Saudi Museums Commission Showcases Chinese Contemporary Art for 1st Time in Saudi Arabia

The exhibition draws fascinating parallels between Arab and Chinese traditions. SPA
The exhibition draws fascinating parallels between Arab and Chinese traditions. SPA

Saudi Museums Commission Showcases Chinese Contemporary Art for 1st Time in Saudi Arabia

The exhibition draws fascinating parallels between Arab and Chinese traditions. SPA
The exhibition draws fascinating parallels between Arab and Chinese traditions. SPA

The Museums Commission inaugurated on Thursday the exhibition "The Writings of Today Are a Promise for Tomorrow" at the Saudi Arabia Museum of Contemporary Art at Jax, introducing contemporary artists of Chinese origin to Saudi Arabia for the first time.
Bringing together over 30 artists of different generations and cultural backgrounds, the exhibition showcases a collection of over 50 art pieces, offering diverse and nuanced perspectives on the profound transformation of our contemporary society.
The exhibition draws fascinating parallels between Arab and Chinese traditions by exploring two central elements they have in common: calligraphy and the garden. The exhibition highlights the profound significance of calligraphy as a cultural and societal practice in both Arabic and Chinese cultures, in which the written word and script are revered not only as a form of communication but also as a spiritual endeavor.
The balance between discipline and naturalness, a requirement for masterful calligraphy, links the field of writing with the domain of the garden. By definition, the garden is nature in an arranged order, and it is considered in both cultures a representation of creation, designed for the appreciation of beauty and spirituality, and for contemplation and conviviality.
"The Writings of Today Are a Promise for Tomorrow" exhibition also reflects an aspiration towards future possibilities and ongoing dialogue, addressing the concepts of energy flow and synergy. Writing here is understood in a larger sense as the trace of a meaningful act of participation and communication.
The exhibition is designed as a stroll through a series of thematic stages, exploring the interplay between presence and absence, action and contemplation, memory and imagination
Visitors will have the opportunity to explore pieces from two notable Paris-based collections of contemporary Chinese art, the Donnersberg Collection and the dslcollection, as well as direct contributions from artists and site-specific works produced in Saudi Arabia for the exhibition. They will also see the works of a French-Algerian artist Adel Abdessemed and Taiwanese artist Michael Lin, showing for the first time in Saudi Arabia.
The exhibition showcases how the art of today continues to evolve, reflecting and reshaping the flow of cultural energy, connecting past and future, and embodying the promise of tomorrow.
The exhibition will run until January 18, 2025.

King Salman Academy for Arabic Signs MoU with Al-Farabi Kazakh National University

The MoU aims to enhance cooperation in promoting the Arabic language. SPA
The MoU aims to enhance cooperation in promoting the Arabic language. SPA

King Salman Academy for Arabic Signs MoU with Al-Farabi Kazakh National University

The MoU aims to enhance cooperation in promoting the Arabic language. SPA
The MoU aims to enhance cooperation in promoting the Arabic language. SPA

The King Salman Global Academy for Arabic Language (KSGAAL) signed a memorandum of understanding (MoU) on Tuesday in Almaty with Al-Farabi Kazakh National University (KAZNU).
The MoU aims to enhance cooperation in promoting the Arabic language, teaching it in various fields, preserving its integrity, supporting its use in line with the objectives of the Human Capability Development Program -- one of the initiatives for achieving the Saudi Vision 2030 -- and fulfilling KSGAAL’s strategic goals.
The signing of this agreement follows the Saudi cabinet’s July 23 approval to authorize Minister of Culture and KSGAAL chairman of the board of trustees Prince Badr bin Abdullah bin Farhan Al Saud, or his deputy, to negotiate with the Kazakh side on a MoU regarding the promotion of the Arabic language between KSGAAL and KAZNU, and to sign it.
The signing took place during the KSGAAL delegation’s trip to Kazakhstan, which included visits to several universities, centers, and institutions to assess the status of the Arabic language and explore avenues for collaboration in teaching and promoting it.
KSGAAL serves as a global reference for the Arabic language and its advancement, leveraging its institutional expertise in teaching Arabic to non-native speakers.
The MoU covers several areas of collaboration, including implementing the Arabic Language Proficiency Test (ALPT) for non-native speakers, developing educational materials and modern curricula related to the Arabic language, and conducting specialized studies and research in the field of Arabic language teaching and learning.
The MoU also includes areas such as the computational linguistics of the Arabic language, the development of digital dictionaries, and the creation of Arabic-Kazakh linguistic corpora. Additionally, it involves sharing language services and consultations in areas of mutual interest.