Chinese Language Introduced in Saudi Schools

Students greeted Chinese language instructors with flowers and traditional Saudi hospitality, using Chinese phrases they had learned recently(X)
Students greeted Chinese language instructors with flowers and traditional Saudi hospitality, using Chinese phrases they had learned recently(X)

Chinese Language Introduced in Saudi Schools

Students greeted Chinese language instructors with flowers and traditional Saudi hospitality, using Chinese phrases they had learned recently(X)
Students greeted Chinese language instructors with flowers and traditional Saudi hospitality, using Chinese phrases they had learned recently(X)

Schools across six Saudi educational regions—Riyadh, Yanbu, the Eastern Province, Jeddah, Jazan, and Tabuk—welcomed teachers from the People's Republic of China as part of the national project to introduce Chinese language instruction. This initiative aims to enrich students' linguistic and cultural diversity.

Starting this academic year, students will receive mandatory Chinese language lessons. However, grades in this subject will not impact students’ cumulative GPA, allowing them to learn the language without the pressure of traditional academic evaluation.

Chinese language lessons will be introduced to 57 schools in Riyadh, 41 in Jeddah, 25 in Jazan, and five in Khobar.

Maryam Al-Sari, principal of the Second Intermediate School in Sabya—one of the schools approved for Chinese language instruction in the Jazan Education Department—shared that the Chinese teacher began her duties on Monday.

To celebrate her arrival, the school staff organized a welcoming ceremony reflecting Saudi hospitality and culture.

Students greeted the teacher with flowers and traditional Saudi hospitality, using Chinese phrases they had learned recently. The day featured a unique blend of Saudi and Chinese educational experiences.

“From the start, we aimed to create a common ground between the students, school staff, and the Chinese teacher by forming a support team that includes an English teacher,” Al-Sari told Asharq Al-Awsat.

“We also educated the students on the importance of Saudi-China relations, which is a key goal of Vision 2030, and emphasized their role in showcasing Saudi cultural values."

One of the Chinese teachers joining schools in Jazan, was greeted with flowers, traditional Saudi coffee, and warm hospitality.

“I was thrilled to be welcomed by the students and the school staff. The reception was very warm and heartfelt, and I am grateful for the kindness I’ve experienced,” the teacher told Asharq Al-Awsat.

When asked about how Chinese teachers are chosen, the teacher revealed that they must first pass an exam, obtain a Chinese teaching certificate, and complete training abroad.

The Saudi Ministry of Education’s goal in bringing Chinese teachers to Saudi schools is to improve education through diverse teaching methods and cultural exchange.

This initiative aims to enhance students’ skills, promote better understanding between different cultures, and raise the overall quality of education.

War-damaged Souks Reopen in Syria's Aleppo

People walk along an alley during the reopening of restored bazaars that were damaged during the Syrian conflict in the northern city of Aleppo © - / AFP
People walk along an alley during the reopening of restored bazaars that were damaged during the Syrian conflict in the northern city of Aleppo © - / AFP

War-damaged Souks Reopen in Syria's Aleppo

People walk along an alley during the reopening of restored bazaars that were damaged during the Syrian conflict in the northern city of Aleppo © - / AFP
People walk along an alley during the reopening of restored bazaars that were damaged during the Syrian conflict in the northern city of Aleppo © - / AFP

Four historic souks in northern Syria's Aleppo, heavily damaged during some of the most intense fighting of the 13-year civil war, reopened this week following their restoration.

"After I reopened my old shop, following the renovation of the market, I felt my spirit return with it," said merchant Omar al-Rawwas, 45, who inherited his family's carpet business at the revived Saqtiya 2 souk.

Once famous for its bustling markets and old citadel, Aleppo's Old City was rendered almost unrecognizable by some of the worst violence in Syria's conflict between government forces and opposition that began after mass protests in 2011.

The fighting in Aleppo, which lasted until 2016 when Damascus recaptured the area with Moscow's support, completely destroyed many of the famed markets in the city previously considered Syria's economic capital.

Four souks in the Old City, restored through combined public and private efforts, reopened Wednesday evening -- drawing officials, residents and charity representatives to the celebration.

"Thank God, things have improved and the country has gotten better," Rawwas told AFP, noting that some of his business is from people returning to Aleppo since calm returned.

"Today, expatriates return from abroad to their homes, finding their rugs damaged by moths. They have them repaired because some of these rugs hold personal memories and others have special value to them."

The revived strip of shops, some reduced to ashes at the start of the conflict, stretches for about 100 metres (330 feet) across the Old City.

In previous years, three other souks of the total of 37 that once surrounded the citadel were restored.

The Saqtiya 2 souk was relatively spared the damage that hit other markets, where restoration work is continuing, albeit slowly, due to the country's economic crisis.

According to UNESCO, as much as 60 percent of Aleppo's Old City was badly damaged in fighting, and of that 30 percent was completely destroyed.

The Syrian army recaptured eastern Aleppo from opposition groups after a siege and heavy bombardment that forced tens of thousands of civilians and fighters to flee.

"In 2012, we fled the souk under bombardment and gunfire. We didn't leave by choice but were forced to," said Abdallah Chawwa, 49, who sells Aleppo's famous olive oil soap.

"I am now back in my shop and my spirit has returned to me."