Ballard Partners Seeks to Open Office in Saudi Arabia

Brian Ballard, founder and president of the US Ballard Partners (Photography: Abdul Rahman Al-Salem)
Brian Ballard, founder and president of the US Ballard Partners (Photography: Abdul Rahman Al-Salem)

Ballard Partners Seeks to Open Office in Saudi Arabia

Brian Ballard, founder and president of the US Ballard Partners (Photography: Abdul Rahman Al-Salem)
Brian Ballard, founder and president of the US Ballard Partners (Photography: Abdul Rahman Al-Salem)

Ballard Partners, the American Government Relations Company,  announced its intention to open its first office in Riyadh. The US company’s move comes after the Saudi Council of Ministers agreed to allow foreigners to practice the legal profession in the Kingdom.


Brian Ballard, founder and president of Ballard Partners, said in an interview with Asharq Al-Awsat, shortly before his departure from Riyadh, that he received a great welcome from the government, adding that he was excited about the possibility of opening an office in the country.


He revealed that his company has found in Abdullah Al-Meleihi, Chairman of Saudi Excellence Company, a reliable partner through which it will enter the Saudi business environment.


Ballard expressed his astonishment at the outcome of the programs launched by Saudi Crown Prince Mohammed bin Salman, through Vision 2030, which he said revitalized the business environment and attracted international investors.


Asked about the meetings he held in Riyadh, the president of Ballard Partners said that the purpose of his visit was to explore work opportunities in the country, adding that he discussed with Saudi officials means to best serve the customers by opening the firm’s first office in Saudi Arabia.


Ballard noted that he was very impressed by the opportunities offered not only to his company, but also to the clients it represents.


Underlining the importance of the Saudi endeavor to attract foreign firms, he indicated that the reforms, which have regulated all aspects of business activities in the Kingdom, were very meaningful and transparent to the point that any company can come and find a suitable environment to launch its business.


Ballard stressed that major US firms, accounting firms, as well as companies providing professional services, have a prosperous business future in Saudi Arabia, expecting the coming period to witness more American investments in the country.

Saudi Arabia Has Most Stable Inflation Rate Compared to G20 Countries

A supermarket in Saudi Arabia (Asharq Al-Awsat)
A supermarket in Saudi Arabia (Asharq Al-Awsat)

Saudi Arabia Has Most Stable Inflation Rate Compared to G20 Countries

A supermarket in Saudi Arabia (Asharq Al-Awsat)
A supermarket in Saudi Arabia (Asharq Al-Awsat)

Saudi Arabia has managed to control inflation in recent months, recording 1.5 percent in June, on an annual basis. This shows that the Kingdom is one of the most stable countries in the G20, with an inflation rate that remains inferior to the global target of 2 percent.

Data issued by the General Authority for Statistics (GASTAT) on Tuesday revealed that residential rents had the biggest influence on inflation in June, compared to the same month last year, as they rose by 10.1 percent.

On a monthly basis, the inflation rate decreased in June, reaching 1.5 percent, compared to 1.6 percent the previous month.

Experts told Asharq Al-Awsat that the rate shows the efficiency of Saudi Arabia’s economic management and liquidity to ensure a balance between growth and inflation. They said the government is making great efforts to adopt the adequate procedures and measures in order to confront the wave of inflation and rising prices that has recently swept the world.

Economic policy analyst Ahmed Al-Shehri told Asharq Al-Awsat that the inflation rate in Saudi Arabia is still under control, and below the global target, noting that it has decreased to 1.5 percent last June, after witnessing slight increases over the past months.

According to Al-Shehri, the annual inflation rate reaching 1.5 percent is mainly due to the increase in housing rental prices by 10.1 percent.

He said the cash supply in Saudi Arabia reached SAR2.9 trillion ($778.1 billion), in parallel with the slowdown in annual inflation to record 1.5 percent in June, which reflects the efficiency of economic management and liquidity to ensure a balance between growth and inflation.

For his part, legal advisor and professor of commercial law, Dr. Osama Al-Obaidy, told Asharq Al-Awsat that the government has resorted to early precautionary measures that helped avoid the inflation crisis.

The stability of the inflation rate highlights the success of the Kingdom’s financial policies and its support for the private sector, in order to raise manufacturing productivity and increase strategic reserves of basic materials and ensure their availability, he said.