IMF: Saudi Economy Grows as it Diversifies

The International Monetary Fund says that non-oil exports reached a record high of $84.4 billion in 2022 (SPA)
The International Monetary Fund says that non-oil exports reached a record high of $84.4 billion in 2022 (SPA)

IMF: Saudi Economy Grows as it Diversifies

The International Monetary Fund says that non-oil exports reached a record high of $84.4 billion in 2022 (SPA)
The International Monetary Fund says that non-oil exports reached a record high of $84.4 billion in 2022 (SPA)

The International Monetary Fund (IMF) has affirmed that the Saudi economy is undergoing a transformation, as reforms are being implemented to reduce dependence on oil, diversify sources of income, and enhance competitiveness.

In an article published on its website on Thursday, titled “Saudi Arabia's Economy Grows as it Diversifies,” authored by IMF economists Amine Mati and Sidra Rehman, the Fund stated that this year marks a significant turning point in the ambitious journey of the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia towards its “Vision 2030.”

As shown in the latest IMF annual review of the Kingdom’s economy, progress has been most notably reflected in non-oil growth, which has accelerated since 2021, averaging 4.8% in 2022.

Non-oil revenue doubled in just four years due to VAT rate increases and high regulatory compliance.

Non-oil exports reached a record $84.4 billion in 2022.

Shares of manufacturing and services increased by 15% over the past 20 years, and the tourism sector is contributing 4.5% to GDP.

According to the IMF, two reforms are playing a key role in Saudi Arabia’s economic transformation: Labor market reform and Digitalization.

The share of Saudis in high-skilled jobs increased from 32 % in 2016 to 42 % in 2022. Female workforce participation has doubled over the past four years, reaching 37% and clearly surpassing the Vision 2030 target of 30%.

Meanwhile, the digital sector’s contribution to overall growth increased from 0.2% in 2016 to 15% in 2022, which has bolstered the financial sector’s resilience, government efficiency and financial inclusion.

Despite lower overall growth reflecting additional oil production cuts, non-oil growth will remain close to 5% in 2023, spurred by strong domestic demand.

As a result of a new set of laws to promote entrepreneurship, protect investors’ rights, and reduce the costs of doing business, new investment deals and licenses grew by 95% and 267% in 2022, respectively.

In addition, the Saudi Investment Fund (PIF) has been deploying capital, including to help stimulate private sector investment.

Moreover, the Saudi economy’s non-oil growth has been spurred by strong domestic demand, particularly private non-oil investment. Sustaining this performance requires pursuing sound macroeconomic policies and maintaining the reform momentum, irrespective of developments in oil markets.

Challenges ahead include making sure large projects generate returns and boost productivity, which are vital for sustained economic growth and will help further diversify the economy.

There is a need to continue the ongoing efforts to foster a more conducive environment for innovation and invest in workforce skills that complement the diversification agenda.

Saudi Emerging Technology Adoption Index Rises to 70.7%

The “LEAP 2024” conference saw $1 billion in funding for emerging technology ventures in Saudi Arabia (Asharq Al-Awsat)
The “LEAP 2024” conference saw $1 billion in funding for emerging technology ventures in Saudi Arabia (Asharq Al-Awsat)

Saudi Emerging Technology Adoption Index Rises to 70.7%

The “LEAP 2024” conference saw $1 billion in funding for emerging technology ventures in Saudi Arabia (Asharq Al-Awsat)
The “LEAP 2024” conference saw $1 billion in funding for emerging technology ventures in Saudi Arabia (Asharq Al-Awsat)

The performance index of Saudi government agencies in “Emerging Technologies Adoption” has improved significantly by 10% compared to last year, rising from 60.3% in 2023 to 70.7% in 2024.
This improvement is driven by an increase in the number of participating government entities, which grew from 13 to 35.
This progress was detailed in the annual report released by the Digital Government Authority (DGA), highlighting the readiness of government entities to embrace emerging technologies in 2024.
The rise in the adoption index reflects a broader participation and growing interest aligned with the Kingdom’s goals to foster innovation and support modern technologies.
It also underscores Saudi Arabia’s commitment to sustainable development and building an advanced digital future under the “Vision 2030” initiative, which positions digital transformation as a cornerstone of its future vision.
The report also highlighted advancements in various capacities for adopting emerging technologies.
This heightened focus on adopting emerging technologies coincides with a transformative period for the Kingdom's digital government, which is leveraging cutting-edge technologies to deliver superior services to citizens, residents, and visitors, playing a crucial role in the journey towards the future.
Saudi Arabia has integrated numerous emerging technologies into government services, enhancing efficiency, automating services, saving time and effort, and promoting transparency.
Globally, the leading emerging technologies in digital governments include artificial intelligence (AI), which is used to improve government services, the Internet of Things (IoT) for data collection and analysis, virtual reality for providing interactive citizen experiences, and 3D printing for manufacturing parts and components.
Notably, Saudi Arabia ranked first globally in the Government AI Readiness Index, a part of the Global AI Index by Tortoise Intelligence, which assesses over 60 countries. Germany and China ranked second and third, respectively.
Saudi Arabia achieved a perfect score in the index’s criteria, which include having a dedicated national AI strategy, a specific government entity for AI, allocated funding and budget for AI, and defined national AI targets.