Makkah’s Old Neighborhoods Unite in Ramadan Spirit

A poignant depiction of solidarity and compassion in Makkah’s community during the blessed nights of Ramadan (Photo Credit: Ammar Al-Amir)
A poignant depiction of solidarity and compassion in Makkah’s community during the blessed nights of Ramadan (Photo Credit: Ammar Al-Amir)

Makkah’s Old Neighborhoods Unite in Ramadan Spirit

A poignant depiction of solidarity and compassion in Makkah’s community during the blessed nights of Ramadan (Photo Credit: Ammar Al-Amir)
A poignant depiction of solidarity and compassion in Makkah’s community during the blessed nights of Ramadan (Photo Credit: Ammar Al-Amir)

In the ancient streets of Makkah, memories are cherished, gatherings thrive, and the air is filled with the scent of incense during Islam’s holy month of fasting, Ramadan.

As millions of Muslims flock to perform Umrah and spend time near the Grand Mosque, the people of Makkah experience a unique and enriching Ramadan atmosphere.

In the old neighborhoods of Makkah, memories abound for generations. They include traditional games that once brought solitary joy and Ramadan gatherings filled with warmth, generosity, and kindness.

Some of these traditions have endured for years, like locals opening their doors to the needy. From lively street decorations to the scent of incense wafting through the alleys, these customs have become part of daily life in Makkah’s community.

In some of Makkah’s old neighborhoods, cherished Ramadan traditions endure year after year.

Hadi Al-Omari, a thirty-year-old resident living near the Grand Mosque, recalls how these community gatherings have been a regular part of Ramadan, except for a brief hiatus during the coronavirus pandemic.

“After the pandemic, loved ones from all generations reunited to reminisce,” he told Asharq Al-Awsat, stressing that Ramadan was a special time observed in Makkah.

At the start of the month of Ramadan, Makkah’s streets and neighborhoods light up with colorful decorations. The lively atmosphere, especially during busy times, fills the streets, while areas close to the Grand Mosque resonate with the sound of prayers, bringing a sense of calm.

During Ramadan nights, Makkah transforms with stalls selling traditional foods, popular sweets, and drinks perfect for late-night gatherings.

One such favorite is “Soubiya,” a barley-based drink, offered in red and white varieties, with some made using dry bread crumbs.

For over 50 years, shops like “Uncle Saeed Khudari” have been serving these delights in Makkah.

Ahmad Hawiyan, who has experienced seventy Ramadan seasons in Makkah’s neighborhoods, talks about the social aspect of the holy month.

He observes changes in traditional life but emphasizes that Ramadan’s essence remains unchanged, uplifting souls with its splendor.

“Makkah is the center for Muslims, a place where hearts find solace,” he told Asharq Al-Awsat.

“Living near the holiest sites on Earth, Ramadan brings us unforgettable memories. Each generation learns love, compassion, and generosity during this blessed month,” he added.

Regarding guests staying in hotels within Makkah’s ancient neighborhoods, Hawiyan said: “Seeing them arrive during these blessed days, we feel they are neighbors and family.”

“We rejoice as they walk to mosques, knowing they're safe and secure in Saudi Arabia, the Muslim world’s focal point,” stressed Hawiyan.

Viking Ship Navigating Seafarers’ Ancient Routes Berths in Adriatic 

A full-size archaeological reconstruction of a 10th-century Viking knarr "Saga Farmann" on its years-long expedition through European rivers, channels and seas, is berthed in Port of Bar, Montenegro, July 20, 2024. (Reuters)
A full-size archaeological reconstruction of a 10th-century Viking knarr "Saga Farmann" on its years-long expedition through European rivers, channels and seas, is berthed in Port of Bar, Montenegro, July 20, 2024. (Reuters)

Viking Ship Navigating Seafarers’ Ancient Routes Berths in Adriatic 

A full-size archaeological reconstruction of a 10th-century Viking knarr "Saga Farmann" on its years-long expedition through European rivers, channels and seas, is berthed in Port of Bar, Montenegro, July 20, 2024. (Reuters)
A full-size archaeological reconstruction of a 10th-century Viking knarr "Saga Farmann" on its years-long expedition through European rivers, channels and seas, is berthed in Port of Bar, Montenegro, July 20, 2024. (Reuters)

A replica Viking ship has berthed in Montenegro's Adriatic port of Bar on a years-long trip through European waters inspired by the Norse seafarers who set out from Scandinavia to explore, trade and conquer a millennium ago.

The ship, Saga Farmann, is a full-size archaeological reconstruction of a 10th-century Viking cargo vessel, or knarr, made from oak and pine, which was found in Norway as early as 1893 but only excavated in the 1970s.

"This is the type of ship that would travel to Iceland, or Greenland, even North America," said Linda Sten Vagnes, one of the journey's leaders.

The trip, set to end in 2026, was originally planned to follow the Norwegian coast into the White Sea off northern Russia and the Volga River, but it was rerouted to follow the rivers of Europe from West to East.

"We had to the change the route because of the war (in Ukraine)," Sten Vagnes said.

The Viking age, spanning the 8th to 11th centuries AD, saw Norsemen journey from Scandinavia aboard timber longships to stage raids, trade and settle across a wide region, including North America, using their mastery of maritime technology.

The Saga Farman's journey, which started in 2023, was inspired by the sagas about Vikings who travelled to Constantinople, capital of the-then Byzantine empire.

It took years of hard work by enthusiasts, with the support of the governments of Denmark and Norway, to make an exact copy of a knarr. The vessel was launched in 2018, said Axel Hubert Persvik, a ship builder.

"It takes a long time because most of craft we do is by hand, ... it takes many hours to build it."

At the latest leg of the trip, the 21 meters (69 ft)-long and five meters (16 ft)-wide ship sailed from the Aegean Sea into the Adriatic, said Zander Simpson, the ship's captain.

"The next stage of the trip is around Italy, Sicily ... to stay in Rome this winter, before next year's stage which will take her up the Italian coast, the French Riviera ... to Paris."

In addition to sails and oars, the Saga Farmann has four electric motors to propel it upwind and upstream. More than three tons of batteries are stored onboard where they serve for propulsion and as ballast.