Turkish Lira’s Long Decline a Symbol of Strife

Seagulls gather on grass close to an electoral poster bearing a portrait of the Turkish President and leader of the Justice and Development (AK) Party Recep Tayyip Erdogan ahead of the May 28 presidential runoff vote, in Istanbul, Türkiye, on May 27, 2023. (AFP)
Seagulls gather on grass close to an electoral poster bearing a portrait of the Turkish President and leader of the Justice and Development (AK) Party Recep Tayyip Erdogan ahead of the May 28 presidential runoff vote, in Istanbul, Türkiye, on May 27, 2023. (AFP)

Turkish Lira’s Long Decline a Symbol of Strife

Seagulls gather on grass close to an electoral poster bearing a portrait of the Turkish President and leader of the Justice and Development (AK) Party Recep Tayyip Erdogan ahead of the May 28 presidential runoff vote, in Istanbul, Türkiye, on May 27, 2023. (AFP)
Seagulls gather on grass close to an electoral poster bearing a portrait of the Turkish President and leader of the Justice and Development (AK) Party Recep Tayyip Erdogan ahead of the May 28 presidential runoff vote, in Istanbul, Türkiye, on May 27, 2023. (AFP)

As Türkiye's lira hit a record low ahead of the country's election decider on Sunday, the currency is looking increasingly dysfunctional with investors concerned about what may be in store if Recep Tayyip Erdogan secures another decade in power.

"Erdonomics", as the 69-year old president's unorthodox, growth-chasing policies are often dubbed, have driven the lira down 80% over the last five years, embedding an inflation problem and shattering Turks' confidence in their currency.

Since a painful 2021 crisis, the authorities have taken an increasingly hands-on role in foreign exchange markets, to the point that some economists now openly debate whether the lira can still be regarded as freely-floating.

Its daily moves have become unnaturally small and mostly go in one direction - down.

Tens of billions of dollars of FX and gold reserves have been used up - another sign of systematic micro-management.

Exporting firms are now obliged to sell 40% of foreign exchange revenues to the central bank, while a lira depreciation-protected bank deposit scheme that helped snuff out the 2021 turmoil remains a crucial but potentially costly defense.

"The key thing is that the lira is being artificially held in place," said Paul McNamara, director of emerging market debt at asset manager GAM, likening some of the measures to de facto capital controls.

Depositors have put some $33 billion into depreciation-protected bank accounts in the last two months, bringing the total to $121 billion - almost a quarter of all Turkish deposits.

"It is basically impossible to see a nice smooth resolution to all of this," McNamara said.


Government insiders who spoke to Reuters in recent days have said there is now disagreement about whether to stick with the current economic strategy that prioritizes low interest rates, or switch to something more orthodox after the election.

The lira's close management has limited its drop to just over 2% since the first round vote two weeks ago, but other key markets have been signaling strong concerns that Erdogan will not change course.

The cost of insuring Türkiye's debt against default has shot up 40%. Benchmark international market bonds have fallen back 10%-15% and key FX market volatility gauges that look a year or more ahead have hit record highs.

Daron Acemoglu, an Institute Professor at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology, says the problem is the policy mix and dwindling FX and gold reserves, which are now $105 billion in gross terms but $115 billion in the red if FX swap arrangements and loans are excluded from the calculations.

"I am convinced that what we have right now cannot continue," Acemoglu said.

"The dollar-protected lira accounts, are they credible?" he asked, pointing to their potential cost to the government in the event of a full-blown crisis, and the fact that parallel exchange rates are now widely offered in Türkiye's bazaars due to the demand for dollars.

"We are getting back to the 1990s," he said referring to the build-up phase of one of Türkiye's most damaging crises that culminated in a devastating devaluation in 2001.

The final countdown?

Eyes are now on the FX reserves and the lira as it surpasses 20 to the dollar, the latest major milestone in its long descent.

Acemoglu said it was difficult to predict if or when things could come to a head. A strong tourist season should bolster reserves again in the short-term, while recent injections into the state coffers from "friendly" countries and Russia have also helped.

In the run-up to the election analysts at JPMorgan had forecast that the lira would fall as far as 30 per dollar without a clear shift back towards orthodox policy.

They now assume Erdogan secures victory on Sunday and makes good on his campaign promises to boost incomes and rebuild the country after February's earthquake.

Some investors are concerned that if the market spirals again, authorities might resort to more draconian capital controls, something the government has repeatedly said is not on the cards, as it seeks to cover its $230 billion, or 25% of GDP, external funding gap.

It has already spent years squeezing the life out of international lira lending markets to the degree that Bank of England data shows trading in major centers like London has shriveled to less than $10 billion a day on average from $56 billion back in 2018.

The increasing currency market dysfunction though has skewered optimism that previously brought many foreign investments to Türkiye.

"These weren't seen as cheap assets, they were seen as jewels," MIT's Acemoglu said of the M&A banking boom heyday. On the situation Erdogan now faces, assuming he wins? "I don't necessarily see an easy way out".

Saudi Arabia Leads Int’l Efforts to Combat Climate Change, Land Degradation

Officials from the presidencies of the next three editions of the Conference of the Parties. (Asharq Al-Awsat)
Officials from the presidencies of the next three editions of the Conference of the Parties. (Asharq Al-Awsat)

Saudi Arabia Leads Int’l Efforts to Combat Climate Change, Land Degradation

Officials from the presidencies of the next three editions of the Conference of the Parties. (Asharq Al-Awsat)
Officials from the presidencies of the next three editions of the Conference of the Parties. (Asharq Al-Awsat)

The presidencies of the next three upcoming Conferences of the Parties (COP) — Saudi Arabia, Azerbaijan, and Colombia — held a meeting on the sidelines of the United Nations General Assembly in New York to outline their ambitions regarding the three Rio Conventions.

Additional meetings are scheduled for the last quarter of this year to address the pressing challenges of climate change, desertification, and biodiversity loss.

The Rio Initiative takes its name from the historic agreements made at the 1992 Earth Summit in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil. It aims to foster cooperation in tackling land degradation, climate change, and biodiversity loss, while boosting international efforts under the United Nations' environmental agreements.

On Sunday, world governments gathered in New York to establish a framework for addressing the threats posed by climate change, desertification, and biodiversity loss. The meeting focused on enhancing cooperation between the upcoming COP presidencies.

The participants included Saudi Arabia, set to lead the 16th Conference of the Parties to the United Nations Convention to Combat Desertification (COP16); Azerbaijan, which will chair the 29th Conference of the Parties to the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (COP29); and Colombia, which will head the 16th Conference of the Parties on Biological Diversity (COP16).

Saudi Arabia's presidency of COP16 highlighted the crucial importance of land restoration for the well-being of both people and the planet. It also underscored the devastating economic, social, and environmental impacts of land degradation and drought, which threaten biodiversity and increase greenhouse gas emissions, worsening food and water security challenges.

Dr. Osama Faqeeha, Saudi Arabia’s Deputy Minister of Environment, Water, and Agriculture, and advisor to the COP16 presidency, stated: "Climate change, biodiversity loss, and land degradation are interconnected aspects of the same crisis facing the planet, and they must be addressed in a more integrated and effective manner."

"This year presents a unique opportunity to unite efforts with Azerbaijan and Colombia and rally global support to address these interlinked environmental challenges, which have a destructive impact on the planet and its people," he added.

Colombian Minister of Environment and Sustainable Development Susana Muhamad emphasized the need for a unified agenda to be implemented on the ground. She expressed her readiness to establish a working group to bolster coordination and cooperation.

"The just transition in climate change must reflect interconnected efforts to protect natural ecosystems from degradation and harm," she said, adding: "We have a valuable opportunity to plan land use through a more integrated approach: decarbonization, environmental restoration, and improving human living conditions. COP16 for Biological Diversity is the ideal platform to deepen understanding and action on these efforts."

Mukhtar Babayev, president of COP29 for Climate Change, stressed the importance of "fostering cooperation, enhancing action efficiency, and achieving tangible results that benefit people and the planet by strengthening collaboration across the three Rio agreements."

He continued: "It’s essential to recognize that the goals of these agreements are fundamentally interconnected, and progress in one area can drive advancements in others."

Saudi Arabia called on governments attending the UN General Assembly to take decisive actions during COP16 for the United Nations Convention to Combat Desertification, which will be held in Riyadh in early December.

The UN Convention to Combat Desertification has set a target of restoring 1.5 billion hectares of degraded land by 2030. In Riyadh, Saudi Arabia's COP16 presidency will push for further concrete commitments to help achieve this goal.

The upcoming COP16 will be the largest and most comprehensive conference in the history of the convention, providing a global platform for collaboration. It will also offer opportunities for the private sector, civil society, and the scientific community to exchange solutions for combating land degradation, desertification, and drought.