Saudi Defense Minister Meets with French Ambassador to the Kingdom


Saudi Defense Minister Meets with French Ambassador to the Kingdom


Prince Khalid bin Salman bin Abdulaziz, Saudi Minister of Defense, met in his office in Riyadh, France's Ambassador to the Kingdom Ludovic Pouille.

During the meeting, they reviewed the bilateral relations between Saudi Arabia and France and discussed a number of issues of common concern.

The meeting was attended by Prince Abdulrahman bin Mohammed bin Ayyaf, Deputy Minister of Defense; the Chief of General Staff Lt. Gen. Fayyad bin Hamed Al-Ruwaili; and the Assistant Minister of Defense for Executive Affairs Dr. Khaled bin Hussein Al-Bayari.

From the French side, the French military attache to the Kingdom Brigadier General Jean-Christophe Gerdet; and political advisor Hani Khalaf attended the meeting.

Kuwait Arrests Members of Terrorist Organization

The Kuwaiti Interior Ministry arrests members of a banned organization. (KUNA)
The Kuwaiti Interior Ministry arrests members of a banned organization. (KUNA)

Kuwait Arrests Members of Terrorist Organization

The Kuwaiti Interior Ministry arrests members of a banned organization. (KUNA)
The Kuwaiti Interior Ministry arrests members of a banned organization. (KUNA)

Kuwait’s security authorities have announced the arrest of citizens associated with a “banned organization that seeks to undermine the basic systems of the country,” the Interior Ministry said on Wednesday.

In a statement on X, the Ministry said that the State Security Service arrested citizens who have joined a banned organization that aims to harm the country, in reference to a terrorist group.

The detainees “disseminated the ideas of the organization on a social networking website and sought to travel abroad to join the organization,” according to the statement from the Ministry’s General Directorate of Security Relations and Media.

They have been referred to the Public Prosecution to take the appropriate legal measures against them, the statement concluded.