Saudi Red Sea Authority, Heritage Commission Sign MoU to Cooperate in Areas of Common Jurisdiction

Saudi Red Sea Authority, Heritage Commission Sign MoU to Cooperate in Areas of Common Jurisdiction

Saudi Red Sea Authority, Heritage Commission Sign MoU to Cooperate in Areas of Common Jurisdiction

Saudi Red Sea Authority, Heritage Commission Sign MoU to Cooperate in Areas of Common Jurisdiction

The Saudi Red Sea Authority (SRSA), the key enabler and official regulator of coastal tourism in the Kingdom’s Red Sea, signed a Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) with the Heritage Commission, the entity responsible for regulating and developing the heritage sector in the Kingdom, with the aim of defining general frameworks for cooperation in areas of common jurisdiction.

The MoU aligns with the Authority’s mission, which aims to issue licenses and permits as it regulates navigational and marine activities. Additionally, it seeks to cooperate and exchange experiences with regional and international bodies and organizations and promote navigational and marine tourism activities in the Red Sea to attract targeted practitioners.

SRSA was represented in the signing by Acting CEO Mohammed Al-Asiri, while the Heritage Commission was represented by CEO Dr. Jasser bin Suleiman Al-Harbash.

The MoU includes items related to the exchange of experiences within the scope of work of the two parties, including the underwater cultural heritage of the Red Sea.

The memorandum furthermore focuses on working together in proposing regulations related to common goals, following up on requirements for issuing marine and underwater heritage surveys and excavation permits, enacting measures to preserve marine heritage, providing support for documenting marine and submerged heritage in the Red Sea, and ensuring technical cooperation to achieve mutual goals.

The MoU also includes cooperation in intangible cultural heritage, by providing support for registering sites within the Authority’s domain on the UNESCO World Heritage List, exchanging data and information on such sites, coordinating community awareness programs, and launching initiatives to promote cultural heritage assets and marine heritage as intangible cultural heritage, in addition to marine tourism and recreational activities.

The memorandum is part of SRSA’s efforts to expand its strategic partnerships, exchange expertise and learn about best practices to promote coastal tourism, enable sustainable development, and highlight the Red Sea’s potential as a global tourist destination while preserving and protecting the natural environment, aside from consolidating the Kingdom’s pivotal position and role as a key cultural hub, in line with Saudi Vision 2030 goals.

International Book Fair 2024 in Madinah Unveils Online Guide for Cultural Program

The Saudi Ministry of Culture logo
The Saudi Ministry of Culture logo

International Book Fair 2024 in Madinah Unveils Online Guide for Cultural Program

The Saudi Ministry of Culture logo
The Saudi Ministry of Culture logo

The International Book Fair 2024, taking place at the Islamic University of Madinah from August 29 to September 4 under the theme "The Book Is the Window of Life," launched an online guide for its cultural program.
Organized by the Literature and Authors Association under the supervision of the Ministry of Culture, the Madinah fair's cultural program stands out for its diversity and rich content, offering a wide array of intellectual and cultural activities tailored for diverse segments of society.
The cultural program features multiple panel discussions that bring together a curated group of thinkers and writers to examine contemporary cultural topics. Panels are centered around the cultural heritage of Madinah and strategies for its preservation, with titles such as "translation: a bridge of civilizations" and "intangible heritage in Madinah."
Furthermore, the program includes a series of specialized workshops on writing, publishing, and translation designed to refine participants' skills and nurture their creative talents.
Attendees can also anticipate a diverse range of lectures spanning literature, history, and sciences, along with several poetry evenings gathering poets from various Arab countries to promote constructive dialogue and foster knowledge-sharing and cultural exchange.