Ramadan Traditions in Northern Saudi Arabia Reflect a Time of Community, Sharing, and Faith

Saleh Al-Mutlaq, an 82-year-old resident of Hail, paints a vivid picture of Ramadan in his youth. (SPA)
Saleh Al-Mutlaq, an 82-year-old resident of Hail, paints a vivid picture of Ramadan in his youth. (SPA)

Ramadan Traditions in Northern Saudi Arabia Reflect a Time of Community, Sharing, and Faith

Saleh Al-Mutlaq, an 82-year-old resident of Hail, paints a vivid picture of Ramadan in his youth. (SPA)
Saleh Al-Mutlaq, an 82-year-old resident of Hail, paints a vivid picture of Ramadan in his youth. (SPA)

Saleh Al-Mutlaq, an 82-year-old resident of Hail, paints a vivid picture of Ramadan in his youth. His memories highlight the importance of community, sharing, and faith that permeated the holy month, the Saudi Press Agency said on Thursday.
One tradition involved gathering near the neighborhood mosque every Friday night for a potluck meal. This custom, fostering a spirit of togetherness, ensured that everyone shared in the bounty of Ramadan.
The "dinner of the parents," held on the 27th night of Ramadan, exemplifies the emphasis placed on family bonds. This tradition, passed down from Al-Mutlaq's father, highlights the importance of strengthening connections within the community.
Checking on neighbors, especially those in need, was another custom. People readily offered food and financial assistance, reinforcing a sense of mutual support and compassion.
Before the advent of radio, the booming cannon from A'arif Fort announced the start of Ramadan with nine shots. This unique tradition added a special touch to the beginning and end of the holy month, with nine shots marking Eid al-Fitr as well.
Religious practices were central to the Ramadan experience. People gathered at mosques for Quran recitation, lectures, and night prayers.
Mornings were spent working on farms or at the markets, showcasing the dedication to faith alongside daily routines.
Al-Mutlaq's memories serve as a valuable reminder of the rich tapestry of traditions that once defined Ramadan in Hail. These cherished practices are a vital part of the country's heritage, to be passed onto future generations.

Saudi Arabia Participates in UNESCO World Heritage Committee in India

The Saudi delegation, led by the advisor to the Saudi National Commission for Education, Culture and Science, Engineer Mohammed bin Youssef Al-Aidaroos, participated in various activities during the session that were supported by the Kingdom. (SPA)
The Saudi delegation, led by the advisor to the Saudi National Commission for Education, Culture and Science, Engineer Mohammed bin Youssef Al-Aidaroos, participated in various activities during the session that were supported by the Kingdom. (SPA)

Saudi Arabia Participates in UNESCO World Heritage Committee in India

The Saudi delegation, led by the advisor to the Saudi National Commission for Education, Culture and Science, Engineer Mohammed bin Youssef Al-Aidaroos, participated in various activities during the session that were supported by the Kingdom. (SPA)
The Saudi delegation, led by the advisor to the Saudi National Commission for Education, Culture and Science, Engineer Mohammed bin Youssef Al-Aidaroos, participated in various activities during the session that were supported by the Kingdom. (SPA)

Saudi Arabia -- represented by the Saudi National Committee for Education, Culture and Science and the Kingdom’s permanent delegation to UNESCO and the Heritage Commission -- is participating in the 46th session of the UNESCO World Heritage Committee.

The session is taking place from July 21 to 31 in New Delhi, India, and will be attended by representatives from 195 member states who ratified the World Heritage Convention of 1972.

The Saudi delegation, led by the advisor to the Saudi National Commission for Education, Culture and Science, Engineer Mohammed bin Youssef Al-Aidaroos, participated in various activities during the session that were supported by the Kingdom.

The delegation delivered speeches highlighting Saudi Arabia's interest, support, and contributions to UNESCO's efforts to preserve world heritage. Some of the activities included discussions on the digital heritage platform, capacity building in African countries, and an event on Islamic World Heritage organized by the Islamic World Educational, Scientific, and Cultural Organization (ICESCO).

Additionally, the Saudi delegation met with representatives from other official delegations attending the session to strengthen cooperation in heritage conservation.

The digital heritage platform, a collaborative effort between Saudi Arabia and UNESCO, is an online platform that utilizes cutting-edge digital technologies to explore UNESCO's cultural and natural world heritage sites as well as intangible cultural heritage.

The World Heritage Committee will review a proposal to add 27 new sites from various regions worldwide to the World Heritage List. It will also assess the preservation status of 124 sites currently included on the list, including 56 that are categorized as being in danger.

The World Heritage Committee, consisting of representatives from 21 countries elected by the 195 parties to the Convention Concerning the Protection of World Cultural and Natural Heritage, oversees the implementation of the convention.