost daily artillery strikes.

RSF-affiliated social media pages shared videos claiming they have taken control of the Hattab military base in Khartoum Bahri. According to these videos, the RSF forces pushed into the base after fierce resistance from the army, capturing or killing several soldiers.

The clashes followed reports that the RSF had been massing troops in the East Nile area, preparing for an attack on the heavily fortified army base.

In Omdurman, sporadic clashes and operations between the Sudanese army and the RSF continued in residential areas. The RSF controls most of Khartoum and Khartoum Bahri, while the army holds much of Omdurman.

The army’s air force launched heavy strikes on RSF-controlled areas, particularly in El Fasher and Mellit in North Darfur.

Social media posts show the damage in Mellit, where the RSF is based and from where they attack El Fasher, which is held by the army.

Residents told Asharq Al-Awsat that the airstrikes hit civilian areas, killing and injuring several people and causing significant damage to homes and businesses.

They noted that the strikes targeted the city's market, leading to many casualties and widespread destruction.

Algeria Votes for President this Weekend But With Inflation and Boycott, Few Appear to Care

Supporters of presidential candidate Abdelaali Hassani of the Movement of Society for Peace (MSP) party, react during his campaign rally, in Algiers, Algeria, 03 September 2024. EPA/MOHAMED MESSARA
Supporters of presidential candidate Abdelaali Hassani of the Movement of Society for Peace (MSP) party, react during his campaign rally, in Algiers, Algeria, 03 September 2024. EPA/MOHAMED MESSARA

Algeria Votes for President this Weekend But With Inflation and Boycott, Few Appear to Care

Supporters of presidential candidate Abdelaali Hassani of the Movement of Society for Peace (MSP) party, react during his campaign rally, in Algiers, Algeria, 03 September 2024. EPA/MOHAMED MESSARA
Supporters of presidential candidate Abdelaali Hassani of the Movement of Society for Peace (MSP) party, react during his campaign rally, in Algiers, Algeria, 03 September 2024. EPA/MOHAMED MESSARA

Billboards are strikingly empty. There are few campaign posters. And aside from public television broadcasts showing candidates traveling the country, there are few signs of enthusiasm heading into Algeria's presidential election this weekend.
Prospective voters in the gas-rich North African nation say they are more concerned about prolonged inflation’s effects on the spiking prices of school supplies, potatoes and coffee. Military-backed President Abdelmadjid Tebboune, 78, appears poised to breeze to a second term.
“How can you expect Algerians to have any interest in the elections when life is hell on a daily basis?” asked middle school principal Noureddine Benchikh, who told The Associated Press he wasn’t really in the mood for politics.
The malaise is a far cry from the hopes of April 2019, when pro-democracy activists with the Hirak movement called for broad, structural changes to Algeria’s military-dominated political system after then-octogenarian President Abdelaziz Bouteflika resigned under pressure.
Political apathy has reasserted itself among many prospective voters, while the country's fledgling opposition alleges that political elites who run the country have again entrenched themselves in power.
The country’s election authority has approved only two candidates to challenge Tebboune: 57-year-old Islamist Abdelaali Hassani Cherif and 41-year-old socialist Youcef Aouchiche, a former journalist running for a large center-left opposition party.
“It seems that what matters most to ‘le pouvoir’ in this election is voter turnout to lend legitimacy to their candidate, whose victory is a foregone conclusion,” said Algerian sociologist Mohamed Hennad, employing a term frequently used to describe the military-backed political establishment.
All three candidates have been urging citizens to vote. In the country of 45 million people, 23 million are registered. Candidates hope to improve on the 14% turnout of the 2019 elections, which protesters boycotted.
Activists in 2019 criticized authorities for hurriedly scheduling those elections that led to Tebboune, an establishment candidate seen as close to Algeria’s military, taking power.
Though Tebboune initially commended the Hirak movement's weekly protests and released some imprisoned activists, Algeria later banned protests during the COVID-19 pandemic. Opposition figures and journalists continued to face imprisonment and judicial challenges.
Though one candidate, Aouchiche, mentions human rights and political prisoners in campaign speeches, there’s an emerging feeling among Algerians that the election has not sparked an earnest political debate.
Opposition figures have criticized this vote as a rubber-stamp exercise, and some political parties have boycotted it rather than field candidates.
Activists and others have reported repression of perceived dissent. Dozens of people were arrested last month on election fraud charges, and three potential candidates were placed under court supervision.
Karim Tabbou, a leading figure in the Hirak movement who had been under judicial supervision for two years, was taken by police in an incident his wife called an “abduction.” They told him he was “forbidden to take part in any adversarial debate or to express his views on the elections or the political situation in general," his lawyer said.
Fethi Ghares of the Democratic and Social Movement — a now-banned political party — was arrested last week with two colleagues and later released and placed under judicial supervision, his pro bono attorneys said. Ghares and his colleagues face charges including publishing false information, hate speech and offending the president.
Lawyer Fetta Sadat said a judge had placed the group under an indefinite social media gag order while the charges are pending and told it to report to the court every 15 days.