IMF Board Approves Argentina Payout of Almost $800 Mn

Argentina's president Javier Milei has vowed to get inflation back down - AFP
Argentina's president Javier Milei has vowed to get inflation back down - AFP

IMF Board Approves Argentina Payout of Almost $800 Mn

Argentina's president Javier Milei has vowed to get inflation back down - AFP
Argentina's president Javier Milei has vowed to get inflation back down - AFP

The IMF executive board voted to approve a payout of almost $800 million for Argentina as it continues a program of drastic economic reforms under its libertarian president, Javier Milei.

A self-declared "anarcho-capitalist," Milei has vowed to halt Argentina's economic decline and reduce the budget deficit to zero, and has embarked on a program to slash public spending and bring down inflation, which remains at an annual rate of more than 275 percent, AFP reported.

"The Executive Board assessed the program to be firmly on track, with all quantitative performance criteria through end-March 2024 met with margins," the International Monetary Fund said in a statement.

The decision by the IMF executive board to approve the eighth review of its loan program with the Latin American nation will allow for the disbursement of just over $793 million, bringing the total disbursements under the existing program to more than $41 billion.

"The Board emphasized that sustaining the strong progress requires improving the quality of fiscal adjustment, initiating steps towards an enhanced monetary and FX (foreign exchange) policy framework, and implementing the structural agenda," the IMF said.

"Continued efforts to support the vulnerable, broaden political support and ensure agile policymaking will also be necessary," it added.

"The good news continues," Milei wrote on X, sharing the IMF statement.

The payout approval follows an announcement earlier in the day that Argentine inflation came in at 4.2 percent in May, the lowest in two-and-a-half years, according to the INDEC statistics agency.

Saudi Arabia Implements Int’l Customs System to Facilitate Temporary Import of Goods

Jeddah Islamic Port (Asharq Al-Awsat)
Jeddah Islamic Port (Asharq Al-Awsat)

Saudi Arabia Implements Int’l Customs System to Facilitate Temporary Import of Goods

Jeddah Islamic Port (Asharq Al-Awsat)
Jeddah Islamic Port (Asharq Al-Awsat)

Saudi Arabia has started implementing an international customs system that facilitates the temporary import of goods for up to one year without the need to pay any fees, taxes, or undergo customs procedures.

In June, the Zakat, Tax, and Customs Authority started accepting the ATA Carnet temporary admission document at all its land, sea, and air customs points. This step is part of the Kingdom's commitment to the Istanbul Convention on Temporary Admission, supporting the business sector and enhancing Saudi Arabia's status as a global destination for events, exhibitions, and activities.

On Thursday, the Federation of Saudi Chambers announced the issuance of the first ATA Carnet since the official adoption of this system, making Saudi Arabia the 80th country worldwide to implement this international customs system. The document was delivered to Swiss company Richemont.

Logistics expert Zaid Al-Jarba told Asharq Al-Awsat that adopting the ATA Carnet system is a pivotal step in enhancing Saudi Arabia’s logistics environment, adding that the move aligns with the Kingdom’s national transportation and logistics strategy, facilitating international trade by streamlining customs procedures.

He stressed that this system strengthens the country’s infrastructure readiness, supports the growth of the logistics services sector, increases Saudi Arabia’s global competitiveness, and boosts its ability to attract and host international events and exhibitions.

Businesses and interested parties can apply for the ATA Carnet through the Federation’s website and collect it from their headquarters in Riyadh.

The Zakat, Tax, and Customs Authority clarified when announcing the start of the ATA Carnet that eligible goods include items intended for display or use in exhibitions, markets, meetings, or similar events, professional equipment, containers, pallets, packing materials, samples, and other goods related to commercial operations. Additionally, goods imported for educational, scientific, or cultural purposes can also be temporarily admitted under the system.

The Federation of Saudi Chambers has been designated as the authorized guarantor in the Kingdom for the ATA Carnet, approved by the Zakat, Tax, and Customs Authority. The Federation is also the issuing body, with the right to delegate others. Beneficiaries can import goods temporarily under the ATA Carnet without needing to provide financial guarantees.