Oman Expands Oil, Gas Exploration by Signing New Concession Agreement

Officials at the contract signing ceremony (Oman News Agency)
Officials at the contract signing ceremony (Oman News Agency)

Oman Expands Oil, Gas Exploration by Signing New Concession Agreement

Officials at the contract signing ceremony (Oman News Agency)
Officials at the contract signing ceremony (Oman News Agency)

The Omani Ministry of Energy and Minerals on Sunday signed an agreement with Daleel Petroleum Company (the operator) to explore and develop Concession Area No. 15 in Al Dhahirah Governorate.
The concession agreement constitutes a strategic step towards enhancing oil and gas reserves and expanding production rates through the resources of Area No. 15, a stretch of ​​1,389 square kilometers.
Through this new agreement, Daleel Petroleum Company will undertake a set of geological and geophysical studies, reprocess existing seismic data, conduct a 3D seismic survey and drill several wells to assess the hydrocarbon potential in the designated area.
The agreement was signed by Salim al Aufi, Minister of Energy and Minerals, Mohammed al Barwani, Chairman and Founder of Mohammed Al Barwani Group and Zhang Yu, Vice President of the People’s Republic of China’s national development corporation.
Salah Hafiz Al Dhahab, Director General of Investment at the Ministry of Energy and Minerals, said that Daleel Petroleum company was awarded the contract (as the operator) due to its success in developing Concession Area No. 5 with high efficiency and raising its daily oil production from 5,000 to more than 50,000 barrels per day, according to the Oman News Agency.
Al Dhahab added that the agreement embodies the government’s confidence in national companies operating in the sector, while at the same time underlines Oman’s keenness to consolidate its relationship with Chinese partners, opening the way for more cooperation opportunities that would attract foreign investments.

Saudi Arabia Pushes to Boost Pharma Industry, Achieve Self-Sufficiency

A factory in al-Dammam produces various medical supplies, including face masks. (SPA)
A factory in al-Dammam produces various medical supplies, including face masks. (SPA)

Saudi Arabia Pushes to Boost Pharma Industry, Achieve Self-Sufficiency

A factory in al-Dammam produces various medical supplies, including face masks. (SPA)
A factory in al-Dammam produces various medical supplies, including face masks. (SPA)

Saudi Arabia is working to boost its pharmaceutical and medical equipment industries by localizing production, increasing their GDP contribution, and reducing dependence on imports to achieve health security and self-sufficiency.

Currently, there are 206 facilities in these sectors, with investments totaling SAR 10 billion ($2.66 billion).

Saudi Industry Minister Bandar Alkhorayef recently discussed localizing vaccine and drug production with Brazilian counterparts, as this sector is a key focus of the National Industrial Strategy.

The goal is to strengthen the Kingdom’s independence in meeting medical needs and to develop the Kingdom into a major hub for this growing industry.

Fitch Solutions reported that Saudi Arabia’s pharmaceutical market was worth $11.72 billion (SAR 44 billion) in 2022 and is projected to reach $15.09 billion (SAR 56.6 billion) by 2027, growing at an annual rate of 5.2%.

To improve healthcare and provide services to all citizens, the Kingdom has allocated SAR 214 billion ($57 billion) in its 2024 budget for health and social development, in line with the Sustainable Development Goal of ensuring healthy lives for all.

As part of the National Industrial Strategy and Vision 2030, Saudi Arabia has localized the production of key medical products, including ventilators for intensive care units and blood glucose monitors and test strips.

Experts told Asharq Al-Awsat that localizing pharmaceutical and medical device production in Saudi Arabia will create high-paying jobs, ensure steady supplies, reduce import reliance, attract investment, and boost the Kingdom’s health security and self-sufficiency.

Speaking to Asharq Al-Awsat, Osama Al-Zamil, former Deputy Minister of Industry and Mineral Resources, emphasized the global economic impact of the pharmaceutical industry, which ranks second worldwide in sales.

He noted that Saudi Arabia is the largest pharmaceutical market in the Middle East and North Africa, valued at SAR 28 billion ($7.46 billion) in 2020, with projections to reach SAR 44.1 billion ($11.76 billion) by 2030.

Al-Zamil also highlighted the strong growth potential for the pharmaceutical and medical device sectors in the Kingdom.