Gaza in Crisis: Death Looms Everywhere

Palestinians search for victims under rubble after Israeli strikes on Rafah in southern Gaza (AFP)
Palestinians search for victims under rubble after Israeli strikes on Rafah in southern Gaza (AFP)

Gaza in Crisis: Death Looms Everywhere

Palestinians search for victims under rubble after Israeli strikes on Rafah in southern Gaza (AFP)
Palestinians search for victims under rubble after Israeli strikes on Rafah in southern Gaza (AFP)

For hours on end, Fatima Shahin, aged 36, fervently hoped that the efforts of the civil defense teams would bear fruit by rescuing her family members from beneath the rubble of their home.

Israeli aircraft had razed their residence to the ground in the vicinity of the Gaza neighborhood of Tel Al-Zaatar.

This latest attack extended the suffering of the neighborhood, where most of its inhabitants had been killed or displaced due to the unrelenting airstrikes that had persisted for the past six days.

Shahin was completely shattered when rescuers retrieved eight bodies from beneath the rubble of her home. She was immediately rushed to a hospital in the town of Beit Lahia, northern Gaza.

Unable to utter a word as she watched her loved ones being recovered, she found herself awakening from a nightmare she had wished were the worst in her life, only to realize it wasn't the case.

It took Shahin a minute before comprehending that her youngest brother was still alive beneath the debris. She returned to the scene, waiting for another 12 hours until he was found, severely injured, only to later succumb to his injuries.

Shahin lost her entire family on the sixth day of Israel’s relentless war on Gaza, following a ground, sea, and air attack initiated by the Hamas movement the previous Saturday. This assault claimed the lives of at least 1,300 Israelis.

“They targeted them without any prior warning. It's a clear revenge on civilians,” Shahin’s husband, Mohammed Shahin, told Asharq Al-Awsat.

“Children, women, and the elderly are dying here every hour. Fifty members of a family in Jabalia camp perished in a single strike,” he added.

Several photographs from hospitals depict victims piled on the ground and in mortuary refrigerators.

Shahin and others, who spoke to Asharq Al-Awsat, recount how they participated in burying their families, relatives, and loved ones in small groups.

Families and Palestinian organizations refrain from organizing large funeral ceremonies involving hundreds or thousands of people, as was customary in the past, due to the intense Israeli bombardment affecting every area in Gaza.

While preparing this report, an Asharq Al-Awsat correspondent observed the destruction and bombardment of eight towering structures in northwest Gaza.

These towers were constructed at the expense of the Palestinian Authority in 1997 and consist of approximately 352 residential apartments, housing employees working in the security apparatuses affiliated with the Palestinian Authority.

Fears of Famine Grow as Food Aid to Gaza Is Impeded

Palestinians wait for food from a charity kitchen amid a shortage of food in Rafah. (Reuters)
Palestinians wait for food from a charity kitchen amid a shortage of food in Rafah. (Reuters)

Fears of Famine Grow as Food Aid to Gaza Is Impeded

Palestinians wait for food from a charity kitchen amid a shortage of food in Rafah. (Reuters)
Palestinians wait for food from a charity kitchen amid a shortage of food in Rafah. (Reuters)

Only 10 percent of Gaza’s food and medical needs find their way to the Strip through a very narrow window, following the closure of the Rafah crossing after Israel took control of the Palestinian side of the border on May 7.

Along with the ongoing military operations, Israel is waging a different kind of war against civilians, obstructing international Arab supplies of aid, and threatening more than a million people with death and famine by mid-July, according to international estimates.

“The war machine is the only side that benefits from the current situation, while the people of Gaza are starving due to Israeli restrictions on the entry of food aid,” Dr. Bashar Murad, Executive Director of the Palestinian Red Crescent Society in the Gaza Strip, told Asharq Al-Awsat.

His remarks were echoed by media advisor to UNRWA Adnan Abu Hasna, who called for “urgent solutions to stop the specter of famine in the Gaza Strip.”

He called for “an end to the war, for Israel to open crossings and humanitarian corridors, and increasing the volume of aid...”

The International Emergency Response Conference for Gaza, which was held in Jordan earlier this month, reviewed the catastrophic situation on the ground after eight months of war. It noted the destruction of 60 percent of buildings and at least 80 percent of commercial facilities in Gaza. Educational and health institutions have also been turned to rubble.

The conference highlighted “the displacement of more than 1.7 million Palestinians in the Gaza Strip, or 75 percent of the population, since the beginning of the war.”

In addition to food scarcity, the residents of Gaza are facing a severe shortage of potable water as sewage and seawater have seeped into the coastal enclave’s underground reservoir, Abu Hasna noted.

“The continuation of the current conditions... makes the situation in Gaza the worst in history, and an unbearable hell,” he underlined.

On June 12, Director-General of the World Health Organization (WHO) Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus spoke about famine-like conditions facing a large segment of Gaza’s population, noting that 8,000 children under five “suffer from acute malnutrition.”

These estimates are consistent with warnings issued in early June, in a joint statement by the Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO) and World Food Program, along with the UN Coordinator, Martin Griffiths, predicting that half of the population of the Gaza Strip “will face death and famine by mid-July.”

Bashar Murad told Asharq Al-Awsat: “Signs of famine appeared in northern Gaza, and deaths were recorded there, as well as in the city of Deir al-Balah, due to the severe shortage of food aid.”

He also noted a government report, last Friday, that confirmed the death of 33 children due to famine, and the appearance of signs of malnutrition in 85,000 children.

“Despite the Arab and international airdrops of aid, quantities are insufficient, and the food shortage is increasing,” he said, adding: “Israel is using food as a weapon in violation of international law, and is exposing the residents of Gaza to famine by preventing the entry of aid.”

Regarding the obstacles facing supplies, Murad believes that the best solution is for Israel to withdraw from the Palestinian side of the Rafah crossing, which he described as “the main artery of the Gaza Strip.”