Renowned French-Algerian novelist Boualem Sansal has been placed in detention at a hospital unit in Algeria’s capital, as his defense team appealed the decision to detain him.
Sansal’s lawyers in Algeria on Wednesday met with their client in the prison unit of Mustapha Hospital in Algiers, his lawyer in France François Zimeray said. The writer appeared to be worried but otherwise in good spirits, and did not complain of mistreatment, he said. His lawyers plan to seek his release on bail.
Sansal, 75, who obtained French citizenship earlier this year, was arrested this month at Algiers airport upon returning from France.
The writer was indicted Tuesday under Algeria’s Article 87 bis on charges of “undermining the integrity of the national territory,” the lawyer added.
On Friday, Algeria’s state news agency APS finally acknowledged his arrest without clarifying the circumstances.
Sansal has repeatedly criticized Algerian officials.
His arrest comes as relations between France and Algeria face newfound strains. France in July backed Morocco's sovereignty over the Western Sahara, angering Algeria.