CEO of Literature, Publishing and Translation Authority Meets with Mexican Ambassador to Saudi Arabia

Meeting between CEO of the Literature, Publishing and Translation Commission and Ambassador of Mexico to Saudi Arabia - SPA
Meeting between CEO of the Literature, Publishing and Translation Commission and Ambassador of Mexico to Saudi Arabia - SPA

CEO of Literature, Publishing and Translation Authority Meets with Mexican Ambassador to Saudi Arabia

Meeting between CEO of the Literature, Publishing and Translation Commission and Ambassador of Mexico to Saudi Arabia - SPA
Meeting between CEO of the Literature, Publishing and Translation Commission and Ambassador of Mexico to Saudi Arabia - SPA

The CEO of the Literature, Publishing and Translation Commission, Dr. Mohammed Hasan Alwan, met in Riyadh with the Ambassador of Mexico to the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia, Anibal Gomez Toledo.

During the meeting, the two sides discussed cultural relations between the two friendly countries and opportunities for developing cultural relations, especially those related to the sectors of literature, publishing and translation.

The meeting was attended by several officials from both sides.

Saudi Embassy in London Hosts Seminar on Role of Saudi Women in Culture, Arts

Part of the seminar on the role of Saudi women in culture and arts - SPA
Part of the seminar on the role of Saudi women in culture and arts - SPA

Saudi Embassy in London Hosts Seminar on Role of Saudi Women in Culture, Arts

Part of the seminar on the role of Saudi women in culture and arts - SPA
Part of the seminar on the role of Saudi women in culture and arts - SPA

Saudi Arabia’s embassy in London hosted a seminar on the role of Saudi women in culture and arts.
The seminar was attended by a large number of Saudis residing in London, British figures, diplomats, executives, and experts, SPA reported.
Delivering a speech at the seminar, the Saudi Ambassador to the United Kingdom, Prince Khalid bin Bandar bin Sultan bin Abdulaziz, praised the achievements of Saudi women and their roles in realizing sustainable development and their contributions to various fields.