Mona Lisa’s Mysterious Background Decrypted by Art-Loving Geologist 

The Mona Lisa by Leonardo da Vinci is pictured at the Louvre museum in Paris, France June 7, 2023. (Reuters)
The Mona Lisa by Leonardo da Vinci is pictured at the Louvre museum in Paris, France June 7, 2023. (Reuters)

Mona Lisa’s Mysterious Background Decrypted by Art-Loving Geologist 

The Mona Lisa by Leonardo da Vinci is pictured at the Louvre museum in Paris, France June 7, 2023. (Reuters)
The Mona Lisa by Leonardo da Vinci is pictured at the Louvre museum in Paris, France June 7, 2023. (Reuters)

Over 500 years after Leonardo da Vinci painted the Mona Lisa, an academic believes she has unraveled the mystery about the backdrop to one of the world's most famous works of art.

Art historians have long debated its landscape, speculating on the locations that could have inspired Leonardo, but the geologist and Italian Renaissance specialist Ann Pizzorusso thinks she has pinpointed it to Lecco in northern Italy.

"When I came to Lecco, I realized he had painted the Mona Lisa here," Pizzorusso said, speaking of the small town on the shores of Lake Como, hitherto best known as the setting of Alessandro Manzoni's masterpiece novel "The Betrothed".

According to the scholar, the arched bridge depicted in the painting would correspond to the 14th-century Ponte Azzone Visconti, even though previous theories had related it to similar structures in other Italian cities, such as Arezzo and Bobbio.

Pizzorusso is not the first person to have claimed to have solved the mystery, but she cites her knowledge of geology to back her claims.

"The bridge to me was not the important aspect of painting," Pizzorusso said. "In the other hypotheses the geology was just incorrect."

The geologist found that rock formations in Lecco were limestone, which matched what is depicted behind the noblewoman.

"When you look at the Mona Lisa, you see this part of the Adda River, and you see another lake behind it, which are perfectly shown underneath these sawtooth mountains," she said from the spot where the scene could have been painted.

Pizzorusso's research on Leonardo "shows perfectly the extent to which the artist and the scientist came together," said Michael Daley, executive director of ArtWatch UK, a nonprofit organization monitoring the conservation of artworks.

"No art historian is qualified to take Ann on in terms of her scientific understanding. The other studies are dead ducks now," he said.

International Book Fair 2024 in Madinah Unveils Online Guide for Cultural Program

The Saudi Ministry of Culture logo
The Saudi Ministry of Culture logo

International Book Fair 2024 in Madinah Unveils Online Guide for Cultural Program

The Saudi Ministry of Culture logo
The Saudi Ministry of Culture logo

The International Book Fair 2024, taking place at the Islamic University of Madinah from August 29 to September 4 under the theme "The Book Is the Window of Life," launched an online guide for its cultural program.
Organized by the Literature and Authors Association under the supervision of the Ministry of Culture, the Madinah fair's cultural program stands out for its diversity and rich content, offering a wide array of intellectual and cultural activities tailored for diverse segments of society.
The cultural program features multiple panel discussions that bring together a curated group of thinkers and writers to examine contemporary cultural topics. Panels are centered around the cultural heritage of Madinah and strategies for its preservation, with titles such as "translation: a bridge of civilizations" and "intangible heritage in Madinah."
Furthermore, the program includes a series of specialized workshops on writing, publishing, and translation designed to refine participants' skills and nurture their creative talents.
Attendees can also anticipate a diverse range of lectures spanning literature, history, and sciences, along with several poetry evenings gathering poets from various Arab countries to promote constructive dialogue and foster knowledge-sharing and cultural exchange.