Saudi Real Estate Market Deals Confirm Solidity despite Surrounding Factors

An aerial view of the Saudi capital, Riyadh (Reuters)
An aerial view of the Saudi capital, Riyadh (Reuters)

Saudi Real Estate Market Deals Confirm Solidity despite Surrounding Factors

An aerial view of the Saudi capital, Riyadh (Reuters)
An aerial view of the Saudi capital, Riyadh (Reuters)

The Saudi real estate market recorded deals worth more than 214 billion riyals ($57 billion) during the first nine months of this year, according to real estate exchange data.

Real estate experts, who spoke to Asharq Al-Awsat, noted that the recent figures highlight the strength, solidity and cohesion of the Saudi real estate market, despite the surrounding factors, such as the continued rise in interest rates and the decline in financing granted to individuals.

Real Estate expert Eng. Ahmed Al-Faqih said that the value of real estate market deals, despite its relative decline from about 260 billion riyals (69 billion dollars) in 2022, confirms the solidity of the real estate market, despite the continued rise in interest rates, and the decrease in the volume of real estate financing granted to individuals by banks and financing companies.

Al-Faqih pointed to three factors that he said contributed to this value. First, the scarcity of supply in the residential market, whether land, apartments, or villas, which led to an increase in their prices, according to the periodic reports of the General Authority for Statistics (GASTAT).

The second factor is the large demand for real estate. This gave positive signals to property owners and supported adherence to the prices offered, he underlined.

As for the third factor, Al-Faqih pointed to the “open appetite of major businessmen and real estate entities to acquire many undeveloped land deals at billion-dollar prices, which clearly indicates that we are facing a very promising market in the near future, in light of unprecedented support from the government.”

Al-Faqih expects next year to witness greater momentum in the Saudi real estate market after the non-Saudi ownership and investment law comes into effect.

European Companies Signing More than $42 Bln Worth of Deals in Egypt

European Commission President Ursula von der Leyen pauses before speaking during a media conference at EU headquarters in Brussels, on June 20, 2023. (AP)
European Commission President Ursula von der Leyen pauses before speaking during a media conference at EU headquarters in Brussels, on June 20, 2023. (AP)

European Companies Signing More than $42 Bln Worth of Deals in Egypt

European Commission President Ursula von der Leyen pauses before speaking during a media conference at EU headquarters in Brussels, on June 20, 2023. (AP)
European Commission President Ursula von der Leyen pauses before speaking during a media conference at EU headquarters in Brussels, on June 20, 2023. (AP)

European Commission chief Ursula von der Leyen said on Saturday European companies were signing more than 20 new deals or MOUs worth a total of more than 40 billion euros ($42.85 billion) at the Egypt-EU Investment Conference, Reuters reported.
The joint Investment Forum, which takes place in Cairo on 29th and 30th of June, is a first key deliverable of the Egypt-EU Strategic and Comprehensive Partnership agreed by the presidents of the EU and Egypt, Abdel Fattah al-Sisi, in March 2024.
The Partnership covers political relations, economic stability, investments and trade, migration and mobility, security and demography, and human capital.

The Conference will bring together some 1,000 participants, including Egyptian and EU Ministers, senior officials, European financial institutions and CEOs from a wide range of sectors from both the EU and Egypt.