EU Reaches Agreement on Spending Rules

The EU has spent two years making an intensive effort to develop reforms to spending rules. PHILIPPE HUGUEN / AFP/File
The EU has spent two years making an intensive effort to develop reforms to spending rules. PHILIPPE HUGUEN / AFP/File

EU Reaches Agreement on Spending Rules

The EU has spent two years making an intensive effort to develop reforms to spending rules. PHILIPPE HUGUEN / AFP/File
The EU has spent two years making an intensive effort to develop reforms to spending rules. PHILIPPE HUGUEN / AFP/File

The European Parliament and member states reached an agreement early Saturday on reforms to EU budgetary rules aimed at boosting investment while keeping spending under control.
The text modernizes the current rules, known as the Stability and Growth Pact, created in the late 1990s, which limit countries' debt to 60 percent of gross domestic product and public deficits to three percent, AFP said.
"Deal!," the Belgian Presidency of the Council of the EU said on social media platform X after 16 hours of talks.
The European Union spent two years making an intensive effort to develop reforms supported by the more frugal member states like Germany and other countries, such as France and Italy, which seek more flexibility.
After much wrangling between Berlin and Paris, the 27 member states struck a deal in December, then began talks with negotiators from the European Parliament.
The text was criticized for its great complexity and derided by left-wing officials as a tool for imposing austerity on Europe.
The negotiators finally reached an agreement early Saturday, in time for the text to be voted on in Strasbourg this spring before the parliamentary break ahead of European elections.
The reforms will be formally adopted after agreement between lawmakers and states.
The agreement will allow member states to apply the new rules to their 2025 budgets.
"The new rules will help achieve balanced & sustainable public finances, structural reforms, foster investments, growth & jobs creation in the EU," the Belgian presidency said.
Wiggle room
The former budgetary framework was considered too drastic and was never really respected.
The rules had, however, been suspended since the coronavirus pandemic to give member states wiggle room to spend more during a period of great economic upheaval.
During the initial debates between countries, the battle was fierce over how much those old limits should be relaxed to give more room for investment.
With war raging in Europe and the EU making a green transition push, states led by France argued for allowing more space to finance these key areas, including, for example, supplying critical arms to Ukraine.
While confirming the previous limits on debt and budget deficits, the new agreement allows more flexibility in the event of excessive deficits.
The text provides looser fiscal rules more adapted to the particular situation of each state, allowing big spenders a slower route back to frugality.
The tailor-made approach means each country presents their own adjustment trajectory to ensure their debt's sustainability, giving them more time if they undertake reforms and investments and allowing a less painful return to fiscal health.
Monitoring would focus on expenditure trends, an economic indicator considered more relevant than deficits, which can fluctuate depending on the level of growth.
But Germany and its "frugal" allies managed to tighten this budgetary framework by imposing a quantifiable minimum effort to reduce debt and deficits for all EU countries, despite the reluctance of France and Italy.
These modifications have greatly complicated the text.
"We have a deal! A new economic governance framework was much needed," Dutch MEP Esther de Lange said on X.
"We have ensured that the new fiscal rules are sound and credible, while also allowing room for necessary investments," said de Lange, of the center-right European People's Party Group.
The reforms are also supported by the EU's Renew liberals and a large majority of the Socialist and Democrat groupings.
The Greens and some S&D elected officials, however, reject it, as do the radical left.
These elected officials have denounced a return to austerity after three years of suspended budgetary rules due to the pandemic and war in Ukraine.
"We need investments in industry, in defense, in the ecological transition, that's the urgency today, it is not to bring economically absurd rules up to date," economist and S&D MEP Aurore Lalucq of France told AFP.
She denounced it as a "political error which will be used by populists to attack Europe".

Saudi Arabia to Host Multilateral Industrial Policy Forum

The Saudi flag. Asharq Al-Awsat
The Saudi flag. Asharq Al-Awsat

Saudi Arabia to Host Multilateral Industrial Policy Forum

The Saudi flag. Asharq Al-Awsat
The Saudi flag. Asharq Al-Awsat

Saudi Arabia, in partnership with the United Nations Industrial Development Organization (UNIDO), will host the Multilateral Industrial Policy Forum (MIPF) in October, underscoring the Kingdom's significant industrial transformation, in line with Vision 2030, and aiming to expand the Saudi industrial base and solidify its position as a leading global industrial center.
Organized by the Ministry of Industry and Mineral Resources in Riyadh, the forum is yet another substantial industrial development initiative the Kingdom relentlessly takes.
By carrying out programs focused on innovation, diversification, and boosting of the industrial sectors, including 12 strategic sectors identified in the National Industrial Strategy, Saudi Arabia seeks to raise competitiveness and support its national economy.
Beyond the National Industrial Strategy, the Kingdom has invested in developing industrial infrastructure, such as industrial cities and special economic zones, and fostered international cooperation to facilitate transfer of knowledge and technology. The forum, in which global experts and decision makers participate, is an ideal platform to exchange expertise and set best practices in industrial policies.
Saudi Arabia aims to develop policies that are in line with international standards, thus increasing the global competitiveness of its industrial sector. By leading initiatives for sustainable industrial practices, promoting international cooperation, exchanging expertise, and adopting environmentally friendly technologies, the Kingdom seeks to enhance the flexibility of its supply chains, in line with the Global Supply Chain Resilience Initiative.
The industrial sector in Saudi Arabia witnessed significant developments in 2023, including announcing major investment opportunities in targeted sectors, issuing a license for the first Saudi-made electric car brand "Ceer", and opening the first electric vehicle manufacturing factory "Lucid". The Kingdom aims to produce over 300,000 cars annually by 2030.
Attracting private sector investments is crucial to achieving the goals of the National Industrial Strategy. The industrial sector focuses on enhancing integration among various sectors and their supply chains, developing infrastructure, encouraging joint investments, promoting local content, and empowering national companies through policies, financing, and training.
In July 2022, the Ministry of Industry and Mineral Resources launched the Future Factories Program, which aims to transform 4,000 factories from labor-intensive models to efficient, automated operations utilizing advanced industrial solutions. This initiative seeks to enhance competitiveness, improve product quality, and increase exports of Saudi non-oil products.
The ministry has also made strides in improving the regulatory and legislative environment for the industrial sector, creating an environment conducive to investments and fair competition.
The ministry's goals for 2024 and 2025 include attracting investments in targeted industrial sectors, reaching a total investment volume of SAR451 billion, adding 1,500 products to the mandatory local content list, increasing the industrial sector's contribution to non-oil GDP to SAR412 billion, and boosting non-oil exports to over SAR300 billion. Moreover, the ministry aims to launch the industrial sector governance initiative to stimulate integration and concerted efforts among relevant stakeholders.
The second edition of the Multilateral Industrial Policy Forum, hosted by Riyadh under the theme "Transforming Challenges into Sustainable Solutions through Industrial Policies", will bring together some 3,000 industry leaders from around the world, including decision makers, CEOs, industry specialists, and people interested in developing industrial policies.