Gaps in EU's Preparation for Potential Gas Crises

Pipes at the landfall facilities of the 'Nord Stream 1' gas pipeline are pictured in Lubmin, Germany, March 8, 2022. REUTERS/Hannibal Hanschke
Pipes at the landfall facilities of the 'Nord Stream 1' gas pipeline are pictured in Lubmin, Germany, March 8, 2022. REUTERS/Hannibal Hanschke

Gaps in EU's Preparation for Potential Gas Crises

Pipes at the landfall facilities of the 'Nord Stream 1' gas pipeline are pictured in Lubmin, Germany, March 8, 2022. REUTERS/Hannibal Hanschke
Pipes at the landfall facilities of the 'Nord Stream 1' gas pipeline are pictured in Lubmin, Germany, March 8, 2022. REUTERS/Hannibal Hanschke

The European Union is insufficiently prepared to weather a future gas crisis despite introducing a raft of measures to end its dependence on Russian energy, the European Court of Auditors said on Monday.

Europe's energy supply was upended in 2022 when former top gas supplier Russia invaded Ukraine and slashed fuel deliveries, prompting the EU to introduce emergency policies to fill gas storage, reduce gas use, and jointly buy gas, Reuters reported.

Europe managed to avoid a major gas shortage during the crisis, but it is unclear how much of that can be credited to EU policies versus other factors like mild winter weather and high prices causing industries to use less gas, the ECA said in a report on Monday.

Coordination between Brussels and EU countries helped to forge new gas supply routes to avoid shortages, and the EU's obligation for countries to fill gas storage 90% ahead of winter created market certainty, the report said.

But the auditors said these actions did not sufficiently address the affordability of gas, the price of which surged to above 300 euros ($322) per megawatt hour in August 2022 from around 50 euros per MWh a year prior.

"The Commission knew already in 2014 that a cut-off of Russian gas would have a huge impact on prices, but never modelled its effects on consumers or industry," said Joao Leao, who led the audit.

The auditors flagged other gaps in Europe's preparations for supply crises, noting that six EU countries have kept the option to cut off gas deliveries to their neighbours in an emergency.

They declined to comment on how the scheduled expiry this year of a deal on the transit of Russian gas to Europe via Ukraine would affect Europe's energy security. But they noted the EU's overall reliance on Russia has dropped from 45% of total gas supplies in 2021 to around 15% last year.

Europe's gas demand is expected to decrease as countries reduce fossil fuel consumption to meet climate goals. The auditors said the EU is far behind on its plans to build carbon capture infrastructure to capture the emissions from continued gas combustion.

German Coalition Reaches Breakthrough on 2025 Budget, Financial Plan

A German flag blows in the wind in front of a stack of containers at the harbour in Hamburg, Germany, February 24, 2022. REUTERS/Fabian Bimmer/File Photo Purchase Licensing Rights
A German flag blows in the wind in front of a stack of containers at the harbour in Hamburg, Germany, February 24, 2022. REUTERS/Fabian Bimmer/File Photo Purchase Licensing Rights

German Coalition Reaches Breakthrough on 2025 Budget, Financial Plan

A German flag blows in the wind in front of a stack of containers at the harbour in Hamburg, Germany, February 24, 2022. REUTERS/Fabian Bimmer/File Photo Purchase Licensing Rights
A German flag blows in the wind in front of a stack of containers at the harbour in Hamburg, Germany, February 24, 2022. REUTERS/Fabian Bimmer/File Photo Purchase Licensing Rights

The leaders of Germany's three-party coalition on Friday achieved a breakthrough in negotiations on the national budget for 2025, dpa has learnt from government sources.

The coalition leaders have also reached a preliminary deal on a financial plan to secure additional economic growth of more than 0.5% - worth an estimated €26 million ($28 million) - in the coming year.

Sources told dpa that the coalition plans to stick with strict rules against budget deficits, known as the debt brake, banking on a significant increase in economic output to overcome shortfalls in government spending.

The breakthrough comes after weeks of negotiations between German Chancellor Olaf Scholz of the Social Democratic Party (SPD), Vice Chancellor and Economy Minister Robert Habeck of the Greens and Finance Minister Christian Lindner of the pro-business Free Democratic Party (FDP).

The key sticking point has been a €10 billion deficit in government expenditure, with Lindner's FDP refusing to sideline the debt brake to allow for additional borrowing and investments, and the SPD ruling out any cuts to welfare spending.

Sources told dpa that the new deal includes a supplementary budget totalling €11 billion to overcome lower-than-expected tax revenues and higher government spending.