Arab Parliament Condemns Israel’s Al-Mawasi Massacre in Gaza

Smoke rises after Israeli strikes, amid the ongoing conflict between Israel and the Palestinian group Hamas, in Khan Younis in the southern Gaza Strip, December 10, 2023. REUTERS/Ibraheem Abu Mustafa
Smoke rises after Israeli strikes, amid the ongoing conflict between Israel and the Palestinian group Hamas, in Khan Younis in the southern Gaza Strip, December 10, 2023. REUTERS/Ibraheem Abu Mustafa

Arab Parliament Condemns Israel’s Al-Mawasi Massacre in Gaza

Smoke rises after Israeli strikes, amid the ongoing conflict between Israel and the Palestinian group Hamas, in Khan Younis in the southern Gaza Strip, December 10, 2023. REUTERS/Ibraheem Abu Mustafa
Smoke rises after Israeli strikes, amid the ongoing conflict between Israel and the Palestinian group Hamas, in Khan Younis in the southern Gaza Strip, December 10, 2023. REUTERS/Ibraheem Abu Mustafa

The Arab Parliament strongly condemned the massacre committed by Israeli forces in Al-Mawasi in southern Gaza.
The massacre, which resulted in the deaths and injuries of dozens, is a continuation of the policy of genocide and ethnic cleansing against the Palestinian people, and a clear violation of international laws and charters, particularly international humanitarian law, the Arab Parliament said.
In a statement, it stated that impunity and lack of deterrence further encourage the Israeli occupation forces to commit more crimes and massacres against innocent civilians.

It also said that the international community, the Security Council, and the US administration are fully responsible for these massacres, which are carried out on a daily basis amid shameful international silence.
The Arab Parliament urged the international community, the Security Council, and the international community to assume their responsibilities and exert pressure on the occupation forces to halt the genocide and the brutal massacres committed against Palestinian civilians.
The parliament also asked that the Palestinian civilians be granted protection and that humanitarian and medical assistance be immediately allowed into the Gaza Strip to alleviate the famine and tragic conditions there, as well as an immediate stop to the attacks on innocent civilians in Gaza and the West Bank.

Opposition Candidates File Court Appeal Questioning Algerian Presidential Election Outcome 

Algerian presidential candidate Youcef Aouchiche speaks during a press conference in Algiers on September 9, 2024. (AFP)
Algerian presidential candidate Youcef Aouchiche speaks during a press conference in Algiers on September 9, 2024. (AFP)

Opposition Candidates File Court Appeal Questioning Algerian Presidential Election Outcome 

Algerian presidential candidate Youcef Aouchiche speaks during a press conference in Algiers on September 9, 2024. (AFP)
Algerian presidential candidate Youcef Aouchiche speaks during a press conference in Algiers on September 9, 2024. (AFP)

The two opposition candidates who ran in Algeria's presidential race legally challenged on Tuesday the provisional result while harshly rebuking election officials and disputing the vote count.

Islamist Abdellali Hassani Cherif and socialist Youcef Aouchiche filed appeals with Algeria's Constitutional Court, taking the first step required to challenge the results of the election, which incumbent President Abdelmadjid Tebboune won with a 94.7% share of the vote.

Algerian law provides the court 10 days from the announcement of provisional election results to rule on the appeals. A verdict could require the election authority to recalculate each candidate’s totals without calling into question Tebboune’s victory, for which he has already begun receiving congratulatory messages from Algeria’s foreign allies.

A day before lodging their appeals, both candidates took aim at Mohamed Charfi, the President of Algeria’s National Independent Electoral Authority (ANIE) for how the results of Saturday’s election were reported.

"President Tebboune didn’t need this stuffing. We knew he’d be reelected, but with these results, ANIE hasn’t done him any favors," Cherif said. "We want our votes — the votes of the people who voted for us — to be returned to us. I know it won’t change the outcome of the vote, but it will go down in history."

Meanwhile, Aouchiche held a news conference where his campaign manager showed graphics that he said proved the results had been distorted and called the outcome a "shameful and gross manipulation."

"These results, which do not correspond at all to the number of votes communicated to us by the regional delegations of the same ANIE, are a disgrace for the Algeria of 2024, taking us back to the 1970s," he said, referencing a time when the country's only legal political party ran its chosen candidate unopposed.

The two challengers have taken issue with discrepancies between the number of votes used to tally the results and the turnout figures that election officials published a day earlier. Late Sunday, Tebboune joined them in denouncing ANIE, aligning himself with popular anger that his challengers had drummed up against it.

In a shared statement, campaign managers for Tebboune, Aouchiche and Cherif called into question the results that ANIE had reported and how they didn't correspond with the regional figures that local authorities had reported.

"We inform national public opinion that inaccuracies, contradictions, ambiguities and inconsistencies were noted in the figures when the provisional results of the presidential election were announced by the chairman of the National Independent Election Authority," they wrote.