Chinese Language Introduced in Saudi Schools

Students greeted Chinese language instructors with flowers and traditional Saudi hospitality, using Chinese phrases they had learned recently(X)
Students greeted Chinese language instructors with flowers and traditional Saudi hospitality, using Chinese phrases they had learned recently(X)

Chinese Language Introduced in Saudi Schools

Students greeted Chinese language instructors with flowers and traditional Saudi hospitality, using Chinese phrases they had learned recently(X)
Students greeted Chinese language instructors with flowers and traditional Saudi hospitality, using Chinese phrases they had learned recently(X)

Schools across six Saudi educational regions—Riyadh, Yanbu, the Eastern Province, Jeddah, Jazan, and Tabuk—welcomed teachers from the People's Republic of China as part of the national project to introduce Chinese language instruction. This initiative aims to enrich students' linguistic and cultural diversity.

Starting this academic year, students will receive mandatory Chinese language lessons. However, grades in this subject will not impact students’ cumulative GPA, allowing them to learn the language without the pressure of traditional academic evaluation.

Chinese language lessons will be introduced to 57 schools in Riyadh, 41 in Jeddah, 25 in Jazan, and five in Khobar.

Maryam Al-Sari, principal of the Second Intermediate School in Sabya—one of the schools approved for Chinese language instruction in the Jazan Education Department—shared that the Chinese teacher began her duties on Monday.

To celebrate her arrival, the school staff organized a welcoming ceremony reflecting Saudi hospitality and culture.

Students greeted the teacher with flowers and traditional Saudi hospitality, using Chinese phrases they had learned recently. The day featured a unique blend of Saudi and Chinese educational experiences.

“From the start, we aimed to create a common ground between the students, school staff, and the Chinese teacher by forming a support team that includes an English teacher,” Al-Sari told Asharq Al-Awsat.

“We also educated the students on the importance of Saudi-China relations, which is a key goal of Vision 2030, and emphasized their role in showcasing Saudi cultural values."

One of the Chinese teachers joining schools in Jazan, was greeted with flowers, traditional Saudi coffee, and warm hospitality.

“I was thrilled to be welcomed by the students and the school staff. The reception was very warm and heartfelt, and I am grateful for the kindness I’ve experienced,” the teacher told Asharq Al-Awsat.

When asked about how Chinese teachers are chosen, the teacher revealed that they must first pass an exam, obtain a Chinese teaching certificate, and complete training abroad.

The Saudi Ministry of Education’s goal in bringing Chinese teachers to Saudi schools is to improve education through diverse teaching methods and cultural exchange.

This initiative aims to enhance students’ skills, promote better understanding between different cultures, and raise the overall quality of education.

Beijing's Imperial Palace Bustles With Throngs of Visitors in Qing Dynasty Costumes

Chinese girls dressed in Qing dynasty attire take pictures outside the Drum Tower at Gulou East Street in Beijing, China, Tuesday, July 16, 2024. (AP Photo/ Vincent Thian)
Chinese girls dressed in Qing dynasty attire take pictures outside the Drum Tower at Gulou East Street in Beijing, China, Tuesday, July 16, 2024. (AP Photo/ Vincent Thian)

Beijing's Imperial Palace Bustles With Throngs of Visitors in Qing Dynasty Costumes

Chinese girls dressed in Qing dynasty attire take pictures outside the Drum Tower at Gulou East Street in Beijing, China, Tuesday, July 16, 2024. (AP Photo/ Vincent Thian)
Chinese girls dressed in Qing dynasty attire take pictures outside the Drum Tower at Gulou East Street in Beijing, China, Tuesday, July 16, 2024. (AP Photo/ Vincent Thian)

In Beijing’s Forbidden City, once the sprawling palace to China’s Ming and Qing emperors and their legions of guards and servants, steady streams of visitors wearing historical costumes pose for portraits, in a fashion of centuries gone by.
It’s a phenomenon seen around heritage sites across China, inspired by comic book conventions and the Japanese passion for cosplay, but with additional nationalistic and cultural dimensions, The Associated Press said.
Though the historical veracity of the frocks and cloaks may not be guaranteed, they draw their inspiration from Chinese painting, theater and art, especially that of the Qing, China’s last dynasty that was known for its relative prosperity and cultural advances through trade in silk and porcelain.
During this time, China expanded its empire and its art and paintings flourished, as did clothing and textiles. Men and women wore full length elaborately embroidered silk robes and women wore hairpieces encrusted with flowers, pearls and gemstones.
The Qing fell in 1911 and following decades of warfare, power was seized by the Communist Party, which sought to grind out all vestiges of China’s imperial past.
With the abandonment in recent years of hard-core Maoism and rising prosperity, it is now common to see whole families decked out in Qing Dynasty garb, some of which is homemade, others rented from vendors at photo shoots who will also provide help with hairstyles and makeup.
Popular historical TV dramas and the rise of social media have fed the craze, and while they don’t involve battle reenactments like those popular in the US and Europe, they reflect a growing respect for China’s history in the centuries before the communist takeover. Some participants base their looks on characters from novels, plays and poems going back centuries.
Throngs of people gather along the walls and a scenic moat surrounding the former palace — now a museum that is resplendent in weeping willows and turning colors during the late summer and early fall. Both professional and amateur photographers shop their samples to families and couples. Others in imperial dress take turns with their phone cameras. A group of students from the elite Tsinghua University celebrated their end of semester with a costume photo.
Despite the sweltering Beijing summer heat, families, friends and couples pose with a smile, sweat dripping down foreheads. It’s a serious affair, necessitating the right pose, the perfect prop and the ideal camera angle. And when everything is in place, they slip back in time — feeling like royalty and fulfilling a fantasy — however briefly with others like them living otherwise ordinary lives.