Thummarukudy: No Sustainable Development, Food Security without Land Reclamation

Muralee Thummarukudy, Director of the G20 Initiative to Reduce Land Degradation at the United Nations Convention to Combat Desertification (Asharq Al-Awsat)
Muralee Thummarukudy, Director of the G20 Initiative to Reduce Land Degradation at the United Nations Convention to Combat Desertification (Asharq Al-Awsat)

Thummarukudy: No Sustainable Development, Food Security without Land Reclamation

Muralee Thummarukudy, Director of the G20 Initiative to Reduce Land Degradation at the United Nations Convention to Combat Desertification (Asharq Al-Awsat)
Muralee Thummarukudy, Director of the G20 Initiative to Reduce Land Degradation at the United Nations Convention to Combat Desertification (Asharq Al-Awsat)

Four years have passed since the launch in Riyadh of the Global Initiative to Reduce Land Degradation during Saudi Arabia’s presidency of the G20 in November 2020.
The initiative aims to achieve a 50 percent reduction in degraded lands by 2040, especially since this environmental phenomenon threatens the lives of millions of people and hinders sustainable development. United Nations desertification data indicate that more than two billion hectares of the world’s land are degraded, affecting half the world’s population. The international organization warns that if current trends continue, the world will need to restore 1.5 billion hectares of degraded land by 2030 to attain the Sustainable Development Goals.
Riyadh marked the World Environment Day 2024 on June 5 by focusing on land restoration, desertification, and drought resistance to restore the planet.
In an interview with Asharq Al-Awsat, Muralee Thummarukudy, Director of the G20 Initiative to Reduce Land Degradation at the United Nations Convention to Combat Desertification, said that the great challenge to confront this phenomenon was the availability of funding, resources, money and technical expertise.
Thummarukudy, who is currently in Riyadh to participate in many environmental activities and seminars organized on the occasion of World Environment Day, talked about the goals of the initiative and the ongoing efforts in this regard.
Stressing that the main objective is to reduce 50 percent of degraded land globally by 2040, he said that land reclamation is the focus of the initiative, in addition to many sustainable development goals, including protecting the environment and eliminating hunger.
The official continued that 95 percent of all foods and 99 percent of calories consumed by the population come from the Earth. Thus, the work of the Global Land Reclamation Initiative has an impact on multiple sustainable development goals, especially for the Arab region, which suffers from land degradation, and faces food security and other challenges, he underlined.
Asked about the strategies, Thummarukudy pointed to capacity building to achieve land reclamation. In this context, he referred to a program within the initiative that aims to train people, youth, and experts.
He added that the initiative seeks to work with the private sector, which can play a major role in achieving land reclamation, as well as with local communities through capacity building.
Commenting on the role of Saudi Arabia, Thummarukudy said that the Kingdom has launched the entire idea of ​​the initiative under its presidency of the G20. He added that during the meeting of environment ministers, Riyadh was able to convince other members to put land reclamation at the top of the agenda.
As a result, other countries pledged to contribute to the initiative by providing technical expertise, support and governance, he remarked.
The official emphasized Saudi Arabia’s leading role in the field of land reclamation, not only within the Kingdom itself, but across the Middle East.
Regarding the main challenges facing the implementation of the G20 Global Land Initiative in developing countries, Thummarukudy pointed to the lack of national legislation and financing necessary for land reclamation, in addition to the need for technical expertise and concerned institutions.
The availability of funding, resources, money and technical expertise represents a major challenge, he stressed, adding that Arab countries can play a role in channeling both technical know-how and financial resources to achieve land reclamation.
On how the initiative deals with the effects of climate change on desertification and land degradation, and the sustainable solutions that are presented in this context, Thummarukudy said that the strategy promotes land restoration by all means, including soil restoration, legislation, plant diversity and soil organic matter, all of which contribute to reducing the effects of climate change.
The official referred to the creation of the Global Land Reclamation Database, a compilation of best available practices on land degradation globally. He added that within the initiative, hundreds of experts from around the world are being trained on various land topics, in areas as diverse as reclaiming mining areas, restoring vegetation using agricultural biotechnology, and using geospatial information for land management.
According to Thummarukudy, there are two main ways in which the private sector can contribute to achieving land reclamation. The first is concerned with providing financial resources to support land reclamation initiatives, and second, applying best practices in afforestation, agriculture, and mining, which will reduce land degradation.
Green initiatives, such as the Middle East Green Initiative and the Global Land Reclamation Initiative, all require the participation of a large number of private sector stakeholders to achieve the desired goals, he underlined.



Saudi Arabia's Digital Advertising Boom: Addressing Economic Leakage, Boosting Local Content

A digital advertising event recently held in Riyadh (Asharq Al-Awsat)
A digital advertising event recently held in Riyadh (Asharq Al-Awsat)

Saudi Arabia's Digital Advertising Boom: Addressing Economic Leakage, Boosting Local Content

A digital advertising event recently held in Riyadh (Asharq Al-Awsat)
A digital advertising event recently held in Riyadh (Asharq Al-Awsat)

Saudi Arabia’s digital advertising sector is experiencing rapid growth, but a significant portion of its revenues is leaking to foreign platforms. To maximize the impact on the national economy, experts are calling for strategies to curb this outflow and redirect it to local channels.

The importance of retaining digital ad revenues lies in the substantial size of this market. It is estimated that approximately $1 billion in ad spent is lost annually to foreign platforms, representing a considerable loss to Saudi Arabia’s economy.

Dr. Ebada Al-Abbad, CEO of Marketing and Communications at Tadafuq, a Saudi digital advertising network, told Asharq Al-Awsat that the problem stems from the fact that although advertisers, products, and audiences are often local, the largest share of financial gains goes to foreign platforms. He estimated that 70-80% of the $1.5 billion spent on digital advertising in Saudi Arabia in 2022 went to global platforms such as Google and Facebook. This results in the national economy losing nearly $1 billion annually from this sector alone.

Al-Abbad noted that government agencies in Saudi Arabia also contribute to the outflow. He explained that public sector spending on digital advertising, intended to raise awareness among citizens and residents, frequently ends up on foreign platforms. Government spending makes up about 20-25% of the total digital ad market in the Kingdom, meaning hundreds of millions of riyals leave the country annually, weakening the local digital economy.

Al-Abbad argues that Saudi Arabia needs strong local digital ad networks to keep this revenue within the national economy. These networks would help create jobs, drive innovation, and promote cultural diversity in digital content. Developing local platforms would also enhance Saudi Arabia’s digital sovereignty by ensuring that data remains within the country and is not controlled by foreign entities.

Moreover, local networks would reduce dependence on international platforms, ensuring that the economic benefits of digital advertising remain in the Kingdom, he said, stressing that this would align with Saudi Arabia’s broader Vision 2030 goals, which emphasize building a robust, diversified economy driven by local industries and digital transformation.

Globally, the digital advertising sector is growing rapidly. In 2022, worldwide spending on digital ads reached $602 billion, and it is projected to hit $876 billion by 2026. In the Middle East and North Africa (MENA) region, the digital ad market grew to $5.9 billion in 2022, with Saudi Arabia’s market accounting for over $1.5 billion.

In other countries, the digital ad sector plays a crucial role in boosting national economies. For example, in the United States, the digital advertising industry contributed $460 billion to the GDP in 2021, about 2.1% of the total. In the UK, the sector accounted for 1.8% of GDP in 2022. This shows how important digital advertising can be in driving economic growth.

One of the key challenges facing Saudi Arabia’s digital ad sector is the dominance of global platforms like Google and Facebook, which control 60% of the global digital ad market, Al-Abbad told Asharq Al-Awsat. This dominance results in a significant outflow of revenue and allows these platforms to control digital data and content. He warned that this could undermine Saudi Arabia’s national sovereignty over its digital economy.

To counter this, he emphasized that Saudi Arabia needs to build competitive local networks that can retain a larger share of the market. This will not only keep more revenue in the country but also strengthen the Kingdom’s control over its digital data and content.