Algeria's President is Expected to Win a Second Term in Saturday's Election

A man walks past an electoral banner of Algeria's incumbent president and independent presidential candidate Abdelmajid Tebboune in Oran on September 5, 2024, ahead of the upcoming presidential elections. (Photo by AFP)
A man walks past an electoral banner of Algeria's incumbent president and independent presidential candidate Abdelmajid Tebboune in Oran on September 5, 2024, ahead of the upcoming presidential elections. (Photo by AFP)

Algeria's President is Expected to Win a Second Term in Saturday's Election

A man walks past an electoral banner of Algeria's incumbent president and independent presidential candidate Abdelmajid Tebboune in Oran on September 5, 2024, ahead of the upcoming presidential elections. (Photo by AFP)
A man walks past an electoral banner of Algeria's incumbent president and independent presidential candidate Abdelmajid Tebboune in Oran on September 5, 2024, ahead of the upcoming presidential elections. (Photo by AFP)

Algerians head to the polls Saturday to cast votes for president and determine who will govern their gas-rich North African nation — five years after pro-democracy protests prompted the military to oust the previous president after two decades in power.
Algeria is Africa's largest country by area and, with almost 45 million people, it's the continent's second most populous after South Africa to hold presidential elections in 2024 — a year in which more than 50 elections are being held worldwide, encompassing more than half the world's population.
Since elections were scheduled in March — ahead of the predicted schedule — there has been little suspense as President Abdelmadjid Tebboune appears poised to breeze to victory against the two challengers running against him.
The hot summer campaign has sparked little enthusiasm, apart from on public television, where it's required that candidate and surrogate appearances be covered. On TV, election season has been presented as a vibrant affair.
“Voting has no meaning in Algeria like in the big democracies,” 28-year-old Kaci Taher told The Associated Press a month before the election. “Where I come from, the results and quotas are fixed in advance in the back room of the government, so what’s the point of taking part in the electoral farce?”
Tebboune was elected in December 2019 after nearly a year of weekly demonstrations demanding the resignation of former President Abdelaziz Bouteflika. Their demands were met when Bouteflika resigned that April and was replaced by an interim government of his former allies, which called for elections later in the year.
Protestors opposed holding elections too soon, fearing the candidates running that year each were close to the old regime and would perpetuate the corruption-ridden system they wanted to end. Tebboune, a former prime minister seen as close to Algeria's politically powerful military, emerged the winner. But his victory was marred by low voter turnout, widespread boycotts from protestors and Election Day tumult, during which crowds sacked voting stations and police broke up demonstrations.
This year, Tebboune ran as an independent candidate with the support of several political parties including the National Liberation Front, which has dominated Algerian politics since the country wrested independence from France after more than a decade of war in 1962.
The southwestern Algeria native and political veteran has framed his first term in office as a turning point, telling voters in a campaign rally the week before polls that he “put Algeria back on track." To cement his legitimacy both domestically and to Algeria's allies, he hopes more of the country's 24 million eligible voters will participate in Saturday's election than in his first, when 39.9% turned out to vote.
“It seems that what matters most to ‘le pouvoir’ in this election is voter turnout to lend legitimacy to their candidate, whose victory is a foregone conclusion,” said Algerian sociologist Mohamed Hennad, employing a term frequently used to describe the military-backed political establishment.
Twenty-six candidates submitted preliminary paperwork to run in the election, although only two were ultimately approved to challenge Tebboune. Like the president, both have also emphasized turnout. Neither political novices, they have avoided directly criticizing Tebboune on the campaign trail.
Abdelali Hassani Cherif, a 57-year-old engineer from the Movement of Society for Peace party has made populist appeals to Algerian youth, running on the slogan “Opportunity!” and calling for efforts to boost employment and reform education, where French language has long played a major role in addition to Arabic.
Youcef Aouchiche, a 41-year-old former journalist running with the Socialist Forces Front, campaigned on a “vision for tomorrow,” and referenced human rights issues plaguing journalists, activists and critics of the government in Tebboune's Algeria. It's the first time since 1999 that his party, which enjoys strong support among ethnic minorities in central Algeria, has put forth a candidate.
Andrew Farrand, the Middle East and North Africa director at the geopolitical risk consultancy Horizon Engage, said both opposition candidates were more aimed at the 2025 legislative elections than the 2024 presidential contest. Because Algerian law funds political parties based on the number of seats they win in legislative elections, they hope campaigning will position them for a strong performance in 2025.

Damascus Governorate Invites Residents to Discuss City’s Future

Photo of the Syrian capital, Damascus
Photo of the Syrian capital, Damascus

Damascus Governorate Invites Residents to Discuss City’s Future

Photo of the Syrian capital, Damascus
Photo of the Syrian capital, Damascus

Residents of Damascus were surprised by an invitation from the governorate to participate in a series of dialogue sessions to discuss the future of the city.

In a statement circulated by the media, the Damascus governorate announced that the sessions would be “participatory dialogues” designed to hear the opinions and suggestions of residents regarding projects and services needed for the development of neighborhoods.

The statement described the discussions as a “valuable opportunity” for citizens to contribute to shaping the city’s future. It emphasized that the residents’ feedback would be key to achieving sustainable development that addresses the needs of all community members and future generations.

Local newspaper Al-Watan noted that this initiative is the first of its kind in Syria and aligns with the country’s ongoing administrative decentralization efforts.

Sources in Damascus told Asharq Al-Awsat that the timing of this initiative is significant, as it coincides with an agreement signed between Damascus Governorate and Tehran Municipality, aimed at strengthening cooperation and exchanging expertise across various sectors.

The sources suggested that the swift signing of the agreement reflects pressure from Iran on the Syrian government to carry out civil projects that Iran is involved in. These projects are seen as part of Iran’s effort to deepen its presence and control in the Syrian capital. The sources speculated that the invitation for public dialogue may be an attempt by the Damascus Governorate to shift accountability for delays onto local public opinion, as it is widely understood that the Iranian presence in Damascus has been a point of tension for many of the city’s residents.

Following the signing of the twinning agreement, Tehran Mayor Alireza Zakani stated that the deal is aimed at enhancing cooperation in various fields. He highlighted Tehran’s leadership in public transportation projects, including the development of the subway system, the transition of public buses to electric power, and the management of solid waste—efforts aimed at improving service and economic conditions in Damascus.

Damascus Governor Tariq Kreishati expressed his readiness to collaborate with Tehran Municipality on enhancing service levels and contributing to several strategic projects in the city, such as the subway system and waste management, as reported by the state-run SANA news agency.

The governorate’s call for a public dialogue on Damascus’ future has sparked both curiosity and skepticism. Many large-scale projects that could significantly alter the face of the capital were previously pushed through with little regard for public criticism, despite concerns about their potential impact on residents. According to an investigative report, these concerns were often overlooked.

Syria Indicator, an investigative platform, published a report on the situation of residents in the Mezzeh-Bustan al-Razi area of Damascus, who were displaced from their homes in 2017 following a 2012 presidential decree. This decree paved the way for two major real estate projects: Marota City and Basilia City. The report estimated that investment returns from Marota City alone could range between 52 and 105 trillion Syrian pounds (approximately $3.5 to $7 billion).

The platform detailed how these projects have been plagued by “corruption, poor planning and management, sanctions, and a power struggle for influence and wealth.” Displaced property owners have been left “begging at the doors of Damascus Governorate and real estate offices,” according to one affected resident.

Of the 7,500 families displaced from their homes, 5,500 were promised “alternative housing” that they would have to pay for, but none have yet received their homes. Progress on the Marota City project has been extremely slow.