Taqaddum Coordinating Body Supports Sudan Fact-Finding Commission Report

A Sudanese army force patrols a street in Khartoum (AFP file photo)
A Sudanese army force patrols a street in Khartoum (AFP file photo)

Taqaddum Coordinating Body Supports Sudan Fact-Finding Commission Report

A Sudanese army force patrols a street in Khartoum (AFP file photo)
A Sudanese army force patrols a street in Khartoum (AFP file photo)

The Coordinating Body of Democratic Civil Forces (Taqaddum) reaffirmed its full support on Sunday for the recommendations issued by the independent international fact-finding mission on Sudan. These recommendations include the urgent deployment of international forces to protect civilians in the country.

Taqaddum, the largest political coalition in Sudan, welcomed the report’s documentation of grave violations committed by both sides of the conflict—the Sudanese army and the Rapid Support Forces (RSF), along with their allied forces.

“We fully support all measures aimed at ending the war, protecting civilians, delivering humanitarian aid, ensuring justice, and providing redress to victims...” the coalition said in a statement.

The statement called for immediate steps to halt crimes. It urged the UN Human Rights Council to extend the mandate of the fact-finding mission and stressed the importance of increasing collaboration with Sudan’s democratic civil forces to document violations and recommend solutions to alleviate civilian suffering.

Taqaddum further asserted that civilian protection can only be achieved through an immediate cessation of hostilities and a mutually agreed-upon monitoring mechanism between the warring parties.

Meanwhile, the Sudanese Ministry of Foreign Affairs, based in Port Sudan, issued a statement late Saturday rejecting the fact-finding mission’s recommendations.

The ministry accused the mission of engaging in propaganda ahead of the Human Rights Council’s deliberations, with the aim of influencing member states to extend the mission’s mandate for political purposes.

In its first report last Friday, the international fact-finding mission announced that both parties to the conflict had committed horrific human rights violations and international crimes that constitute war crimes and crimes against humanity.

The report stated that Sudanese Armed Forces, RSF, and their allied forces were responsible for widespread abuses, including indiscriminate airstrikes, shelling of civilian areas, and attacks on schools, hospitals, communication infrastructure, and water and electricity supplies.

Additionally, the report noted that warring factions used sexual violence, including rape, and engaged in arbitrary detention, torture, and mistreatment, which could amount to war crimes.

International human rights experts expect the deployment of forces to protect civilians to be discussed during the Human Rights Council’s upcoming session on Tuesday. The matter could also be referred to the UN General Assembly or the UN Security Council.

A senior UN official told Asharq Al-Awsat that the Sudanese government delegation would likely oppose extending the mission’s mandate. However, the official did not anticipate objections from Russia or China regarding the report’s findings on international investigations into crimes committed by both sides of the conflict.

The official further predicted broad consensus among council members to renew the mission’s mandate.

According to the mission, the report is based on investigations and field visits to Chad, Kenya, and Uganda, as well as testimony from more than 182 survivors, family members, and eyewitnesses. It also involved extensive consultations with experts and civil society organizations.

The conflict in Sudan has resulted in tens of thousands of civilian casualties and the displacement of nearly eight million people within the country, while over two million have sought refuge in neighboring countries.

The fact-finding committee was established by a UN Human Rights Council resolution in October last year to investigate alleged human rights violations and breaches of international humanitarian law.

Lebanon's Ex-central Bank Chief to Remain Detained Amid Probe

Lebanese army and police officers stand near what is believed to be a convoy of former Central Bank Governor Riad Salameh at the Justice Palace in Beirut, Lebanon September 9, 2024. REUTERS/Mohamed Azakir
Lebanese army and police officers stand near what is believed to be a convoy of former Central Bank Governor Riad Salameh at the Justice Palace in Beirut, Lebanon September 9, 2024. REUTERS/Mohamed Azakir

Lebanon's Ex-central Bank Chief to Remain Detained Amid Probe

Lebanese army and police officers stand near what is believed to be a convoy of former Central Bank Governor Riad Salameh at the Justice Palace in Beirut, Lebanon September 9, 2024. REUTERS/Mohamed Azakir
Lebanese army and police officers stand near what is believed to be a convoy of former Central Bank Governor Riad Salameh at the Justice Palace in Beirut, Lebanon September 9, 2024. REUTERS/Mohamed Azakir

A judge ordered Lebanon's former central bank chief Riad Salameh to remain in detention amid a probe into alleged financial crimes committed during his tenure, including embezzlement of public funds, three judicial sources said.

Investigative judge Bilal Halawi took the decision after questioning Salameh for the first time since he was taken into custody last week on charges that state media said included embezzlement, forgery and illicit enrichment.

Halawi set another hearing for Thursday, one of the sources said.

Salameh's media office has said he would not comment publicly on the case, in line with the law. It said in a statement he had cooperated in the past with more than 20 criminal probes in Beirut and Mount Lebanon, and was cooperating with the investigation after his detention.

Salameh has denied previous corruption charges.

If the prosecution continues, it would mark a rare case of a serving or retired senior Lebanese official facing accountability in a system which critics say has long shielded the elite.

A group of protesters shouted "Thief!" as a convoy they believed was transporting Salameh entered the justice ministry building. Some of them struck one of the vehicles with their hands.

Salameh was long feted as a financial wizard in Lebanon but left office with his reputation shredded by corruption charges at home and abroad and the catastrophic collapse of Lebanon's financial system in 2019.


Judicial sources told Reuters last week Salameh was suspected of financial misconduct related to commissions worth more than $110 million in a scheme linked to Optimum Invest, a Lebanese firm that offers income brokerage services.

Investigators have zeroed in on more than $40 million in suspicious transactions linked to that scheme that made their way from an account at the central bank to an account belonging to Salameh, judicial sources said.

Optimum Invest has said it was assisting the judicial authorities in their investigation and providing them with all requested information, and that its dealings with the central bank were conducted in full compliance with the law.

The Lebanese authorities have not published the charges.

The charges brought against Salameh last week are separate from previous charges of financial crimes linked to Forry Associates, a company controlled by his brother, Raja. The brothers - who deny any wrongdoing - were accused of using Forry to divert $330 million in public funds through commissions.

Several European countries including France and Germany have been investigating whether tens of millions of dollars of the funds allegedly embezzled from the central bank were laundered in Europe.

Last year, French and German authorities issued warrants for his arrest. The Munich prosecutor's office said in June that German authorities have cancelled their arrest warrant for technical reasons but were continuing their probe and keeping Salameh's assets frozen.