Gaza Carpenter Crafts Wooden Sandals for Daughters as War Rages

 Palestinian Saber Dawas crafts wooden sandals due to a shortage of footwear in the enclave and the lack of financial means to afford those which are available in the market, amid the Israel-Hamas conflict, in Khan Younis in the the southern Gaza Strip, September 9, 2024. REUTERS/Mohammed Salem Purchase Licensing Rights
Palestinian Saber Dawas crafts wooden sandals due to a shortage of footwear in the enclave and the lack of financial means to afford those which are available in the market, amid the Israel-Hamas conflict, in Khan Younis in the the southern Gaza Strip, September 9, 2024. REUTERS/Mohammed Salem Purchase Licensing Rights

Gaza Carpenter Crafts Wooden Sandals for Daughters as War Rages

 Palestinian Saber Dawas crafts wooden sandals due to a shortage of footwear in the enclave and the lack of financial means to afford those which are available in the market, amid the Israel-Hamas conflict, in Khan Younis in the the southern Gaza Strip, September 9, 2024. REUTERS/Mohammed Salem Purchase Licensing Rights
Palestinian Saber Dawas crafts wooden sandals due to a shortage of footwear in the enclave and the lack of financial means to afford those which are available in the market, amid the Israel-Hamas conflict, in Khan Younis in the the southern Gaza Strip, September 9, 2024. REUTERS/Mohammed Salem Purchase Licensing Rights

Twelve-year-old Heba Dawas lost her footwear in the chaos while fleeing Israel's military offensive in Gaza.

So her carpenter father made wooden-soled sandals for her so she can tread more safely through the tonnes of rubble, hot sand and twisted metal of the besieged Palestinian enclave.

"When we were displaced, we started running and the sandals broke," said Heba, who lives in a tent camp with her family in the southern Gaza city of Khan Younis.

"I threw them off and started running. Our feet became very hot. So, we had to make sandals from wood," she said, walking on hot sand with her new footwear.

Her father Saber Dawas, 39, came up with the idea after finding the price of sandals too expensive. Now his daughter does not have to go barefoot amid the ruins of Gaza.

"I had to make a tailored size for each daughter," Reuters quoted Dawas saying.


Soon enough, his neighbours noticed him making the sandals and started asking him to make some for their children.

Using basic carpentry tools, he made them for "a symbolic price," he says.

The sandals have a wooden sole and a strap made of a rubber strip or fabric. But there was a challenge in finding more wood because Palestinians needed it for cooking and fires.

"Everything here in Gaza is difficult to find," Dawas said, rubbing the base of a sandal with one of his young daughters watching by his side.

Making wooden sandals may ease the pressure of the war but life is still fraught with challenges in Gaza, where the Israeli offensive against Hamas has killed more than 41,000 Palestinians, according to the Gaza health ministry.

Nearly 2 million people have been displaced, often repeatedly, Gazan health officials say.

Hamas triggered the war on Oct. 7 when the Palestinian militant group attacked Israel.

A humanitarian crisis has gripped Gaza since then with Palestinians struggling to find food, water and fuel as they move up and down the territory seeking a safe place to shelter.

The United States, Qatar and Egypt have failed to secure a ceasefire through mediation after many attempts.

The border crossing with Egypt has been shut, bringing the flow of aid and basic goods such as shoes to a halt.

"People now are walking around with mismatched shoes," said Momen al-Qarra, a Palestinian cobbler repairing old shoes in a little market in Khan Younis.

"If the situation continues like this for two weeks or a month at the most, without the opening of the border, people will be barefoot."

What We Know About the Three Border Crossings between Jordan and Israel

A medical service vehicle drives near the site where a truck driver opened fire on the Allenby Bridge, also known as the King Hussein Bridge, near Jericho in the West Bank. (EPA)
A medical service vehicle drives near the site where a truck driver opened fire on the Allenby Bridge, also known as the King Hussein Bridge, near Jericho in the West Bank. (EPA)

What We Know About the Three Border Crossings between Jordan and Israel

A medical service vehicle drives near the site where a truck driver opened fire on the Allenby Bridge, also known as the King Hussein Bridge, near Jericho in the West Bank. (EPA)
A medical service vehicle drives near the site where a truck driver opened fire on the Allenby Bridge, also known as the King Hussein Bridge, near Jericho in the West Bank. (EPA)

The killing of three Israelis on Sunday in an armed attack by a Jordanian near the King Hussein-Allenby Bridge, from the Jordanian side, has brought attention to the three key border crossings linking Jordan and Israel. These points serve as vital land routes in the region.

While some of these crossings date back to World War I (1914–1918), their modern operation is regulated by the 1994 Jordan-Israel peace treaty, also known as the Wadi Araba Agreement. Here is what we know about them:

The Allenby Bridge (Israeli name) – King Hussein Bridge (Jordanian name) – Al-Karama Bridge (Palestinian name):

Located 57 kilometers from Amman, south of the Jordan Valley, this crossing sits geographically between the other two crossings. It is the only one designated for Palestinians traveling from Jericho.

According to Israeli border authorities, the bridge was originally built during World War I as a passage for British forces between the eastern and western banks of the Jordan River. Initially a simple wooden structure, it has evolved into one of the main crossings between the two sides.

Sheikh Hussein Bridge (Jordanian name) – Northern Crossing or Jordan River Crossing (Israeli name):

This crossing is located 90 kilometers north of Amman, close to the Sea of Galilee (Lake Tiberias).

Established as part of the Jordan-Israel peace agreement, it is used primarily for the passage of Israeli travelers, tourists, and the transport of goods between the two countries.

Wadi Araba Crossing or Southern Crossing (Jordanian name) – Yitzhak Rabin Crossing (Israeli name since 2002):

The southernmost border crossing between Israel and Jordan, it is situated 324 kilometers south of Amman and connects the cities of Eilat and Aqaba near the Red Sea.

This was the first crossing to open between Israel and Jordan following their peace agreement, and it is primarily used by Israelis and foreign tourists, either on foot or by car.